A/N: This is the home stretch, people! Thank you for reading!
Jim had fought tooth and nail, but in the end, McCoy had guilted them into letting him come along.
Spock had to let Jim know somehow that Hilar had asked him to come help gather leaves. There was no other way than to let McCoy in on the fact that the Trievans were sentient. They had been meaning to keep it from him until the Enterprise returned, but there was no getting around it.
McCoy had reacted 'spectacularly', in Jim's opinion. The Doctor had frozen where he sat, his hand halfway between Conna's ears. He took a long, slow look at the canine sitting next to him, and then back to Spock.
"Go ahead. Pull the other one."
When he had been assured that, yes, the Trievans were sentient, McCoy had gone very red. He'd adamantly refused a mind meld, citing that this was 'embarrassing enough without all of that'. Though, he'd immediately asked everyone's names. He was glad to know that he could call Hilar something a little more dignified, now that he knew that this was his colleague. The Trievans who had engaged in mind melds also recognized it when McCoy said their true names, since Spock's thoughts had given them a sample of human speech. Conna responded best to this. The scout was insistent on pursuing this friendship, now that they both understood each other a little better.
It was the three of them together again, along with Hilar, Conna, and his mentor Eliread. The older dog was there for Security purposes more than anything else if Hilar's description was understood. They weren't going very far, but the task ahead was too difficult for the Trievans themselves.
Hilar had outlined a simple plan: Spock and Jim would go and collect the leaves that the pack had been unable to reach on their own. The healer had gone on to explain that the Assistants had once performed this task for them, and their supply had been rapidly dwindling since the colonists arrived. In the last confrontation, they had used the rest of their supply. Hilar elaborated that they would need some more for the injured they had in the caves, as well as for McCoy.
The Doctor agreed. "You should've seen how they responded to that stuff. I'd like to take a look and see what's in those things, once we get back to the ship. It didn't work as well on me as it did on their wounded, but I noticed an improvement between every application. They can't touch a dermal regenerator, but this stuff makes one heck of an anti-inflammatory."
Jim and Spock were forced to listen- at length- to McCoy's proposed plan of study. The Doctor walked at Conna's side and absentmindedly stroked the scout's fur while he went on and on about the 'veritable goldmine of medicinal herbs' this planet might have. Neither of the other Trievans batted an eye. Jim figured this must've been 'situation normal' since they'd run across McCoy two nights ago.
Hilar trotted away from the rest of the group and looked up one of the trees. His tail wagged back and forth, and they got the impression that this was it. Indeed, it appeared to be the tree. The branches were high off the ground. It stood to reason that the Trievans wouldn't be able to get the leaves themselves. Not fresh ones, and not without somehow bringing the tree down.
"Captain, I can lift you up to one of the lower branches. From there, you can assist me into the tree."
Spock indicated a lower hanging branch where they might be able to make this work. Jim looked up at it, and then surveyed the rest of the tree. All in all, this was a feasible plan.
"Be careful, you two." McCoy called out from Conna's side. "I don't want to have to patch up any more injuries today."
Jim smiled back at him. "Don't worry, Bones. Careful is my middle name."
"If you fall outta that tree, Tiberius, I swear I'm not letting you out of Sickbay for a month."
"Point taken, Bones. Spock? Are you ready?"
They took up a position under the branch and Spock made a cradle with his hands. Jim took a slight running start, and rocketed up toward his target. It was a thick branch, not something easy to wrap his hands around, but he got a good enough grip to pull himself up. Then, it was a simple matter of leaning far enough over for Spock to jump up and grab his hand. Vulcans were a lot more agile than they looked. Jim half expected a comment on Vulcan gracefulness, but Spock kept quiet.
He followed Spock's lead, climbing further up the tree than he thought they'd need to.
"What's all this about? Are the leaves at the bottom of the tree different?"
Spock hoisted himself up over another thick branch. "Indeed, Captain. Hilar explained to me the difference briefly. Though abundant, the young leaves that can be used for medicine can only be found at a certain height on the tree. I have a theory about their chemical makeup as a response to the planet's sunlight, but this will require further study."
