Hurray for long overdue updates. Sorry for the long wait but here we are now. Now go and read! Oh and please read the message at the end!
'Poor, poor, Nyx. Doomed since the beginning. Lying to her friends and her so called 'sister'.
Nyx sat with her legs crossed and her head bowed. Her eyes closed and breath slow. There was nothing around her except a wide space of grey colors and the ocassional echo of her thoughts. But now something had infiltrated the outer parts of her mind scape.
"Get out of my head, Narayta. I may be weakened but I will not allow you to go further."
'Silly girl, as you have just said, I am not even really here. However, wanting to take full advantage of your weakened state, I thought I'd give you a fair warning. Our game is only beginning.'
Nyx clenched her fists but she refused to show the anger that simmered under her calm surface.
"Your games will be your downfall. I will make sure of that."
Naraytas voice was starting to fade but it provided Nyx little comfort.
'And just who will you sacrifice to win, dear Nyx?'
"Danny, relax man. Anais is fine, she's in the safest place she could be and the worst that could happen is she gets upset that she's missed a couple of days of school."
Danny and Luke were on the roofs of apartments and buildings having just left school and suited to their super hero counterparts when Luke had seen the look on Danny's face and he had known what the blonde was thinking. Ava and Anais were still up in the Helicarrier though Ava had conplained loudly on the fact that she was well enough to attend school and not being able to go.
Anais had yet to wake up and it had Danny worried -as well as the rest of the team but Luke noticed that the absence of their sorceress friend seemed to affect Danny the most. Right along with her sister.
As for Danny, worry for Anais, or any of his team mates was not a new feeling. The blonde teen had always been sensitive to the feelings around him and his own was no exeption though he felt that he remained exceptionally calm in most situations.
It was just always difficult to get any of them to admit they were hurt after any and all missions that had been especially brutal.
Peter always insisted he was fine and instead he urged the others to worry about themselves before him. Of course it could be because of his quick healing but to Danny, that was no excuse to refuse having himself taken care of.
Sam, as they were all aware, was too prideful and when no one else stepped forward to being in pain he brushed them off and declared he needed no checking. Though after battle Danny had seen Sam look longingly at the nurses and the furthest Sam ever got to saying he was hurt was saying that he only needed a long relaxing nap.
Luke was not so stubborn, which was to be expected because of his unbreakable skin and amazing strength. The worst injuries Luke had sustained (so far) was a few bruises and sparined wrists or ankles. But Luke was always eager to be back in the game no matter his condition. At his best or otherwise exhausted.
Danny suspected that Ava refused to stay down too long because she needed to prove she was just as strong and capable as the boys. And so she pushed herself too hard as it was understandable in the presence of three boys. And there was no denying the competitive side of Ava.
Danny had yet to see how Sabrina and Anais responded to situations such as the one they were in now but he figured they were just as stubborn as the others, though Danny was coming to see that nearly all heros seemed to deny they were hurt until they nearly collapsed. He wondered how it was that he took being injured...
It was then that Danny became aware of a hand waving in front of his face. "Earth to Danny, hey you alright?"
Danny gave his friend a small to assure him that he was indeed back on Earth. "Apologies, what was it you said?"
Luke gave the green-eyed boy a grin, "I was just saying that Anais-"
Luke was then interuppted by a ping that came from his wrist and he brought it up and closer to his face to examine it.
"-is calling us."
Danny leaned in closer, with a slight jump in his chest and he let loose the sigh of relief that he had hoped to release when Anais finally opened her eyes again. And there she was on the screen looking up at them.
"Well look who finally woke up. How are you feeling?" Luke smiled and greeted Anais first and she gave them half a smile. Danny knew immediately that something was on her mind -something bad maybe.
"Hi Luke. I've been better I think, thank you. I just woke up and Ava gave me a run down of what seemed to have happened."
Then Anais shifted slightly and then she focused on Danny the traces of a real smile tugging at her lips.
