Hey Ya'll! It's your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Jaya! (That's my USM OC. Pretty much me as a superhero)

Anyway, I wrote this back when I was getting over getting over being bullied. It's kinda short, but sweet.

Oh and if you're looking for a song to go with this one-shot I suggest "Stand" by Britt Nicole. That song is

amazing and ya'll should defiantly check it out!

I hope ya'll enjoy this! Now, without further ado, let's get onto the story!

Rating: K+

Time-line: Shortly after the episode "Rino" in season 2

Summery: After The Whole incident with Alex getting turned into The Rino, Peter has been keeping an eye out for anyone else Flash might be secretly bullying. But what happens when he sees someone getting bullied as Spider-Man?

11 year old, 6th grader, Christina Patterson was walking down the semi, empty hall of Mid-Town Middle School. She had just won the school's Science Fair. She was holding her certificate and ribbon, and had just walked out of the building when she literally ran into some girls.

"Hey!" Jessica one of the girls said, turning around. "Watch it Nerd." She snapped. But Suddenly turned sweet. "Hey what's that you got there?" She said snatching the certificate and ribbon away. "Aww, Geek of the Year Award? Congratulation!' She said with a fake kindness in her voice.

"Stop! Give it back! That's Mine!" Christina said trying to get it. But this 8th grader was much taller and was holding it above her head were she couldn't reach it.

"you didn't earn that! I won it! Ple-ase, just leave me alone and give it back!"

"Fine! You want it? Go get it!" She threw the certificate on the ground, and threw the ribbon up in the tree they were standing under. "Noo!"

Jessica stormed off leaving Christina, sinking to her knees crying.

"Someone loose a scientist of the year award?"

She looked up sniffling. Hanging upside down from the tree, holding her ribbon and certificate was the city's friendly neighborhood web-slinger. "S-Spider Man?" She asked uncertainly getting to your feet.

He landed on the ground in a crouch, holding the awards out to her.

"I saw what happened. I'm sorry I didn't get here in time."

He said sadly gazing at her through big white bug lenses.

"It's fine. It's not your fault."

"No. It's not fine." He told her as she took her awards. He helped her up into the tree so they were both sitting on one of the low branches.

"I know how you feel-" He started.

"No you don't!" She said suddenly turning angry. "Everyone one always says that! But they don't! They don't get picked on! They don't know how I feel!" She said starting to cry again. Spidey wrapped her into a hug, just sitting there with her for a few minutes while she cried.

"I know. People will say that. But they don't know how you feel. They may tell you, you should stand up for yourself, or ask why you don't do anything about it, or just say they're sorry and know how you feel."

"But it doesn't make a difference, you still get bullied, and there's no one doing anything about it…"

Spidey told her soothingly.

"How…" She took a deep breath her crystal blue eyes staring at him. "How do you know all that?"

He sighed. "Because, I was bullied too…" He whispered.

"You were?..."

"Yes. Mostly bullies have nothing against you and they're just dealing with their own problems…But you do need to tell someone. Other wise it'll only get worse. Come on, I'll go with you." He helped her down from the tree and walked into the school building. "Those are my parents."

Christina said pointing to the man and woman talking to the principle. "Eh-Hem." Spidey cleared his throat. But the adults were so engaged in they're conversation, and there were so many other people around that they didn't notice him. "Eh-HEM." Spider Man said trying to make his point clear that he was indeed trying to get there attention. They all turned to him eyes widening in surprise. And their jaws dropping to the floor.

Especially since they had just been talking about Christina and that something had been off with her lately, and there she was, standing in font of them with the city's favorite masked hero.

"Eh-hem, excuse me but could we all talk for a few minutes please?" Spidey asked breaking the shocked silence that had fallen over the group. "Uh, yes, of coarse." The Principle said fumbling to open the door.

"Thanks." Spidey said sitting in one of the chairs in front o the Principle's desk. Christina sat in the next chair, then her mother, then her father. The Principle sat at his desk facing them. All eyes turned to Spider Man waiting for him to start. "Uh, right. So I had been web-slinging, when I saw this girl here getting bullied." He said getting right to the point. Again more shocked faces from the adults.

"Three girls were teasing her, and taking her awards from the science fair, and throwing them up in the tree, and calling her names. I just wanted to inform you about what was going on." He said standing up.

"Uh, t-thanks Spider-Man." The Principle said looking dumb-founded.

"Just doing, my job." Spidey, said saluting, playfully before leaving through the window.

He still had one more thing to take care of though…

Spider Man spotted three girls sitting on a bench laughing. He jumped down in front of them in a crouch position. "Ahhhh!" Two of the girls screamed at his sudden entrance and ran into the school.

The only one sitting there was Jessica, the one who had been doing the teasing.

"Spider Man?! You're here! Omigosh! I can't believe it! Will you sign my picture?"

She squealed jumping up. Grabbing a photo of him from her purse. "Maybe in a minute, but first what's your name?" He asked.

"Jessica." She replied excited thinking he was gonna sign it to her!

"Jessica, why were you bulling Christina earlier?" He asked being straight forward.

"I-I wasn't bulling anyone-" "I saw you bulling her. I know it was you. I want to know why you did it. I've been bullied before, and it's definitely not cool. So before I make you go tell the Principle what you did, I'm giving you a chance to tell me why you did it."

She sighed. "I'm sorry Spidey." He sat on the bench beside her. "Things have just been really hard at home, I recently lost my dad in a car accident, and I just didn't know how to handle that…" She looked at her hands a tear running down her cheek. "I guess it was easier to make someone else feel weak, then to admit I was weak…" She said quietly. "I know what you're going though. I lost my Uncle, and it was really hard. But just because you're stronger then others, doesn't give you the right to make them feel inferior to you. When I lost my Uncle, I let who he was make me a better person. I became Spider Man. Now, you can go in there and be a better person and apologize, or keep being the person nobody wants to be around and is scared of. Just think what kind of person your dad would want you to be…"

She sat there for a moment drinking in his words. "You're right Spidey…Thanks." She said hugging him.

"Now how 'bout I sign that picture for you?" He said winking at her. She giggled, and handed it to her. He signed, and stood up. "Well I've gotta go now. It was nice meeting you Jessica, Now I expect that you're going to apologize to Christina for this?" "Yes sir." She said, smiling. "Good. Well my work here is done, tootles!" And with that, he was gone.

Jessica looked down at the picture of Spider Man, that he had signed, it said:

To: Jessica

Remember to keep doing what your dad would want,

And I'm sure He's proud of you, I know I am.

- Spider Man

And with reading that, she went to go talk to Christina with a smile on here face.

The End

I hope ya'll enjoyed that, and I'm thinking of turning this into a series of one shots,

revolving around Spider-Man doing none-Super Hero type things, like stopping bullies,

helping people carry groceries, helping parents calm their kids down. Helping kids

find their lost lost toys; etc, etc. Anyway tell me what you guys think of that idea in the

reviews, and feel free to review or PM me. I love ya'll to the moon and back! Bye!