Jim simply hummed in agreement and found another foothold. The climb was going quickly, and it wasn't too much longer when Jim noticed the difference in the leaves. He could actually see it now. The new leaves were greener, darker, and more fragrant than those lower down on the tree. He was relieved that the branches hadn't thinned out considerably at this height. This would make it easier to hold their balance while collecting.
"Did you bring a bag, Spock?"
His question was met with dead silence. No, Spock hadn't brought a bag.
"Might I suggest that we consider an… alternate means of transporting our cargo?"
"I'm all for stuffing them in our shirts if you are, Mister Spock."
And so they did. Jim found that his undershirt was tight enough to keep the leaves from falling out the bottom. Spock seemed to be having a lot more trouble, but the more leaves they tried to carry, the better it was. Soon, they had bulging shirts and Jim was on the verge of hysteria. He'd never imagine Spock in the shape of a fire hydrant, but that was what his First Officer looked like. There was one thick protrusion of leaves under his shirt, but the rest looked like it usually did.
"About ready, Spock?"
"Indeed, Captain. I believe we should return to the ground before Doctor McCoy worries about us any further."
It took Jim a second, but he could hear the shouting faintly over the wind. He stopped listening after 'fool-headed, reckless monkeys flirting with death' and started making his way back down.
McCoy was waiting for them at the bottom of the tree. He came forward with the burlap sack as soon as Jim and Spock touched the ground. "Eliread brought this with him. Pretty smart, ain't it? I'd forgotten all about something to carry these things in."
Jim, stomach bulging with leaves, took the sack from the Doctor's hands. He and Spock emptied their loads inside and started the process over for a second helping. From Hilar's description, Spock estimated they would need to make two more trips to meet the desired quota.
They reached the heights again, and the pair began their work once more. Spock's ears picked up McCoy's shouting first, and they finished off their loads before heading back down to drop them off. Jim made the trip carefully. He found that the faster he went, the more likely he was to slip and lose some of his leaves. From both his officers' estimations, this was valuable cargo. He couldn't, in good conscience, let them go to waste.
The branches thinned out when they got very close to the ground. Jim could see Conna standing under their branch, stock-still and looking up at them expectantly. He didn't see McCoy or the others anywhere around. That was odd.
Dropping down from the lowest branch, Jim looked around the clearing. There wasn't a dog or a doctor in sight. Spock followed him close behind. Conna kept his distance. He had started staring at the ground. Jim didn't know what to think.
"What do you make of it? Do you think they found something to look at?" He took a step toward Conna and the bag of leaves. "I hope they didn't wander very far off."
"Not too far, Captain."
Jim spun around, already reaching for his phaser. He stopped in his tracks. Minister Dalarian, along with three other Matrians, emerged from the thicket. She was carrying one of those electric whips on her belt, as were the rest of her people. Jim's original question was answered quickly when the rest of his party reappeared. Hilar and Eliread were being led between two of Dalarian's agents. The third, Jim recognized as Cadrit. The Chief of Security kept a tight hold on his prisoner, one hand covering McCoy's mouth, the other pinning the Doctor's arms to his sides.
It was a trap.
Jim aborted the grab for his phaser and clenched his fists. So, they'd threatened Conna with the other captives. Probably told him to wait. Something Cadrit had cooked up, he supposed. Jim scowled. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that Cadrit had been behind the whole thing. And it stood to reason that he and his people enforced the subjugation of the Trievans too. Dalarian, though…
"You have a suitable plan. Carry it out."
"Yes, Minister. It will be taken care of."
His jaw clenched so hard he heard something crack. "You!" Jim was beyond angry. He broiled, wanting nothing more than to take all of the malice building up inside him and dole it out on the Matrians with his bare hands. Jim hadn't expected this. But now that he thought about it, this made some kind of sense. Bones' abduction would've been easy as an inside job, and who better to drug his own wine than the Minister herself? She probably even set up Spock's trip to the power plant. They'd cleared the road for Cadrit and his men to charge in and have their way.
