With Shaggy's, well Shaggy like grace. Fred looked down at his plate and then rattled his paper baggy with his utensil options. Pulling each one out, he placed them in a row to try to get his brain wrapped around what his options were for eating the meal in front of him.

The top was his metal, pie server looking thing. But he wasn't sure that it was one of those, since Shaggy had one in his baggy. And knowing Shaggy and Scooby, they wouldn't double up on the same kind of tool when they had such a variety to choose from! But until he knew better, it was basically a stab, serve and slicer option. Being able to jab the pointy bit into the meatballs, or use the flat bit to scoop under the noodles to shovel them into his mouth. Or use the flat side to chop the meatballs in half if he wanted.

Chopsticks came next, but he didn't want to use them unless he was really struggling. Seeing at they were rather easy to use.

So, that wasn't as much fun!

The next was a small pair of metal tongs, though they had cruel looking hooked ends. One side of the arch being a single piece with the opposite looking like a bunch of teeth. Though the very point of the tongs were pinned together, only allowing the sides to open only so far, and squeeze shut. But it would do good enough to grab clumps of the noodles before him.

"Oh, duh. I know what this is..."

Shaking his head, it had been a while since they had some watermelon that they needed a pair of watermelon tongs and slicers. He hadn't recognized the tool right away, and it took a bit for his brain to stew on the subject till he had remembered what it was.

...Though now he wanted watermelon.

Reaching in the bag for his last item, it seems each of them were given four things to eat with. And his last one... was really odd looking. It was like a circle of flat metal, with four little prongs or kinda legs on them. The metal flat bit, had curved lines of missing metal on either side of a arched collection of holes in the middle of it. It had a handle attached to the plate, and a semi circle hole with a tab sticking up. And on the other side of the disk, was a coiled bit of wire that took up half of a circle, covering over some of the holes, but not all of them.

The little instrument was not something Fred was familiar with. He had seen it in the kitchen before, sure. But what it was used for, was a bit beyond him. Though, he didn't feel bad being confused, since Shaggy had a number of odds and ends that littered the drawers in the kitchen that was odd looking or otherwise unknown in their purpose. But no matter what it's default nature it was created to be used, this holiday was all about the meal before them. So, Fred didn't worry about mis-using the weird utensil. He could at least handle it as a type of shovel for the meatballs. But was worried the springy bits might get tangled in the spaghetti.

"Oh, yeah, I like' forgot I gave you the cocktail strainer. Though I usually use it for making juice." Shaggy admitted, not really being one for making loads of alcoholic drinks.

"Oh, is that what you usually use for making that awesome, Strawberry, Basil, Pink Lemonade?" Daphne asked to the lanky man, wielding an ice cream scoop one hand. Managing to have scooped up a green, turkey meatball into the dip of the enlarged spoon and was using it to eat.

"Oh, that sounds like it could be really good." Red perked up from his seat, over hearing the comment from the other red head. Though he seemed to be struggling with his plate of non-pasta, wedging the sweet potato noodles on one end of a melon baller... and pinning it in place with the pointy end of his metal potato peeler. Letting him get a few bites before he lost his grip on it and had to gather another spoonful from the plate.

"It was. I liked it best over some ice." Velma added her two cents, expertly cutting up a pink chicken meatball with her curved, cheese slicer, stabbing the more bite sized piece into her mouth with one side of a corn on the cob holder. These were themed like a bright, pastel baby blue unicorn head. Where the horn was what stabbed the fleshy bit of the corn to keep it in place, allowing Velma to skewer the poultry chunk with little to no problem. She could probably default to her tongs to pick up the morsel. But like himself, was opting to try to deal with the challenge set forth from Shaggy with his choices that he picked for the gang.

Certainly made the dinner more memorable.

"HEY!" Came a shout from across the way, Fred looked up to watch the long arm of Scooby, stretch across and steal a meatball that had been sitting on Daphne's plate. Using the extending fork, Scooby had stretched it to its over two foot limit to cross the dinning room table and snag from the woman's unsuspecting dinner wear. Only noticing as he flicked the meatball away from her portion, to his awaiting mouth.