"Hey Danny, are you doing ok?"
Danny then noticed that he had been frowning slightly and he quickly arranged his face into a soft smile.
"I am well but we should be asking you that. You should be resting and healing."
Danny saw her wave her free hand dissmissivly and he knew what she would say before the words left her mouth.
"Rest can wait a while; I am fine."
Now Danny's suspicions had been proven to be correct. She was just as stubborn as the rest of them. And that was not nessicarily a bad thing, Danny thought.
"Besides," she was saying, "Ava told me that the creature dropped a stone?"
Danny could see that Anais was striving to sound only mildly curious but he could sense the wave of worry underneath her tone.
"Yes, it was an odd jem of sorts. We had been hoping that you would be able to provide us with more information."
Anais nodded in thought and then asked, "where is it now?"
"Peter has it," Luke supplied, "he and Sabrina went to check out the box it came in to see if they could find something useful and they shouldn't take too long."
Anais nodded again though she seemed skeptical about them finding anything from the box. "Are you two on your way here?"
"Yeah Danny and I will be there soon."
"Alright be careful-"
Just as Anais said that, Danny heard what seemed to be growling come from behind him then he was thrown down, something crashing into him from behind. Then just before everything went dark, he heard Anais cry out his name. Then, nothing.
Spider-Man landed swiftly in front of an allyway and he brought his communicator closer to his masked face.
"This is where Power Man's last signal went off," he murmured to himself, "and according to this, Danny is supposed to be..."
Spider-Man walked a few paces into the ally and he kicked away several loose news papers.
"...right here."
With the plates of his eyes narrowed, he leaned down and picked up a green watch. The clasp was broken and he guessed that it had been ripped off Iron Fist's wrist.
"Yo, Spidey!"
Spider-Man turned to see Zarya and Nova flying towards him. Zarya had called and he waved a hand beckoning them over.
"Bad news: no sign of Iron Fist or Power Man anywhere around here."
Spider-Man nodded, expecting that much. He tossed the gree watch to Zarya and she inspected it. Nova flew little ways down the ally as he asked, "How are we supposed to find them now? They could be anywhere."
Spider-Man resisted the urge to snap at Nova that he was well aware of their situation but he held off. It would do them no good to argue now. Spider-Man paced as he thought and the other two watched him mutter to himself.
Just as he made another turn in the ally, his spidey-sense gave a sudden pulse followed quickly by an arrow going over his shoulder. Jumping back and turning around he saw what Zarya had shot at. A dog lay on the ground already disintigrating into shadow.
"Thanks Zarya."
"Don't thank me yet, Spider-Man."
With a sinking feeling the leader of the team looked up. Shadow dogs were rising from the shadows. They were surrounded and the three heros backed up into a circle.
"This was a trap."
Present Time
That was the last he heard before he was forced into the portal of swirling doom. Spider-Man had decided: he regretted eating those tacos and drinking so much soda. He had also decided that he hated portals -it seemed that Zarya had been right.
Shortly after he had been forced through, he felt as if the world was being spun in three different directions all at once. He wasn't sure how that worked exactly. Then after that was over he felt like puking the tacos and soda back up.
Tacos were only good on the way down.
Groaning loudly -he wanted his captors to know he wasn't enjoying his stay- he finally got his bearings.
He felt like he was in a hamster ball, and a red one at that.
Once he was on his feet he lay a hand on the surface of the sphere he was currently in. The disturbance of his hand caused ripples to spread across it and all around him. He drew a fist back.
"Spidey, wait-"
His fist smashed into the surface...and he howled in pain.
"Ow, ow, ow, ooww."
He let loose a torrent on soft swear words when he noticed that someone had spoken before he had laid (completly awesome) assault on the sphere. Instead of hitting the surface of his confinment, he pressed his masked face closer and looked out of it.
"Power Man? Iron Fist?"
"Well who'd you think it was?"
"Jeez, Nyx is getting to all of you..."
