Legends of tomorrow remake

Summary: Basically a remake with my oc's added to the team but are added at the end of episode 9.

AN: Good news, I have finally been able to access my reviews, so thank you to justAlida, your comments are very appreciated and helpful. Comments do help me and I promise to update faster if I get more. Also the ending to the show has made me really sad, luckily there is this remake. Also I have recently been watching Prison Break and there will be a reference or two here, just what I do make references and jokes from stuff I like especially if it is recent. So on with the show and all that jazz.

Chapter 4: Security breach(best I could come up with)

"Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod. Ohmygod!" DJ ranted still standing in front of the door, running her hands through her hair, messing it up.

"Girl calm down will you." Red instructed the other brunette, skating towards the door and looking through the peephole, she took a look at them all and saw them conversing, whispering so the girls couldn't hear.

"Huh, the guy with the funny looking gun kinda looks like Michael Scofield from Prison break." Red pointed out, Deej slacking, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder and pulled her back. She skating backwards a bit and losing her balance a bit and nearly fell to the floor on her butt, if Cupid had not slip her fist under her armpits and pushed her to stand up straight.(For anyone who watched how I met your mother it is what Marshall did when Barney nearly fell in the episode 'wait for it')

"And up we go." Cupid said as she did her motion.

"So how are we gonna get out of here then?" Hope asked, confused by most of the situation but understood some.

"(Snaps fingers)Blast a hole through the ceiling." Red offered pointing up.

"Were not blasting a hole through the ceiling! Again!" DJ denied shaking her head.

"Oh come on! What's the worse that could happen?" Red asked.

"What's the worse that could happen?!" Deej repeated and the two started to argue, overlapping each other, Cupid stepping in between them and got into the argument herself. Hope just walked over to the couch, sat on the edge of the arm facing them and started to eat out of the cookie jar on the nightstand next to that side of the couch. The girls kept at this for a minute, but stopped when they heard a knock from the window on the other side of the apartment, all turning to see Chris crouching on the fire escape and window sill.

"Hey, you guys coming?" Chris asked.

"Fire escape." DJ started, everyone turning to her. "We thought of "blasting through the roof", before we thought of fire escape." The others just shrugged their shoulders.

The legends team had decided to confront the girls, knowing they could help get Sara back and still need them for the team. So they went to their apartment which was located above the diner they worked at. They all were suited up and outside the apartment, Rip just about to knock on the door, when it was opened by DJ, taking a quick look at everyone and then slamming it shut.

"Well that happen." Ray said when the door shut, the sounds of the girls voices on the other side of the door being softly heard.

"So now what?" Jax asked, separating from Stein.

"Perhaps we should explain the predicament to them, of how we need their help with Sara and then Savage, and hope for the best." Stein suggested.

"You really think explaining a situation likes this to 4 teen girls is the best idea at the moment?" Snart asked though it was rhetorical.
"Snart's right, when we have to do this we gotta be gentle. I know if I was in there position I would probably be freaked out by this." Kendra added.

"Trust me, with the things they have already gone through, this while most likely be in their field of expertise." Rip countered.

"Now that that's settled, let's talk to them so we can get Sara and then the hell out of here." Snart interjected, sounding very impatient. At that, Rip knocked on the door, no sound coming from inside.

"Anyone there?" Ray asked.

"Of course dummy, we just saw them." Snart quipped.

"Actually, I think I saw a fire escape on the side of the building." Kendra interjected. Rip was about to knock on the door but Leonard just pushed him out of the way and kicked the door open.

"Well, guess they're not home." Jax guessed as everyone walked in.

"Wow, they have a lot of cookie jars." Ray stated with a chuckle, noting all the cookies and how each jar was something, one a robot, another diamond shaped, there was even one that looked like cookie monster.

"Question the amount of cookie jars later. Right now we must figure out where they have gone." Rip command.

"And why there are a bunch of guys in masks on the ground." Kendra added walking over one robot.(They are unaware at the moment they are robots.)

"A laptop, it certainly must have some information that could lead us to where they have gone." Stein suggested seeing the red laptop on the island, it currently closed.

"On it." Ray offered, walking over to the island and taking a seat on the bar stool in front of the computer.

"What if there is a password on it?" Jax asked.

"Shouldn't be too hard to figure out. I mean, they are just teen girls, how complicated could a password be?" Ray asked with a chuckle, opening the laptop. When he did, a red light came out from the camera at the top, scanning Ray's face for a second, then disappearing.

"Not Red." A automated voice stated from the computer, suddenly Ray is electrocuted by the chair for about 5 seconds, once done he is dazed and falls of the chair.

"Okay, guess a password can be hard." Ray corrected lying on the ground.

"Ray? Are you okay?" Kendra asks kneeling beside him.

"Yeah, but I think I'm gonna need to call felicity to help with this." Ray responded while trying to sit up Kendra helping him, his voice sounding strained.

The girls along with their boyfriends were parked two blocks away from the clock tower. Maurice in the driver's seat, Deej shotgun, Chris Hope and Tyler on the bench behind Maurice in the back, Red Cupid and Logan on the other bench behind DJ.

"Okay, so how exactly is this gonna go down?" Chris asked.

"I gotta plan, though it is crazy, stupid, and you guys gotta trust me." Dj started, turning towards the back of the van, Chris doing the same.

"So same old same old?" Hope asked tilting her head, everyone laughing, she just confused as usual.

AN: I am sorry I havn't posted in over a week, and that this isn't my best work, I have just been busy and a little distracted by everything and coming up with more and more ideas for this story. The next chapter will be when the legends actually meet the girls, and we will then be going into progeny. And after that I will add in an extra episode or two that will contain captain canary and possibly atomic hawk, all depends on reviews. So until then, R&R, I love you all, good night. (Mic drop, moon walk)