Disclaimer: I do not own Legends of Tomorrow
"Crack!" Rip heard as a he landed on the floor and felt a blinding pain in his chest for a moment before he blacked out from the pain.
He woke up to a throbbing pain a moment later and ignoring the pain quickly staggered into an upright position and shot back at Chronos.
He and the team was shooting and ducking simultaneously when once again he was hit and landed on the floor. Although, this time he felt something shift inside his chest and once again blacked out.
When he came back to consciousness, he knew for sure that he had broken his ribs and that there might have been something more serious, but he ignored it trying to discover where Mr. Snart went and to try and fix the ship.
He knew in some portion of his mind that free-falling through time would defiantly not help his ribs, but it was because of him and his mission that they were in this position, so he pushed through the pain and successfully found Mr. Snart and later Ms. Lance. Although, discovering who Chronos's identity was like another blow to his chest.
He should never have involved all the others. It was never their fight. It was his and he would successfully find and stop Vandal Savage no matter what, but he would return the team back to their respective timelines before anything else happened to them.
"Gideon, Where's the Captain?" Sara asked
"He is currently in the medbay." Gideon replied smoothly "Shall I inform him that you are looking for him Ms. Lance?"
"No, no it's fine Gideon. I was just wondering where he was." She said
"Although, I wonder what he is still doing in the medbay after fixing Snart's hand? Maybe he was just cleaning up." She thought out loud mostly to herself, but loud enough for Gideon to detect
"Captain Hunter is currently in the medbay having the internal bleeding from the broken ribs he sustained fixed." She heard Gideon reply
"Wait! What?" Sara asked completely shocked. When did Rip get injured? She racked her brain for an answer, but came up with nothing.
"Gideon, tell Rip that I'm coming to the medbay and will be there in a minute."
"I will tell him Ms. Lance, but I do not believe he will happy about it." Gideon replied
But by that point, Sara was already quickly heading to the medbay.
When she arrived she saw Rip sitting shirtless on the cot trying to put his shirt on.
"Miss. Lance if you please excuse I will be leaving now. I just wanted to finish cleaning up" Rip said politely
"Nope" she replied "You aren't going anywhere yet. Gideon told me that you were getting your busted ribs fixed. Except, when the hell did you even break your ribs! And why did you not tell any of us?!"
"I did not feel the need to inform any of the team because it was unimportant and it was none of their business." Rip said while still struggling to get the shirt over his head
"Stop. Just stop it. You are going to hurt yourself more!" Sara said irritably while watching him struggle
"Let me help you" She said while standing up and heading further into the Medbay from her previous position of leaning against the doorframe.
"I am fine Miss. Lance I do not require assistance, but thank you for the offer." Before he could say anything else he was interrupted
"What the hell! I thought you said Gideon fixed your ribs?" Sara said angrily. When she moved farther into the room she had an unobstructed view of Rip for the first time.
She saw a vivid mass of bruises in a variety of different colors spreading across his rib cage.
"She did, but she said it would be the best if the bruises, that's what they are nothing more, healed naturally." Rip replied while finally successfully putting his shirt on and went to stand up.
"Woah woah woah Slow down there Bucko. Where do you think you're going?"
"I am retiring back to my bedroom then I'm plotting the course back to Star City 2016."
"Wait now I'm even more confused, but firstly why are we going back to Star City? Sara asked confused "Wait! Savage doesn't go to Star City does he?"
"No, No Savage doesn't not go anywhere near Star City according to Gideon." He replied quickly
"So... Why are we going back then?"
"I am returning you and the rest of the team to your proper timelines." Rip said quietly
"Wait! What? You are giving up on saving your wife's life? I never pinned you a coward." Sara said angrily
"I never said I was giving up on saving my families life." Rip said angrily his eyes flashing "I'm just completing my mission alone, so I am returning you all back to your proper timelines."
He then walked around Sara towards to console room while she just stood in the Medbay looking shocked.
"Wait! Slow down!" Sara said while chasing after him in the hall and grabbing Rip's shoulder and pulling him around to face her.
When she did that, Rip felt a flash of pain across his chest and hid the wince that briefly flashed across his face.
"What the hell do you mean? You are returning us to our timelines and continuing on your own?! I thought we were a team Rip!"
"We are a team Ms. Lance, but I believe that it would be more prudent if I continued alone."
"Why now? Huh? Because you felt bad that Ray, Kendra, and I were stuck in 1950's and you want to protect us? That's crap Rip!"
"Not just Dr. Palmer, Ms. Saunders and you, but everyone! I forced Mr. Rory off this vessel and he was forced into the service of the Time Masters broken and reshaped until all was left was Chronos, a bounty hunter! Dr. Stein almost lost his wife in 1975! Mr. Jackson did not even want to come! Dr. Stein was forced to drug him!" And Carter... Carter... I killed Carter with my mission. I won't let it happened to the rest of you." Rip yelled angrily while pacing the small hallway and running his hand through his hair repeatedly
"And me?" Sara asked softly just looking at Rip "What awful thing did you do to me yet? I enjoyed the 1950's, so don't use that as an excuse."
"That's the thing Sara" Rip said using her first name "I don't want to hurt you on the account of my mission. You and the rest of the team had lives in 2016 before I grabbed you. You have families that are waiting for you at home."
Rip then slowly turned around and continued to walk to the console room. His heart felt heavy with guilt and sadness.
When he arrived at the console room, he said, " Gideon map a course for Star City 2016"