Spock, though more collected, was burning as well. His first thought had been to survey the Doctor to see if he had been injured. It looked as if McCoy had been unharmed, but something had caused Spock to pause. The Doctor's eyes were wide and panicked. He stood stock-still in his captor's grip, but Spock could detect a tremor working through his frame. McCoy wasn't simply afraid. He was terrified. Based on the nature of the trap and the sly smirk on Dalarian's face, Spock decided there might be a very good reason for it.
"Release them!" Jim was keeping it together, barely. He looked about a second away from charging the party and taking them on singlehandedly. Spock put a hand on his Captain's arm, but Jim wasn't done. "You've gone far enough, Dalarian. I will not let you hurt them any more! Does your government know, Minister?" He spat the word with contempt. "Do they know about the atrocities committed here? The blatant lies and total disregard for sentient life? Not to mention the fact that you ordered an attack on a Starfleet officer! But I suppose that falls right in with your pattern of behavior. What's hospitality to you? Shake hands, then drive the knife in as soon as they turn?"
At this, the Minister smirked and shifted her weight to one leg. She either had the bravado of an expert, or not an ounce of shame.
"Captain Kirk, you've forgotten the most important part. You've overlooked the fact that I am running the most successful Matrian colony in our entire history of planetary settlement. Doesn't that count for anything? It's not an easy job, but it does have its rewards. I'm given the very best from Matrio, and the pay isn't bad either."
Jim looked ready to combust. Spock intervened. "And your government has no idea what you are actually doing in this colony, do they Minister?"
Unable to resist, Jim cut back in. "Yes, Dalarian, why don't you tell us what happened? What happened to the spirit of exploration? It must've been inconvenient for you. A little thing like that, standing in the way of your ill-gotten gains! I'm surprised no one found out sooner!"
She eyed Spock carefully, ignoring Jim's tirade. "Not at all. I highly doubt they'd approve of my methods." Dalarian flicked her gaze toward Bones and continued. "But, you Starfleet men are not so different with your photon torpedoes and your petty squabbles with the Klingons. You parade around the Neutral Zone just daring someone to attack so you can what? Claim to be in the right and steal some experimental technology? Grab an outpost for yourselves? What is the saying? 'You can not make breakfast without breaking a few eggs'?"
If looks could kill… Jim was about ready to rush forward and take them all on. Spock's hand was the only thing keeping him back. Dalarian was a snake, and her people looked to be just as unscrupulous. Jim had seen McCoy drugged, grieving, and drunk out of his mind. Very few times had he seen such unchecked horror on his friend's face. Something about the war party terrified him. Jim remembered those same eyes looking up at him from the burlap sack. He remembered Ramicran's words as she told them about how they'd found McCoy, the concern in every mind he'd shared today. Jim recalled McCoy's reticence to meld and it all fell into place.
"My God, Spock, they've done it to him again."
It was out in the open now, and McCoy's stifled sob was all the proof he needed. He turned to his First Officer. Rage welled up in those brown eyes, and he knew Spock had made the connection.
"Minister." Jim was surprised when Spock spoke. "Minister, the crime you have committed against Doctor McCoy alone is punishable by death on my home world. Not to mention the atrocities committed against the Trievans, an entire people. It is unimaginable, the violations inflicted on such a multitude. I assure you, you stand no chance in a Federation court."
Dalarian was taken aback, but she recovered quickly. "Is that a threat, Commander?"
Spock shook his head. "Not a threat. I was simply trying to inform you about the severity of your actions. That, and I can assure you that you will not escape."
"Escape? I'm holding all of the cards here, Commander. Cadrit." Dalarian snapped. "You have the Doctor. Remind Captain Kirk and Commander Spock of the stakes they're bluffing for."
Jim's blood froze in his veins, but he couldn't have been prepared for what Cadrit did next.
Dalarian's smile, just recently plastered back on, fell. She spun around and faced her Head of Security.
"What did you say?"
Cadrit looked unnerved. Jim hadn't been paying attention, but it looked like Spock's statement had gotten to him. Guilt welled up in his eyes. This was a man who had followed orders past his breaking point. Now, he was cracked and shattering quickly. "I said no! Have you thought about this? Where will it end? Will we be killing our own next?"