Spider-Man was both relieved and disheartened to see both in similar situations as himself. Iron Fist's spherical trap glowed green while Power Man's was a soft yellow.
"Ok anyone want to tell me why we're in color-coded hamster balls?"
Power Man was standing and Iron Fist had made himself comfortable sitting down with his legs crossed.
"We woke up here same as you, man. No one's come in or anything. We can't escape these."
"Yeah I noticed." Spider-Man grumbled.
"This energy that traps us is meant to absorb any attempt to destroy it; it weakens us steadily."
Iron Fist informed the leader -not that the information was very helpful in their escape.
Spider-Man walked all around the sphere with his face pressed against it but he couldn't see further than Iron Fists or Power Man's spheres. Everything else was inky darkness.
"So we have no idea where we are. My communicater is fried and we can't escape. There's only two others that can save us."
Spider-Man let that sink in. With Anais and Ava still in the Helicarrier, it left Zarya and Nova to find and save them. There was silence. Power Man scratched his neck.
"We're doomed."
"Oh, I am so glad you have come to terms with that."
All of them whipped their heads around, trying to locate the sorce of the voice. Spider-Man pounded his fists against his hamster ball.
"You can't keep us here forever."
His other two team mates had also stood rigidly. Narayta's voice was still floating around them, coming from everywhere and nowhere.
"I won't need to hold you here forever. Only until I bargin for what I want, then you may be allowed to be free."
The three heros exchanged looks. Power Man spoke out next, his voice muffled.
"What do you want? That gem, right?"
Quiet. Then, "Amungst other things. I am a woman who wants many things and I am willing to bargin for them."
Spider-Man scoffed. "Bargin? You mean kidnapping and tricking us."
"Call it what you may. I always get what I want, even if it takes longer than pleases me."
His eyes narrowed. He didn't like the sound of that. It seemed that, unlike most baddies, Narayta didn't like to talk about her plans outloud. Spider-Man desperately wished that she did. It might give them an idea of what it was that she intended to do.
For now, all he knew was that she wanted to trade them for the gem that was currently in the possession of Nova and Zarya.
He couldn't allow that trade to happen so he had to trust that Nova and Zarya would be able to come up with a plan. He really hoped they hurried. Spider-Man raised his hand like a child in an evil afterschool class.
"Yeah I have a question. Do these things have built in bathrooms?"
Yes, he really hoped that Nova and Zarya were hurrying to rescue them -even if Nova would never let him live it down.
"What are we supposed to do? How do we save them now? One of us could be next, Zarya! We could call for backup...what, no! I have to do this myself to prove my awesomeness. But how do we- Ow!"
Nova rubbed his now sore arm. "What was that for?"
Zarya cracked her knuckles after roughly punching Nova.
"Because you were freaking out. We need to hurry and find them. Who knows what Narayta is doing to them."
Little did they know, Narayta was brutaly torturing Spider-Man...she wouldn't let him use the bathroom.
After Spider-Man had been carried away, the Shadows had melted away leaving Zarya and Nova alone with a gem and with no clue on how to heroically save their friends.
"What do we do then?"
Zarya twisted her bow in her hands anxiously having never been in this sort of situation in which she needed to make a move, the right move or else her friends could end up hurt because she and Nova couldn't do their jobs.
"We could go get Anais or Ava... they could help."
Nova crossed his arms. "We can't. They were already hurt. If we drag them out they could end up in a worse condition."
Zarya raised her eyebrows at Nova.
"How considerate of you Nova. And I guess you're right. Of us, why did Spidey get kidnapped? Why didn't you help him?"
Nova's mouth hung. "You're blaming me for this? It is not my fault! You were supposed to be covering him; you should have warned him."
Now Zarya jabbed him in the chest with her finger.
"You were closer! If I had shot, I could have hit him instead of the enemy. Would you have perfered I take that risk?"
"No! But I couldn't help him because I was watching out for you! Everyone else was hurt and kidnapped; I couldn't let the same happen to you!"
