Written by Sara K.

(A/N) A short and sweet chapter to set up the next. I apologize for that but I put some good fluff in here to make you guys happy. (Also for me cause Endgame is still hitting really hard) One more chapter after this and then we're in the home stretch of the last couple chapters. Almost there guys! I really appreciate all the support, I say that every time but I do mean it every time. You guys are the best, seriously.

Question for you guys:

Also I checked out my story on a desktop for the first time and I realized how atrocious it looks. I'm not sure how many people read this on a desktop so I'm wondering if I should go back and reformat all the chapters, but it might make it look wonky for mobile readers so I don't know. If you guys think it'd be better if I format it let me know in the reviews. Also if I do format it and you guys hate it I can always reverse it. Just let me know! Wanna make you guys happy cause you DESERVE IT!

"Gently now kid."

"I've been gentle this whole time!"

"I don't wanna know what you're idea of rough is than."

Suddenly, both of them lurched forwards as the car slammed to a stop. Tony adjusted his sunglasses and looked over at Peter; his knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel. A look of panic covering his face.

Tony chuckled, patting Peter's shoulder. "Relax kid. You're doing great."

"I feel like I'm not."

"You are. All of this is part of the learning process." He nodded. "And trust me, having a healthy fear of the wheel is good. It's better than me for sure. I didn't have any fear which got me in a wreck the afternoon before my birthday party." Tony smirked. "Respect for it is good. Keeps you a safe responsible driver. But you also gotta relax. Understand you have everything under control."

"I don't feel in control at all."

"It takes time to build up that bit of confidence, and that starts with learning how to stop." Tony patted his shoulder once more. "Let's try it again."

Hesitantly, Peter moved his foot over to the gas and gave it a light pressure. The new rental car Tony had gotten this morning began to roll down the parking lot.

"Alright, if you wanna stop at that line-" Tony pointed to the painted line ahead of them. "-began slowly pressing on the break. Take a deep breath, relax and press."

Peter let out the air he was holding in his lungs and followed Tony's advice. He carefully pressed on the break, as gentle as he could manage. Slowly, the car rolled to a smooth stop.

Once it stopped, Peter looked over at Tony with a wide open mouth smile.

"I did it!"

Tony let out a laugh and shook Peter in his seat. "Great job kid."

Peter let out another relieved breath.

"Alright," Tony adjusted his glasses. "Wanna take it back into the city?"

"No no, definitely not Mr. Stark."

"You sure?"


"Quit while you're ahead. I get that." Tony shrugged. "Put it in park and we'll switch seats."

Peter shifted the gear before opening the driver's door. Just as he hopped out, Peter turned around to see the car had vanished. His eyes widened as he started at the empty air before hearing the noise of crunching gravel. Peter looked over to see the car rolling backwards.

"Oh god!"

Just a Peter was ready to sling webbing at the vehicle, the car slammed to a stop. Peter raced over to the driver's side. The window slowly rolled down to see a heaving Tony inside.

"P is park." Tony looked up at him through his reflective lenses. "R is reverse."

Peter smirked. "You still want me to drive us back into the city?"

"Ha ha." Tony shifted completely into the seat. "Sorry I tried to put some confidence in you Parker. I'll never do that again."

"Can we get ice cream or something?"

Tony shook his head. "Why?"

"To celebrate."

"Celebrate what?"

"Me driving for the first time."

"Get in the car."

"That's not a no."

"I feel like I need more than a fancy suit to go to a fancy party." Peter said, licking the side of his cone clean as they walked down the street.

"Trust me. All you need is to look the part. The arrogance and entitlement will come to you." Tony tossed the rest of his cone and napkin into a nearby trash can before pulling down on his baseball cap. "Especially when you're around people like that."

"It's a charity gala Mr. Stark. It can't be that bad."

"It can be and it is." Tony pulled out his phone, checking to make sure they were still going in the right direction. "The one percent mostly go to these things only to inflate their ego. Donations are really just investments in themselves. They don't really care about the causes anyway. But hey, using those dumbasses to help other people is good to me."

Peter tossed his trash at the next can. "That's kinda depressing."

"Yeah." Tony shoved his phone back in his pocket. "Well it clears people's conscious."

Peter noticed Tony's tone shift at that. He stepped up beside him, giving him a glance before looking ahead.

"Well, I'm sure some of them actually care." He raised his chin. "I'm sure some of them volunteer and help people out in person just as much as they donate money. They might not even think they care but that's just their point of view of it. Cause if someone is trying to clear their conscious that means they feel guilty. Guilt only exists if someone has a moral code and people with moral codes care. Even if they don't feel like they do." Peter turned over to see Tony starring at him. He quickly glanced away and shrugged his shoulders. "Or something like that. I don't know, I took an elective in psychology for a semester."

Tony gave a soft grin before turning away.

The two walked in a comfortable silence down the sunny street before Tony lead them to a formal clothing store. The door rang as the two entered in the quiet space.

"It's a black and white gala so pick out something you like."

"Mr. Stark-"

"Just make sure it's a tie and not a bow tie."

