A/N I decided that Merlin deserves to be helped/protected by the Knights of the Round Circle and Arthur.
Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin; all rights go to BBC
"I don't get why I have to come with you on these stupid hunts!" Merlin complained for about the fourth time in the last hour, Arthur rolled his eyes before turning to face his manservant.
"Because Merlin you're my servant and you must serve me!" Arthur argued, fake glaring at Merlin; who just laughed.
"Since when do I actually listen or do what you say?" He retorted, smirking back at Arthur.
"Whatever!" Arthur muttered before turning back to the path ahead. Merlin turned to Gwaine and mouthed 'prat' before nodding his head towards Arthur, Gwaine laughed and nodded. Percival, Elyan, and Leon all turned their heads to see what all the commotion was about. They saw Gwaine and Merlin laughing so they rolled their eyes and urged their horses to go faster. Soon they came to a small clearing and decided to set up camp there. Merlin tied up all the Knights horses before taking all the bed rolls and packs off the horses saddles. He then proceeded to set up the fire and laid all the knights bed rolls out near the fire, before setting his bed roll up against a tree, farthest away from the fire. He sighed getting ready for another night with out sleep, he never got much sleep on these hunts because he was farthest from the fire and all he was able to bring was a thin woolen blanket, that and he was up really early each morning.
"I'm going to go grab more fire wood before it gets any darker." Merlin says as he passes the knights and heads into the forest to look for some wood. By the time it became dark the fire was bright and warm. So Merlin was sitting around it, cooking some stew for the knights and the king. He stirred it once more before pouring it into a couple of bowls for the knights to eat. He then walked around passing out the soup to the others before heading back to the fire to pour the remaining soup into his bowl and ate quickly before going around and doing his normal chores; feed the horses, add more fire wood to the fire, and then go around collecting the dirty dishes before heading to the river to wash the dishes. He felt really dizzy out of no where but ignored it, believing it to be because he had got up to fast. He finished the dishes and then walked back to the camp.
"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to go to sleep." Percival said as he went to lay on his bed roll, the rest of the knights nodded before heading to their bed rolls; save from Leon who had watch first. Merlin waited until he was sure Arthur and Gwaine were asleep before turning to Leon.
"If you want to go get some rest, I can take over watch." Merlin offered, unsure of what Leon was going to say.
"It's fine Merlin, I got it. You should probably get some sleep." Leon said turning to face him for a split second. Merlin nodded before rolling over towards the fire. He pulled his thin blanket around his shoulders tightly, he closed his eyes but it was no use, he was freezing and he kept shivering. He rolled over and looked up at the foggy sky, he could see the stars dimly peeking through the clouds.
*6 hours later*
Merlin heard Leon shake Elyan awake to tell him it was his time for watch. Elyan looked around the small clearing and saw Merlin stirring slightly.
"Merlin, are you still awake?" He whispers as he turned to face the servant. Merlin nodded and sat up slightly, he had started to feel really dizzy again.
"Merlin, how long has it been since you've slept?" He asks as he turned to face the young warlock.
"Umm...maybe 4 or 5 days." Merlin muttered quietly.
"What! Why not?" Elyan yelled out in shock, waking most of the other knights.
"Huh, is it time to wake up already?" Arthur asked slightly disoriented, before turning to face Elyan and Merlin. Percival looked up at the sky, seeing it was starting to light up with Sunlight. Elyan too looked up at the sky and nodded his head slightly, after casting a concerned glance at Merlin. Merlin just shook his head and stood up to make breakfast for his and the knights. When he stood he wavered ever so slightly, dark spots swimming in and out of his vision. He started to walk towards the fire but collapsed right after he made it past his bed roll.
"Merlin!" The Knights of Camelot yelled rushing towards their friend, Elyan looked the least surprised about Merlin's collapse.
"Do any of you know how this happened?!" Arthur yelled in outrage. Everyone shook their heads, except Elyan.
"He told me hadn't slept good in about 4 or 5 days." He told the knights and king, before Percival picked up the servant. He moved towards the fire, gently laying Merlin on his bed roll.
"Guys, he's freezing. Do we have any more blankets?" Percival told them, grabbing some flints and restarted the fire. Merlin shivered pulling the blanket around himself tighter. Gwaine grabbed some blankets from the other bed rolls and draped them over Merlin's shivering form.
"I'm going to go grab some more firewood." Leon said as he headed towards the forest that surrounded the clearing. Arthur quickly got over his shock and kneeled next to his manservant.
"You stupid, ignorant idiot!" Arthur yelled at the warlock, shaking his head in disbelief.
"How could you not realize," Gwaine started "Even I noticed but when I asked he said he was 'fine'. Does this look fine to you?" He said, Arthur glares at the "sleeping" boy and shakes his head slightly. About five minutes later Leon returned and sat down next to Merlin, handing the fire wood to Percival who restarted the fire. Gwaine slipped his cloak off and draped it over Merlin, who was starting to stir slightly. His blue eyes open, slightly foggy and disoriented. All the knights surrounded the servant, making sure he was okay. He puts his head in his hand, groaning quietly.
"Merlin, why haven't you been sleeping?" Arthur asked, trying and failing to hide the concern is his voice.
"Well you and Gaius have been giving me like 20 chores each and I can't get all of them done in a day. So normally I'm up trying to get them all done before I have to wake you up!" He retorted angrily, Gwaine and Percival; who were the closest to Merlin glared at Arthur, who looked guilty. Elyan started to pack up all the supplies and tying them to their respected owner's horses. Everyone started to get on their horses, the knights helping Merlin; who was still shaking and stumbling when he tried to stand up. They all turned around and instead of going deeper into the forest, they turned and headed towards Camelot; because before hunting, friends always came first. It was after all a part of the knights code.
A/N I know this was terrible, I was in a hurry to write this. :)