Dalarian's attention was locked in on Cadrit, but he still had McCoy in his grasp. Although it looked like his hold was loosening, Jim knew he would have to wait before trying anything.
"Our own will accept our word, Cadrit! They have accepted it so far! Why do you think we have enjoyed such peace?"
He broke. "Peace? You talk about peace, but what have you done? You have sent troops out night after night, killing the innocent! Most of those creatures left are either very young or very old. They have no way to defend themselves! And you expect nothing less than perfection. If so much as a child among our own suspected that they were intelligent, you would have me find the unfortunate creature and… I will have no more of it! I am done hurting for you, Dalarian! I am done killing for your comfort!"
He released McCoy, and everything happened at once.
Dalarian, blind with rage, unfurled the whip from her belt and prepared to lash out at Cadrit with all of her fury. The remaining two guards didn't know what to do, but there were two Trievans between them, and neither Matrian looked like they wanted to die today.
They stood their ground, until another pair of Trievans burst from the tree line. The two canines were large and fast, whipping through the underbrush out into the clearing. Jim supposed they must have been waiting in the shadows for a chance to strike. Now that there was an opening, one dove at Cadrit, and the other took on the guards. Jim and Spock responded at once, whipping out their phasers and firing. Jim took down Dalarian before finding himself at a loss. Spock had taken the opportunity to stun the other guards. One of the newcomers stood over them, while the other went after his own target.
Cadrit was kneeling in the grass, frozen. The first dog, taller than any that Jim had seen yet, had its teeth bared in the man's face. The huge dog was lean and muscular, with dark fur and an air of command like Mumidran had. Cadrit was riveted to the spot. But, he wasn't the only one.
McCoy was on the ground. The doctor had been thrown when Cadrit was toppled. Now, he was curled up behind the dog's massive legs. You wouldn't be able to touch McCoy without getting past the giant.
"I am done." Cadrit raised his hands in surrender. "Do with me as you will, but I won't take part in Dalarian's crimes any longer."
Jim lowered his phaser and slipped it back into the holster on his belt. The newcomers weren't from the caves. He hadn't seen them before, but apparently Hilar and the others recognized them. McCoy's colleague ran to him straight away. Hilar grabbed onto the doctor's shirt and pulled him away from the giant.
Now that McCoy was clear, Jim started running forward. That got a reaction. The huge dog put himself between the Captain and Hilar before snarling. Jim stopped dead. Spock had a different idea.
The healer's head poked out from behind the wall of fur and teeth. After a moment, the giant stood down, but he didn't relax. Jim and Spock hadn't earned his trust, but they were free to move about the clearing. For now.
Spock arrived before Jim did and took stock of the situation. He took a seat next to McCoy, who was in the process of protecting his head with his arms. So tense was he, the he didn't even notice Spock at first. When the Doctor was finally able to relax, he became more aware of his surroundings. He let Spock help him up, but he wouldn't meet the Vulcan's eye. Perhaps it was embarrassing to be seen in such a state. Spock knew that pride, although an emotion, was something he struggled with as well.
"Leonard." That grabbed McCoy's attention immediately. "Are you injured?"
The Doctor shook his head. "No, Spock. No more than I was a minute ago. Just a little… a little stunned is all. I'll be fine."
Spock nodded once and turned to his Captain. "If you would secure the prisoners, I will… assess Doctor McCoy's condition."
"What do you mean 'assess' you pointed-eared fraud? Did you get a medical degree in the last two days?"
That was all Jim needed to hear. "The safe ends of those whips should do nicely. I'll be right back. Bones, behave."
"Oh, I'm bein'-have." He muttered as Jim left. And he was fine, mostly. McCoy'd been a little shaken up when the Matrians had jumped them. It wasn't so bad then. He'd been nabbed by invaders, rogue aliens, diplomats, you name it- but he was more scared for Jim and Spock. It wasn't until he'd heard Cadrit speak that his legs had turned to jello and his insides dissolved. Wasn't like he'd forget those voices. Those three had only been haunting his nightmares two nights running. Three? He didn't know anymore.
