
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, just my own ideas.

Author's Note: This story consists of shots of events from Star Trek: Beyond, so spoiler alert!

I'm also a fan of the interactions between Kirk, Spock and McCoy from the original series, so I'm trying to get a balance between their chemistry in TOS and in this timeline.

First: Escape

McCoy slid tiredly into his seat, grimacing as he fastened the seatbelt over his broken ribs. He wasn't sure how long it would be before he punctured a lung (and the strain earlier must have done something), but as he looked around, he knew the risk was worth it.

Together, they've rescued everyone from their cells and was now on their way back to Yorktown.

Hopefully. If the physics allowed it.

He wasn't quite sure of the entire situation (having not majored in engineering, after all), but from what he could gather, they would need to reach terminal velocity to actually take flight. That clearly meant that they would need to actually have some way to travel and accelerate to that speed.

And considering that this ship was literally wedged in the mountainside near a cliff…

He decided he didn't really want to know how this terminal velocity was going to be reached.

If they died, well, at least in his afterlife he could tell Jim "I told you so", although apart from this, he couldn't think of how else he'd be able to derive satisfaction from being dead. He would very much like to be alive, thank you very much, but remembering once more that his life was now in the hands of two young crewmates (man, he was getting old), he decided that it was probably fair to be prepared for the worst.

The intercom next to him flickered, disrupting his string of thoughts that was becoming more and more disturbing. "Bones, how's the crew?"

"Well I could do with a functional MedBay, but as of now I think we're fine," he said, sweeping across the room to make sure that everyone was strapped up. With that, the intercom closed, which meant the whole acceleration thing was starting soon.

He gripped his chair tighter. His breathing quickened, but the sharp pain from his ribs once more reminded him that if he didn't calm down soon, he'd be giving the ship a medical emergency that would take attention off this whole reaching terminal velocity thing.

Better not puncture a lung then, he thought wryly.

Suddenly, he felt the whole ship shudder, and they began to move forwards slowly. Then, the whole ship seemed to tip, and they soon reached a speed much faster than before. He didn't need to look out of the windows to know what was happening.

Yes, this was exactly the way he thought Jim Kirk would attempt to reach terminal velocity.

-To be continued-

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