Zarya was stunned to silence. She looked down while Nova, realizing what he had blurted out, snapped his mouth shut. They stood in a silence. Then they both spoke at once.
"Thank you-"
"I'm sorry-"
"Wait what did you say?"
Both took a step back and Zarya pointed to herself.
"Um I said, thank you for looking out for me."
Nova rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
"Well yeah, of course and listen-"
Beep. Beep.
Zarya and Nova frowned and he pointed to her wrist.
"Someone's calling you?"
Zarya shook her arm looking at it strangely. "I guess so but there's nothing on the screen."
Both leaned over her outstretched wrist to see that the screen was an inky darkness.
"Hello Zarya sweetie."
Zarya looked ready to rip off her arm. "Narayta. Where are my friends? Give them back you psyco!"
"Now, now, no need for foul words-"
"I can think of so much worse."
"After all I have your friends. If I am displeased you may recieve them broken."
Both heros paled considerably both looking at each other with wide eyes.
"So we understand each other. Excellent. Now listen closely, you know I hate to have to repeat myself. I know very well that you have my precious gem."
"You want it back," Nova said, his hand going to where he knew he had placed the gem in his pocket. There was a heartwrentching moment of silence on the other end.
"Interupt me again and it will be your friends that face the consequences."
Zarya elbowed Nova and they waited for the witch to countinue.
"Yes I will need that back. There is also one other thing."
Zarya was tempted to snap at the woman to get on with it but she doubted her friends would appreciate that. She bit her tongue. Nova's mouth was pressed into a thin line.
"I will need Nyx and yourself to surrender yourselves to me. If you attempt to contact for help, I will know and your friends will die."
The call was ended leaving Nova and Zarya to stare dumbly at the watch around her wrist where an address blinked then dissapeared.
"What do you mean you can't find them? Can't you track them?"
Coulson sighed as he looked down at the clipboard in his hands. Ava was sitting on a bed with her arms crossed and she waited for him to answer either of her questions.
"We've tried but their communicators must've been damaged."
Anais, who was in a other bed, frowned. "What about Sabrina and Sam? Where are they?"
Coulson looked uncomfortable as he switched papers. "We aren't sure. Their signals are being scrambled. We've no way to find or locate any of them but we are trying."
Ava swung her legs over the bed, only just concealing the wince.
"Then let us go and search for them. They could be in serious trouble."
The S.H.E.I.L.D agent immediately shook his head.
"I'm sorry but you can't. In your condition, both of you, might put yourselves and them in more danger than necessary. We'll keep looking but we need you to remain calm."
Before either could argue, Coulson left the room. Ava turned to Anais hope shining in her eyes.
"Can't you sense them out or something like that?'
Ana is bit her lip, playing with the pillow in her hands. "I've tried but they're maybe out of my range or something is blocking my powers. I've a feeling it may have something to do with that gem they found..."
Ava laid back on her bed devoid of any ideas.
"Great, we're stuck here and those two blockheads could be who knows where, doing who knows what."
Anais nodded distractedly, trying to reach out with her powers but being restricted.
"Yes but I'm sure they wouldn't do anything dumb."
"This is a dumb idea,"
Zarya grumbled as she walked with her arms raised. The directions had led them to a construction site. Metal beams were strewn around along with several bull dozers and other machines Zarya didn't really care to know about.
Night had fallen and it was more than enough to creep her out; very conscious of the fact that there could be Shadows lurking nearby. Clearing her throat she yelled out,
"Alright Narayta, I'm here so where are my friends?"
Light laughter echoed around her. Zarya fidgeted uncomfortably.
"Not so fast sweetie. Where's your little friend?"
Zarya frowned lowering her arms slightly.
"If you mean Nova, then he's gone." Zarya looked down. "He left."
Zarya recoiled when she felt a hand on her arm. Zarya pulled away and she glared at the woman.