"But this place is crazy expensive! You can't-"

"Parker. We're past this. Just go pick something out for God's sake." With that, Tony disappeared down the aisle of blazers.

"What about this?"

"Tie's too wide and that jacket is too big." Tony shrugged, leaning back on the small room's bench.

Peter let out a sigh and walked back into the changing closet he was using to try things on. In a few minutes he returned in a new suit.


"That's a woman's jacket."

"That explains why there's no pockets." Peter looked down at it. "But it fits."


"Why don't I get to judge your suit?" Peter pointed at the paper bag sitting at Tony's side.

"Cause, no offense Parker, but it's a fact that I kinda know what I'm doing with this stuff."

"I've worn suits before."

"Yeah. To a middle school dance."

"Harsh." Peter crossed his arms. "But true."

"Try on the next one."

Letting out another groan, Peter disappeared once more before returning with the last suit.

Upon return, Tony stood up and walked over to him. He looked Peter over before straightening out his jacket.

"That works."

Peter sighed in relief and changed back into his normal t-shirt and jeans. He followed Tony up to the counter where both suits were paid for. Peter tried not to feel any guilt as her starred at the insane price; which Tony could've at least pretended to flinch at.

"Hey Aunt May."

"Peter! Thank god. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah I'm doing fine May. Don't worry." He sat down at the dining room table. "Everything's been fine."

"You sure? You picked up one of my phone calls finally which usually means everything hasn't been fine."

"I'm really sorry about that. The past few days have been really crazy. But I'm alright now."

"Good." She paused. "I'm happy."

"Me too."

"How's the Tony Stark situation? What news I can get says he's still missing."

"He's not. Well, he sorta is. Mr. Stark is hiding out from these guys, but he's okay. I'm helping him out a little bit."

"But you're keeping a safe distance right?"

Peter looked up to see Tony working on his laptop a few feet away.

"Yeah, of course." He nodded. "Mr. Stark is keeping me safe, I promise."

"Good." She let out a relieved sigh.

"How's the trip?"

"It's good! I'm having a lot more fun than I expected. I'm pretty sure one of the crew members hit on me during the conga line."

"Conga line?" Peter chuckled.

"Yes, most of us are middle aged women alright. We're old and lame."

"You're definitely not lame." Peter laughed. "You're probably the coolest Aunt ever."

"Thanks for that. Now I can tell all my coworkers my sixteen year old said I was cool."

"Well, that might not be saying much. I'm not that cool of a sixteen year old."

"Remind me what you do for the Stark Internship again?"

Peter laughed. "Okay. Guess I'm kinda cool."

She chuckled back.

A small silence settled between them.

"Stay safe till I get back alright?"

"I will."

"I love you."

"Love you too."


"Bye May."

Pulling the phone away from his ear, Peter sat back in his seat. He let out a sigh and closed his eyes.

"Transparency is always best kid."

Peter opened his eyes at Tony's statement from behind his laptop screen.

"I was transparent!"

Tony looked up just to catch Peter's gaze, simply raising his eyebrows as he did so.

"Name one way I wasn't transparent!"

"'Everything's been fine.'" Tony blinked back at him.

"Well, it is now."

"You're 'keeping a safe distance.'"

"I am."

Tony scoffed.

"I am!" Peter insisted. "Think about it. Any mission I go on with you I'm wearing a mask just about. Peter Parker isn't even in the same stratosphere as far as AIM is concerned. So I think I'm keeping a safe distance."

"Alright whatever kid. Get over her so I can break down the plan."

Getting up from where he was sitting, Peter made his way back to the coffee table. Sitting on the carpet adjacent to Tony, Peter listened in.

"Susan Woods is our target to talk to. We're gonna make our way into the gala." Tony spun the screen around and pointed to an overhead outline of the building. "If she's still with AIM -which, if I were still a betting man, I'd bet she is- than she'll be trying to get somewhere private to contact them that I've arrived. That location will most likely be-"

"Wait." Peter interrupted. "We're using you as bait?"

"Of course." Tony shrugged. "Now, she'll probably go to-"

"Mr. Stark we can't do that!"

"We can and we will." He nodded. "It's not like we have any other choice anyways."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's kinda hard for me to hide when everyone at this event is either a fan or an employee of mine." Tony explained. "Now-"

"But Mr. Stark-"

"I swear to God kid, if you interrupt me one more time."

"I'm sorry! But that's too big of a risk."

Tony sighed. He held his breath a moment. "It's the only way we can catch these guys. We need information. Information I can't get from here."

Peter starred at him silently a moment before turning back to the screen.

"Now," Tony shifted. "She'll probably go to her office, which Friday has generously supplied the room number for."

"You're welcome boss." Her voice came from the metal backpack.

"Now I've already got your ticket." Tony climbed to his feet and made his way over to the printer. Taking the top sheet off, Tony folded it neatly and handed it back to Peter. "One Peter Parker is good to go."

Peter looked over the paper. "What about you?"

Tony scoffed. "My name is the ticket. I won't need one."

"That's true." Peter shrugged.

"Alright kid, get dressed." Tony shut the laptop and crossed his arms. "We've got a party to crash."