"And who, thought that was a good idea?" Snarked Velma, already being put through several stealing attempts from the Dane so far, since she had been sitting next to him. Allowing Fred who was on the other side of her on that side of the table, to be exempt from the assault so far, since the brunette was providing enough of a distraction to let the blond man be distracted with his own utensils and not the Dane.

"Sorry, Scooby was helping me pick out ones for you, that I wasn't fully paying attention to what he had set aside for himself." Shaggy apologized to Daphne beside him, on their side of the table.

"Guess it is nothing new." Snorted Daphne, pulling out her whisk to attempt to parry any more oncoming attacks. At least being aware, would help her case against future theft.


Pausing their conversation, all eyes drifted to Red, who was using his straw to slurp up the last bits of the red drink into his mouth. Not wanting to waste any, as he tried to use the tube to get at the last little bits from his baggy. The large man had opted to open one corner of the zip lock, and placed the straw into the gap.

"Cheater." Daphne remarked, though she hadn't tried to get into her drink yet. Unsure to go about it like Red had, or try to stab the side of the drink. Usually with a Capri sun, there was a weak point to aim for, but the bag was just a generic plastic baggy for storing things like sandwiches. There wasn't really a strong point to bolster the defense, and make it less of a chance making a mess. Velma too, was at a loss on where to strike it safely. Less it broke and spilled all over the place.

"Hey Shag, you still got that roll of painter's tape in the kitchen?" Velma asked, after pondering for a little bit.

"Yep! You can like' find it in the..."

"I recall where you nabbed it before, when we were solving the popcorn mystery. Same drawer?" Velma quickly interrupted him, as she pushed up and moved to get around to the door to the kitchen. Making her way around the slightly occupied Fred. Taking on a bit more noodle then he had realized, forking it into his mouth with the watermelon tongs.

"Yep yep, same drawer."

"Alright, be right back."

Velma disappeared and some rustling was heard from the other room, as she pulled open a few drawers before she found the right one. A sound of victory, Velma trotted herself back into the room, holding the roll up for all to see.

"I figure if I just..." Pulling a strip of the tape, Velma took her teeth to it. Cutting the paper tape into more manageable lengths, adorning her fingers with the pieces. Picking up the squishy container of liquid, she plucked one piece at a time and taped a small square gap on the inside of the blue bits.

"Oh, I see what you are doing." Daphne leaned up from her seat and peered over at what Velma was doing. Getting the rough idea, and figured it was better then nothing.

"Toss me the tape!"

Sailing across the table, Daphne caught the roll and moved to get her own strips. But preferred to use her hands to rip it, rather then chomp down like her best friend. Saving her teeth for the food before her, not the gross adhesive on the tape. But she soon had a small window of reinforced siding to stab the straw in. Giving it less chance to rip once the plastic straw was pushed through the thin, plastic walls of the zip lock.

"How's that working out?" Red asked, peering down at Daphne from next to her. Watching of the the corner of his eye, as Scooby stole some of his noodles while he was distracted. But the larger man knew that he was out of his element, trying to defend himself against the onslaught. Not having enough time spent with the Dane, to have earned even a white belt in anti-Scooby self defense.

"Seems to work!" Daphne said, finally feeling confident enough to stab the bag to get at her grape drink.

"Same here." Velma spoke up across the table, happily sipping on the pink lemonade she had nabbed.

"So, Shaggy... Is this all that there is for tonight? Getting dressed up, and eating a delicious dinner with some strange rules?" Red wondered... not that he minded. But the meal was slowly winding down and with Scooby's aiding everyone, there wasn't too much dinner left.

"Nah, I got a game lined up! With a little help from Maddy!" Shaggy chirped happily. Stabbing one of his purple, tempeh meatless balls with the end of the pie server. And scooping a spoonful of zucchini spaghetti with his other hand, brandishing a measuring tablespoon to contain the strands.

"Oh Brother..." Velma groaned at the mention of her younger sister.

"...What did my sister do this time?"