"I surrender. Give them back."
The witch glided forward gracefully and she snapped her fingers. Zarya watched as several dogs emerged and they were nudging forward -were those giant hamster balls?
"Guys! Are you ok? Speak to me!"
As they were rolled along, the boys inside struggled to remain balanced but we're continually slipping in the surface. Spider-Man slipped a bit more before peering through the sphere.
"Zarya? No, we aren't! I have to use the bathroom so please hurry it up."
Narayta moved to stand in front of the multicolored spheres and she held her hand out.
"Zarya, we both know there was more to our deal than just you. Tell me, where is darling Nyx and my precious gem?"
Power Man pounded against the force field keeping them back. "Deal? What deal, Zarya?"
Zarya shot them a look. "Nyx doesn't know I agreed to this. She thinks I'm still in an ally somewhere."
Narayta's face twisted into one of thinly concealed anger. She twisted her hands together as she attempted to keep an air of calm.
"Zarya, sweetie, I had set my expectations. Without them, I will not release these puny heros."
Both ignored the indignant yell from Spider-Man of, "Hey! We're right here."
Zarya looked panicked but she reached into a pouch.
"Ok wait. I have the gem thing and I've surrendered. So that's two-thirds of what you wanted, it's more than enough. Let them go first and then you can get Nyx yourself."
The boys, finally realizing what Zarya was doing, yelled out and banged against their spheres. Spider-Man, full bladder forgotten, tried to talk reason to Zarya.
"Zarya wait, don't do this, leave us and keep that away from her. It's too dangerous and you have no idea what she could do with that thing!"
"Zarya," it was Power Man now, " come one. Don't tell me your serious. Where's Nova?"
"Nyx will be devastated," Iron Fist added, "that we allowed this to happen."
Zarya slowly brought out her hand.
"I'm sorry guys but I can't leave you with her." Zarya snarled at the smiling woman. "Nova left because I told him to. It's not his or your fight."
Spider-Man couldn't believe Zarya was actually going along with what the witch wanted. He opened his mouth to try and stop her when he thought back to her words.
Nova would never run from a fight. Even if ordered, if not from Spider-Man, the leader than no one, especially not Zarya. Then why wasn't Nova there...
It was a plan.
Spider-Man had to keep himself from jumping in relief. He looked around, trying to find the probably hidden Nova but was unable to spot the bucket head. Spider-Man turned his attention back to Zarya and Narayta. Zarya held out the gem but snatched it back when Narayta grasped at it.
"No. My friends first. Then you get your weird choice in accessory."
Narayta tutted, her elegant arms raising in a shrug.
"Sorry sweetie, gem first then your pathetic friends. Otherwise I have no promise that you will keep your word after I have released them."
Zarya scowled as she looked between the gem in her hand and her trapped friends. She didn't hesitate and she sighed. "Fine. You win. Here."
Spider-Man knew it had to be part of the plan...right?
Zarya tossed the gem. It sailed through the air heading straight for Narayta's waiting hands. It reached a high arc and -
It exploded in a light of blue.
Several things happened at once. Narayta gave a cry of anguish, three more blasts shot through the air, striking the hamster balls and Zarya summoned her bow, shooting arrows in rapid succession taking out the Shadow dogs.
Nova zoomed over their heads and aimed his energy lit hands at the glowing spheres. After shooting each once more the energy wavered and their magical prisons burst.
The once trapped heros were able to land on the ground safety and Zarya was satisfied that her friends weren't direct hostages any more.
Now she pointed an arrow at the witch who was kneeling in the ground as she held the shards of the gem.
"This is over Narayta, you've lost."
The woman rose steadily and when she turned Zarya took a step back in fear. Narayta's eyes glowed a terrible red and electricity crackled angrily around her threateningly.
"You... do you know what you have destroyed? What you have cost me...?"
Zarya's grip on her bow was tense and her hands shook. She'd never seen the woman so livid and it was then that Narayta struck but not at Zarya.