"Well, are you gonna 'assess' me, or can I do my own blasted job?" McCoy rubbed at his shoulder. He knew Spock and Jim had heard everything. They'd drawn all the right conclusions. It didn't make anything easier. Cadrit had still driven a hot poker through McCoy's mind. It might hurt a little less today, but it still hurt.
He'd recovered somewhat since the confrontation. Asta's sudden appearance, though terrifying, was reassuring. McCoy spared a glance at Hilar and Conna, who were talking to the big Security Chief. It looked like Doctor Dog wanted to some assessing of his own, but Asta was monopolizing his attention. He smiled. Seemed like the big guy cared about him after all.
When McCoy glanced back, Spock simply raised an eyebrow. He was giving McCoy that look, the one that brokered no BS, and would tolerate no avoidance.
"Leonard. Are you well?"
McCoy sighed but didn't drop his gaze this time. "Mostly, Spock. You don't just 'get over' something like that but… Mostly." He ran his free hand through his hair. Jim and Spock were safe and that was what had been worrying him so much these last few days. It was not knowing that killed him. Sure, his brainwaves were probably scrambled, but Spock was a finer radio tuner than anyone he knew. They could figure it out.
Jim chose this moment to return, a smug grin on his face and a coldness in his eyes. "They're secured. Spock, Bones, everything alright?"
"Peachy, Jim. It's all good here." McCoy rolled his eyes when Jim immediately went to Spock for a second opinion, but the hobgoblin actually backed him up.
"I believe the Doctor is well. Perhaps he is a bit shaken from the sudden turn of events, but not in worse condition."
"That's what I said, Spock. Geez, for all that computerized brain of yours processes, you sure can't take a hint."
"What would you have me say, Doctor? My wording is more precise than your illogical colloquialisms, which you are so fond of inflicting on the rest of the crew."
"I'll show you an affliction, you green-blooded-"
"Gentlemen." Jim stepped between them and put a hand on McCoy's shoulder. "I think we've seen enough combat for today. What say you we escort our prisoners back to the cave while I try to get in touch with the ship? Scotty's due for arrival in what, six hours?"
"Four point two-seven-five, Captain."
"Even better! Let's get a move on."
McCoy picked at the end of the bandage. Nurse Chapel had done a spectacular job, as per usual, but he was still uncomfortable. Having only one usable hand made things difficult. Still, it was only temporary. Provided he stayed off duty for the next three days, he could return to light duty, and then regular duty after three more. His psychological evaluations had a little to do with this prolonged rest. Scotty and Uhura had sat on either side of him while he got the whole story out. They were almost entirely responsible for his ability to recount everything coherently.
Once regulations had been satisfied, McCoy had been released to his quarters. First things first, he'd taken a nap like no other. Only once did he bolt upright, wide-awake, but the familiar thrum of the engines set him at ease again. Jim and Spock had assured him that everything was in hand. They'd contacted the Matrian Ambassador straight away. Hanari had some… words to say about Dalarian and her operation, and the fastest ships on Matrio III were being sent with all haste.
The colonists had been utterly shocked by the revelation, but they had adapted to the news pretty well. It seemed like Spock's words were accepted at face value. Jim had described how the colonists immediately set to freeing the Trievan 'assistants' before opening communication fully. Councilwoman Mumidran was meeting with the highest-ranking Matrian official who had not been in on the plot. Sanitation Overseer Allere was doing admirably according to all reports.
McCoy was about to settle down to some tea- liberally sweetened with honey- when there was a knock on the door.
"Come." The Doctor shifted his own comforter around his shoulders before taking a sip of the tea. Hot and sweet just like Grandma made. He was surprised to see Uhura enter, but more surprised still to see the Councilwoman and Scout Conna following her.
"Afternoon, Doctor." Uhura gave him a cursory inspection before setting something down on the table. McCoy's eyebrows rose when he recognized a universal translator, the kind they usually kept on shuttles and the like.
"Does this mean I'm not gonna have to mind-meld to chat with these two?" Theoretically, it wasn't a terrible idea, but some things were too soon in coming to consider.
