What Really Happened on Chen's Island
(Kylie's Point of View)
"Jay, Cole?" I looked up to see a spiky haired man about 18 sit down with three other boys. One of them had a ninja gi on, and the other three were dressed in more casual clothing. I kept an eye on them while I went back to washing dishes. I had been working at Chen's Noodle house for about six months now. It was a nice job with good pay, but I didn't like the fact that the food we had was shipped to us. I preferred cooking myself.
A few minutes later, three men walked into the restaurant. They stole the money in the cash registers and began giving Steve, my manager a whole bunch of trouble. I reached for one of the dinner plates I had just dried, a plate could be used as a weapon in countless ways. But before I could even get near them, that group of boys went over and two of them, I think their names were Cole and Kai, started messing with them. I rolled my eyes at both how poorly the thugs fought, and how long it took for Kai and Cole to beat them. The thugs picked themselves off of the ground and ran out. The four guys, I think they were the ninja followed them. I sighed and put the plate down and began cleaning up a table.
"Uh... Kylie, can you come here for a second?" asked Steve. I nodded and followed him into a room marked employees only. Steve sighed and said, "Kylie, the restaurant is quickly losing money, so we have to get rid of some of our employees, and sadly one of them is you." The news hit me like a blow to the chest. I couldn't believe it. Now I had no job, and no family to ask for help from. My brother and I had been orphans for about six months after the death of our father. My brother had died six weeks ago, but it feels like he was here just yesterday. He had been wounded seriously, and his heart just kept going faster and faster, and then it stopped.
I finished cleaning up the tables, just as the last man was leaving. He had a gray T-shirt and gray pants on. His hair was extremely light blonde on the sides and had a black stripe down the center. When I was cleaning up the table I noticed that he left a twenty dollar tip for me. That confused me because typically, people only gave five dollar tips. I didn't think about it much while I closed up the restaurant.
On my walk home, I crossed through an alleyway. It was a few streets away from my house, and it took a few minutes off of the time it took me to get home. Unfortunately, that also meant I'd have do deal with anyone who lurked in dark places. Tonight, I did have to deal with some of them. It's not like they were the greatest fighters, so the fact that they had me outnumbered two to one wasn't a problem. I instantly recognized them as two of the thugs that had invaded Chen's Noodle House. I was honestly kind of bored by their fighting skills. They were worse the way they fought against the ninja. It took less energy to beat them then it took to work the cash register. I smiled as the second fell unconscious. Then a voice rang out from behind me.
"Look out behind you!" I spun around. There was a third thug, the one with the silver eye. I back flipped over him and he lunged at me, but I dodged it. Both of us advanced, but suddenly strange green and blue waves hit him in the forehead. He looked at me and scratched his head. Then he shrugged and left the alley, walking away. I looked back at the source of the waves. It was the man who left the large tip back at the noodle house. He was most likely the same one who alerted me to the thug's presence. It took me a while to realize I was staring at him. It turned out that the reason I was staring at him was his eyes. They were a strange orange color, which was not something you see every day. But the size of his eyes were quite strange too. They were much bigger than average. In fact, compared to other people, he looked like he belonged in anime.
"Wha- like... how did you do that?" I asked.
He smiled, "That's the power of my suggestion waves. I can send a thought or command into a person's mind and they'll follow it. Oh! I should probably introduce myself. I'm Neuro, master of the mind."
It occurred to me that I should reply to him, "I'm Kylie, but call me KJ, I'm the master of music." I said using my best element. My other element was weak, and I rarely used it, "Thanks for the warning. I wouldn't have beat him without your help." He shook his head.
"Yeah you would've. You were amazing at fighting them." I just shrugged. When you make it your life's goal to defend the innocent, and you've literally known how to fight since you first saw the word, it's not that difficult.
I decided to change the topic, "I haven't really seen you before. Are you from out of town?"
He nodded, "I'm visiting my mom here for a while. She's nice, but can't cook, so I decided to find somewhere else to eat tonight."
"Cool," I said. "I do live here. Where are you from?"
"Jamanakiai Village."
"Cool. That place must be a lot safer than Ninjago City."
"Yeah. There was everything from serpentine to nindriods. I heard about that. Didn't the most recent attack end in the death of the master of ice?"