It took a second to see who it was that she was aiming for. It took only a few seconds more for Zarya to kick off from the ground and use her own body to shield the boy the attack had been meant for.
Everything exploded in a world of pain and screaming. It felt as if it lasted for hours but it might have only been brief seconds. Then she was falling...falling... falling...
The last thing Zarya felt was a pair of arms wrap around her and a whispered plea to be ok and to open her eyes. She wanted to complain that she couldn't and to ask who had burned the bread.
Sabrina groaned as she attempted to sit up on the bed. She didn't know what had wakened her but she dearly wished that she had continued to sleep. She still hadn't opened her eyes and everything was sore.
"Ugh my everything hurts."
"Sabrina! You're awake. Hey guys she's up!"
Once she forced her eyes to open and squint against the bright light of the medical bay, she saw that it had been Luke by her bedside and scrolling through him phone when she had muttered. As soon as he has yelled that, Sabrina was then crushed in the bone breaking hug Anais was kind enough to give her.
"Anais! I really am feeling the love and you're obviously feeling much better but-"
"Sabrina you are the single most annoying superhero I've ever had the pleasure of knowing! What were you thinking?"
The rest of Sabrina's words was drowned out by her sisters scolding -to most of which Sabrina just nodded along to. Luckily she zoned back in just as her sister was finished.
"...and doing something like bargining with her? Sabrina that was foolish and dangerous yet you managed to save Danny, Sam, Luke and Peter and..."
Sabrina waited for the inevitable claim that Anais would send her to another dimension while the others were cowering by the door.
"And I am so proud of you."
Sabrina put down the pillow she had previously been using as a shield. Her mouth hung open and she stuttered.
"Whoa, w-wait, what?"
Anais was still frowning but Sabrina could see she was struggling not to smile. Anais had always been quick to forgive but in the moments of anger Sabrina would rather be on the other side of the planet. Sabrina could see behind Anais that the team was relaxing and already smiling along with her. Except someone seemed to be missing...
Anais ruffled her hair -to which Sabrina loudly complained. Then the sorceress got quiet and a dark look crossed her face. She leaned away from her sister and crossed her arms.
"But there's one thing that bothers me. As happy as I am that the team is safe, when Sam destroyed the gem, you're lucky that it didn't cause some sort of unforseen release of energy. That was too dangerous and it could have been worse. I just wish that I had time to at least inspect it."
Sabrina laughed loudly and her eyes sparkled mischievously. The others looked at each other weirdly.
"Oh Sam didn't...wait, where is the bucket head anyway?"
It had been then that Sabrina noticed who it was that was missing from their reunion. The rest of the team looked around as if expecting to see said boy hiding in the decorative plants. (Not that there were any)
Luke shrugged, looking just as confused as the others. "No idea. He was here earlier. I guess he left...?"
Sabrina looked crestfallen before remembering what she was going to tell them.
"Well anyway, what Sam blasted wasn't the gem thing, it was actually a fake. I knew it was important so I suggested that we use a fake. To make Narayta think it had been destroyed and to get you guys out alive."
There was a round of impressed "ah's" and hums of approval. Ava, who was leaning on a crutch, nodded and pressed on.
"That was actually pretty smart. But where did you get the fake? And whers the real one?"
Sabrina looked sheepish and she was suddenly interested in the patterns on the sheets.
"Yeah about that. Anais, please don't kill me but, you know that fake decorative diamond that you had in the living room. Yeah, that's the one we used and is now a billion shards on the ground."
There was silence.
Anais made no move but everyone else edged away from her. She sighed. "Oh by the gods thank goodness."
There was a collective round of sighs of relief.
"Wait you aren't mad?"
Anais raised an eyebrow at her sister shrugging. "My friends over some inane decorative diamond any day."
Sabrina brightened and nodded in self satisfaction.
"Oh and the real gem? I gave it to Sam in case things didn't go according to plan."