Uhura smiled. "Not unless you want to. I've been working with Mister Spock and Scout Conna here to calibrate the translator properly. We've tested it somewhat, but this will be the first proper conversation that it will run through. If you don't mind, Doctor," Uhura's expression softened a little, "I was going to stay and make sure the calibrations were right. I won't intrude, however, if you'd like-"
McCoy waved her off. "No, no, you're fine to stay. I dare say you'll find all this… amusing." Turning to his guests, the Doctor gestured to the room at large. "Make yourselves at home. Sit or stand wherever you'd like."
"Thank you."
McCoy sat up straighter. The voice sounded human, but it was unmistakably Mumidran, as he came to know her now. Her mouth didn't move, but whatever sound she was making was getting picked up. It worked, and the Councilwoman lost none of her stately air in translation.
"You're quite welcome… Councilwoman…" McCoy cleared his throat. This was more awkward than he supposed it would be. Chance- Conna seemed to sense the tension and did what he did best. The scout plodded over to McCoy's bed and faced the Doctor at about his own eye level.
"Permission to come aboard, Blue?"
McCoy almost snorted. "Permission granted." Conna wagged his tail happily before leaping onto the bed with the Doctor. Protocol safely out the window, the conversation could flow much more easily.
"Tell me more about 'Blue'. How'd all y'all come to agree on that one?"
Mumidran fielded this question, as Chance- Conna, blast it, Conna- ducked his head and seemed rather embarrassed.
"Scout Conna named you, and the rest of us deemed it… fitting…" Mumidran looked about as sheepish as a dog could. She quickly perked up again, restarting. "On the subject of names, I understand you named us as well. Would you elaborate? We, well, we find you- we find your culture fascinating."
"Spock teach y'all that one?" McCoy mumbled. His hand gravitated towards Conna's fluffy ears. "Well, I uh, chose names that I felt were… um… appropriate based on your respective personalities. Scout Conna for instance, I called Chance. His partner- forgive me, we weren't well acquainted- I called Shadow. The names of a famous duo of… adventurers."
This seemed to appease Conna. He settled contentedly on McCoy's lap.
"Your Security Chief…?"
"Icheleus, yes, I called him Asta, after… A very famous do- detective's aid, who helped solve a great many crimes."
Mumidran nodded, hanging on his every word.
"Lassie is a famous messenger, and your Ramicran fit the bill. Hilar I called Rin Tin Tin after a famous… search and rescue worker." It was getting harder and harder for him to keep cranking these out. Uhura was remarkably good at keeping a straight face, but McCoy could see her eyes crinkling more and more with every feeble explanation.
"And… me?"
McCoy licked his lips. "Lady Rev… Reveille, First Lady and Highest Ranking Member of the Corps, and the only bearer of the five silver diamonds." Uhura was about to crack. He kept up his best poker face through it all, however. Mumidran seemed impressed.
"These names were… thought out, I can see. We called you Blue more out of ease, for referring to you as 'him' or 'the little one' seemed… unfitting." The Trievans all seemed very upset about having treated him as a pet. "The others, they have referred to you as The Doctor and as McCoy. Also, you Captain calls you Bones? Which of these to you use to refer to yourself?"
Conna was also intrigued by this question. He looked up at McCoy expectantly.
"I… The name my mother gave me is Leonard Horatio McCoy, Leonard to close friends, McCoy to colleagues, mostly. The Captain calls me Bones as you called me Blue, but more out of fun than necessity."
"And what shall we call you?" Conna blinked up at him with interest.
McCoy cracked a smile. "Call me whatever you like, just don't call me late for dinner!"
All of the senior officers were present when it was time to bid the Trievan party farewell. The group had thoroughly enjoyed their tour of the Enterprise, the favorite spots being the mess hall and the Sickbay, followed closely by Engineering.
Icheleus had taken a shine to Scotty at once, and the pair gave Uhura a bit of exercise trying to keep up with them. It seemed the Security Chief and the Chief Engineer had more in common than either had supposed. Icheleus ran a tight ship of his own, as it was, and he found both a kindred spirit and a taste for Scotch.