"That's right." I was traumatized by that. I wasn't able to get down to the sewers in time, so I watched the battle from a grocery store. Over the last month and a half, I kept waking up from nightmares where I was the one dying. I was at the funeral, but I hung back near a tree the whole time, trying not to cry. I knew Zane and I loved him, but no, I am not a fangirl. Neuro interrupted my thoughts.
"Anyway, I should probably get going," Neuro said. He walked through the alleyway, which was the same way I was headed.
"Great!" I thought, "Maybe I can talk to him a little longer." I caught up to him as we walked toward our places.
It turned out that the two of us were in the same apartment building, and his mom's room was right next to mine. I knew his mom. Mrs. Salton was a very nice person who usually kept to herself, but I'd see her sometimes when I got home from work. We'd usually talk for a couple minutes. She also visited me and helped me get over my loss when my brother died, which I greatly appreciated.
I didn't mind being on the top floor, the only downside was that I had to take the stairs because the building didn't have an elevator. Neuro and I began the fifteen story climb to our apartments. On the second floor he broke the silence that filled the stairwell. "So, when the city was attacked by serpentine or the other groups of villains, were you ever fighting them?"
"Sort of. Only when the ninja were gone. You've heard of the ninja, right?"
"Yeah. They've been on the news all the time. I'm pretty sure that the ninja are the masters of fire, earth, lightning, and ice, but the ice master died. And the green ninja as well, who is the grandson of the first spinjitzu master. If I'm not mistaken, the green ninja's father, uncle, and mother are also on the team, as well as the fire master's sister."
"Wow. They really must be on the news a lot." I was a bit annoyed that they were always on the news and I wasn't. I'm not the kind of person that needs attention, but it would be nice to have credit for the things I did. I was the one that found the ultra-dragon in the desert, and led it to Ninjago city to help the ninja fight the Great Devourer, and I helped 13 people escape their homes and reach the bounty when the stone samurai attacked, but it was always the ninja who got the credit.
On the ninth floor my sixth sense kicked in and alerted me of danger. My sense wasn't very clear, but I made out something sharp, and my head. I put that together as something sharp about to hit my head. Yes, I did have a sixth sense, and when people found out, they'd say something like, "Wow! Just like the white ninja!" That was kind of annoying, but I got used to it.
"Duck!" I yelled as a knife sailed over us and got stuck in the wall. Attached to it was a letter that said Kylie and Neuro written in neat handwriting on it. Slowly, Neuro stood and opened the letter cautiously. I looked over his shoulder and read:
Your brother is alive, but unless both of you come and compete in Master Chen's Tournament of
Elements, you'll never see him again.
Neuro, you're not a bad, person, are you?
Obviously you wouldn't keep a person from seeing her brother again.
So, if you accept meet at the pier at midnight. You'll be staying for several days so bring a bag for clothes.
Let me warn you. Everyone at the tournament will have something they're fighting for.
Hopefully, we'll see you there. From,
Chen's faithful servant, but my name doesn't matter.
Neuro and I spoke at the same time. I said, "You're going, right?" as he said "You're not going right?"
"Are you crazy? He's my brother!"
"But it's probably a trap!"
"I don't care. I'm going. I'll bet the ninja will be there as well, and I really want to beat them at something! And it might not be a trap anyway! So, you better go, because he's my brother and-!"
"Fine, I'll go."
"And it's not fair if you don't go because- oh, did you say you'd go?" He nodded and I blushed, "Sorry, sorry!"
"Don't worry about it. He's your brother, so I guess it's reasonable that you are determined to help him."
"Thanks. Do you have a brother?"
"No, but I have an older sister named Claire. She's really nice, but she constantly reminds me that she's older and that she's better than me."
"Huh... I wonder if my brother thinks I do that." We finally reached floor 15 and our rooms.
"So," said Neuro, "Should we meet here at 11:00 tonight?"
"Yeah, sounds good." And then we parted ways. I was smiling all evening.
I decided to take a short nap; it was only 7:45 after all. I looked outside and gazed at the stars. I found the star that was somehow special between me and my brother. It was dimmer than most others, but it still shone and stood out to me.
"Goodnight brother. I will see you soon."
(A/N) So that's chapter 1. I hope you liked it. Sorry for you people that dislike OC's, but this idea I had was really nagging at me and I just had to get it out. I'm uncertain when the next chapter will be up, but I'll try to hurry. I love getting reviews, so please leave one.
Until next time,