Then the older stood up and started walking to the door.
"Hey where are you going?"
"Going to find Sam. He never mentioned that the gem was actually intact. I'll be back in a bit. Besides I have to go before he gets here."
Sabrina tried to move from the bed but she winced and she fell back. The team was also starting to head out the door behind Anais.
"Whoa hey, where is everyone going?"
Peter grinned at her and gave her a wave before saying, "Oh we are leaving before Fury get here to yell. And usually we'd hang around but we have other places to be. Namely away from Nick Fury on a yelling spree."
Sabrina was stuttering as they filed out. "Aw man I'm so dead." Then she paused.
"Peter! Did you ever get to use the bathroom?"
Laughter rang from the hall followed by a loud groan by Peter.
It was long after Sabrina got an earful from Fury and long after she had been abandoned by everyone to be spared the yelling fest that someone quietly entered the room Sabrina was still laying in.
"Oh its you."
Sabrina shifted on the bed trying to keep her eyes on anywhere but the boy standing awkwardly by the door.
"Yeah I know. Look I would've come sooner but-"
"Yeah you were busy, I get it."
Sam wanted nothing more than to snap back at the girl but there was only one thing he wanted to do more than that.
He edged forward slowly. He didn't want to risk getting hit by a flying pillow. Pillows hurt when thrown by girls.
The archer looked up meeting his eyes and he gulped. Why did it feel so hot in the room?
"Thank you, Sabrina."
Sabrina looked taken aback. She sat up on the bed messing with her hands. She had resolved to yell at Sam at soon as she saw him but now she found herself lacking words. Sam could see that she was struggling to reply so he delved on before he lost the nerve.
"Thanks for, you know, watching my back. I just felt bad because that was meant for me and you got hurt-"
"It's alright." Sabrina smiled at Sam. "I'd do it again. That's what teammates are for right?"
Sam chuckled without any real humor. Teammates.
"Yeah. So..."
" totally owe me and let it be known here and now that I am now so much cooler than you. Whoo! Hero points for me!"
Sam sputtered. Then he caught on. And he smirked.
"No way! Did you see me shoot that gem? Totally on point and even you couldn't have made that shot. So really, the hero of the evening is yours truly."
Sabrina exhaled dramatically and she threw the pillow at Sam. He yelped and dodged the pillow. (Lucky for him)
"Oh puh-lese Bucket-Head. It was my brilliant plan that saved the day."
"What? It was not your plan. As I remember, it was my genius self that even made that plan work!"
Danny and Anais leaned away from the door to the medical room. They could still hear the exchange of words as to who it was that was the better hero of the day. They casually began to walk away from the door and down the hall. Danny smiled at Anais.
"It seems that they have reverted to their former quarreling selves."
Anais grinned after looking away from the blondes green eyes.
"I never expect that to change for as long as they know each other."
The walked on in silence and Danny thought about bringing up the subject of the gem. Anais had had time to look at it. But so far she hadn't mentioned it. Danny took another look at her expression.
It was calm and a soft smile was on her lips. He decided it could wait. They had been busy enough and it was the first time that they had peaceful silence. Danny decided the questions could wait until tomorrow.
And in the distance a storm grew stronger.
And so ends another chapter. Jeez that took...longer than I had hoped. Seriously I'm disappointed in myself.
PhantomSound: hey guys, I'm happy to be part of this and I glad that you are all enjoying it!
*sigh* Yeah, that is my co-writer who has decided to say hi after nearly seven chapters. So say hi everyone! (She just sits there spewing out random ideas - surprisingly some are helpful)
So as this is a DannyOc and SamOc there is (finally) some form of action. Do not worry, more is coming!
Anyway, the next chapter, now that I am finished with this two part thing, will depend on you readers. I want to try my hand at writing out episodes with my characters so I am asking you readers to maybe suggest some episodes that you would like to see. PM me or comment. I -we would really appreciate it.
Please review! Until next time dear readers...