Hilar had marveled at the technology in Sickbay. Mumidran and Conna had tagged along as well, but their interest was surface level while Hilar's was professional. Even with his arm still in a sling, McCoy had guided his colleague all around, doing his best to explain hand-held tools and assure Hilar that they could treat all of the most severe cases the Trievans had at once. In fact, a few of the worse-off patients had already been delivered, and Hilar watched Doctor M'Benga operate with keen interest.
At the end of the day, the Enterprise had to leave for Starbase 11. A diplomatic team was being sent to Trievas II at once, in addition to the Matrian Ambassador who would arrive tomorrow.
Uhura made sure she was present at the farewell. She knew some goodbyes would be exchanged, and Spock was just about exhausted from all of the mind melds. Neither of them could be everywhere at once.
"I suppose this is it. I promise I'll come visit. Next time we're in the neighborhood, I'll be sure to drop by. Maybe even bring souvenirs."
McCoy petted each head vigorously. Even Icheleus, so cold toward the Doctor earlier, accepted a scratch behind the ears in parting. Conna was more upset. He slathered McCoy in affection.
"I will miss you, Blue."
Biting his lip bravely, McCoy looked down at his new friend. "I'll miss you too. We'll see each other again, I'm sure of it."
"I'll hold him to that." Jim smiled amicably at the whole group. Everything had turned out to his satisfaction. The Matrians were being prosecuted, and the Trievans now had more help and support than they knew what to do with. He supposed that might just be the ticket, after such a traumatic incident, an abundance of available help but nothing that overstepped boundaries. They'd be in communication with the Trievans every step of the way.
Uhura handed off the universal translator to Mumidran, who took it in her mouth.
"I've downloaded all of the data from our conversations into the computer, so we can program more of these. But, I think it would be best for you all to have one of your own, so that there will be no more communication incidents in the future."
"We thank you, Lieutenant Uhura. Scout Conna?" Mumidran and the others had already alighted onto the transporter pad. It was a tight fit, so they were all obligated to sit, but they'd make it.
"I guess this is it, buddy." McCoy gave Conna one last squeeze.
"Until next time, Blue." The Scout licked his face for good measure before retreating to the pad.
Jim nodded to Scotty before addressing the party one last time. "Thank you, for everything you've done for us. We will try to repay that favor, but-"
"Say no more, Captain." Mumidran inclined her head towards him. "You have done more than we could have ever hoped for."
Smiling a little, Jim nodded back at her. "We wish you all the best."
"To you as well, Captain."
"Thank you. Scotty, whenever you're ready."
"Aye, sir." Scotty put in the sequence and started transport. McCoy stuck his hand up to wave goodbye, and found his eyes welling up when Conna mimicked the gesture with his paw. Whether or not he'd realized it before now, Conna had been a huge part of his recovery up to this point. Now, McCoy could see everything for how it was. The kid had a knack for reading others, and he'd used that talent to his fullest potential.
"He'll make a great psychiatrist." Jim muttered in McCoy's direction. "If he gets bored with being a scout."
That was enough to make McCoy snort. Leave it to Jim to get him out of a dark patch.
"Maybe Hilar will set him straight- make a proper doctor out of the kid. He'd do wonders with that mental mumbo-jumbo of his."
"That 'mumbo-jumbo', Doctor, was instrumental in both your initial rescue, and return from the Trievans' care."
And leave it to Spock to put a damper back on the whole thing.
"Just what do you know, Spock? I have it on good authority that of the three of us, I was the most communicable without the aid of any of that telepathy business."
"Your highly elevated and shall we say loud emotional state made it very easy for the Trievans to read your emotions. I had not thought it possible, but from my understanding, you were far more erratic and emotional than usual."
"Why you pointed-eared-"
"Gentlemen, please." Jim stepped between his two officers and grinned. "I think I've had enough arguments for one day. Now, what say you we all head to my quarters and enjoy a drink and some of those delightful fruits Bones was given as a parting gift?"
McCoy's grin split his face from ear to ear. "Sounds like a good idea to me. Spock, I've got just the recommendation for you. These little red ones, see, they look like spoons… I think you'll take a shine to 'em."
A/N: You know, for a dare story, this didn't go so badly. Please tell me what you think, and also drop me a PM if you're into this same kind of melodramatic fluff that I am. I'd love to hear from you.