Chapter 64

It was usually around the weekend that shit went down. The time of the week working people longed for; a chance to recharge their batteries. But no, why would they have that? To Lena Luthor, it seemed like the universe was working against them. She had been overworking herself past her limits working with Firestorm and the Atom and although she enjoyed their company -especially the arguments Firestorm had with the Professor inside his head and the way the Atom rambled- and the mystery they brought her, she was beyond ready to close herself in an abandoned island.

She had called Kara a couple of times wanting to suggest her a weekend getaway or a simple girls' night out. But her reporter friend had been radio silent every time she tried to reach out. At first, Lena waved it off. Kara was a classic workaholic and Lena had no trouble imagining her buried under her work, with her phone uncharged and only coffee to keep her going. She had every intention of letting it go and perhaps calling one of the other women she had met through Kara, perhaps Zatanna (now she was a party girl) or Alex and even Dinah. But then the news reported something that unsettled her very much.

She hadn't managed to wrap her head around what she was seeing, as she stood stone-like with the remote glued tight to her hand. It was mind-blowing and she desperately wished that she had forgotten that it was April's fool and that channel 52 was just playing a prank on them. But no. No matter how many channels she changed to the very same news slapped her across the face. Lena felt numb from the horrific news. Her mind short-circuited. She just could not see it. Especially after spending so much time with two-three basically- members of the League and knowing Supergirl for three years, she just could not believe that they would let something like this happen. No one of the male superheroes she spends most of her time with nowadays showed any indication that there was something wrong going on inside the League. At least Lena had not peaked up on anything. It wouldn't have been hard either. Especially with how the Atom usually blurs things out without filter. Case in point, she knew that the physical manifestation of Firestorm was called Jax -a fact she chooses to pretend she didn't hear- and that they both called the Professor inside his head "Grey" although that was not his real name.

Lena stayed staring and gaping at the screen still long after the news had ended and the scheduled TV Show had begun airing. When she started coming back to herself she knew that she had to talk to Kara immediately. Kara was a reporter, she must know more than they are letting on. And having Supergirl as an informant, Lena bet that she knew the fact from the fiction. So, if she wanted to know what really happened, then she had to go to Kara.

Kara was not at CatCo which meant that James probably managed with some magical way to convince her to go home. And so she did the only logical thing and drove away to the familiar streets of Kara's apartment. It was only when she stood outside her door and ready to knock that occurred to her that perhaps she ought to have brought something with her. Chocolates, ice cream, pot-stickers...whatever Kara Danvers considered as comfort food. Because yeah, there was definitely going to be a lot of comforting after the news bomb. But she was already there now and walking down the stairs sounded pretty boring inside her head. Seriously, when was the landlord going to fix the elevator? Lena had started to think that he must be watching 'The Big Bang Theory' for all the wrong reasons. But that's beside the point. What was, however, the point was that she couldn't make her legs move. And since her legs were being so uncooperative, she did the only other thing she could. Meaning, knocking.

Lena had mentally prepared herself to be greeted by a furious Kara who would spend the next two hours ranting about how impossible the news was and that she smelled conspiracy because 'Who in their right minds would think that a member of the League would do THAT?!', and who eventually would start sobbing because all her nerves were giving her anxiety. Well, Lena was in for a wake-up call.

It was not Kara who actually answered the door, but her sister Alex. Lena was not surprised to find Alex there. After all, they had the kind of sibling love that she and Lex lacked the hell of. However, Alex was surprised to see her. So surprised that she didn't cover up her hiding-something face before Lena could see it.

"Lena! What are you doing here?" Alex acted as if she had forgotten that Lena was supposed to be here.

"I came to see Kara." she said warmly. "It's terrible what they're saying on the news. I've been trying calling her but she's not answering her phone."

Alex didn't make any move to let her pass. "I know right." she gasped. "I mean it's very hard to believe."

Lena nodded her head. "I know, that's why I came straight here. I figured with Kara knowing Supergirl she must know the truth."

Alex made a face as if she swallowed a lemon. "Actually," she actually sounded guilty. "I don't know if she knows anything. Kara has been really sick the past few days. That's why she didn't answer her phone."

It was needless to say that Lena paled. "What!?" she gasped. "How sick is she? Let me see her."

But her attempt to move inside the apartment was once again blocked.

"She's not here."

"What hospital?" she demanded before Alex could get another word out.

Lena was a complication that no one had thought of. It was stupid of them to completely ignore the fact that Kara's best friend who was not involved with League business (deeply involved that is) would simply forget that Kara existed. But then again no one expected Kara to stay in her coma for so long. And now Alex had to come up with a very good excuse as to why Lena could not visit her supposedly sick sister. Nor could she tell her a hospital name because there was no one for Lena to find there. So where could her 'sick sister' be that Lena could not follow. And then it hit her.

"She's not at the hospital." and then she added quickly. "I mean she was, but the doctors could not find what was wrong with her." Technically true.

"Then where is she?" Lena interrupted her yet again.

Alex sighed. "I contacted Supergirl. Apparently the League has some specialists doctors and she offered to have them look at Kara."

For what was worth, Lena took her sweet time working through all the new information. "So she's at their base now." she more stated than asked.

Alex nodded quietly.

"Have you been to see her?"

"No," Alex shook her head. "They didn't want to risk any more civilians in their base." Alex hoped she'd get a freaking Oscar after her performance today. Best actress of all time goes to... ding, ding, ding...Alex Danvers.

The disappointed look on Lena's face made her feel bad. "I suppose if they're not letting you see her, they're definitely not going to let me either."

Alex gave her a sad look for dramatic effect. "I don't think so." she shook her head. "They did promise to update me on her condition, though."

Lena seemed to accept that answer. "Will you let me know if you hear anything?"

"Of course." Alex said immediately. "I'll tell you if they come in contact. And I'm sorry for not telling you that Kara was sick. I had so many things on my mind that it completely slipped..."

But Lena was already waving it off. "It's fine, truly. I understand."

Lena was truly an angel and Alex was going to hell.

"I guess my break is over. I should get back. Call me if you have news."

Alex could only smile tightly and nod.

The lengths they had to go to keep their secrets.


Six Hours Ago

Caitlin had woken up later than usual following her date with Winn. She felt sore all over and tired making her wonder what Frost had done last night. Caitlin went through her morning routine at a faster pace if she wanted to make up for the time she had already lost so that she could go to STAR labs for her daily check-up on Kara. It was during moisturizing that she decided to ask her body roommate about her date.

"So did you and Winn have a good time at Sinners?"

It was a blast!, Frost replied excitedly.

"We had fun too." she admitted applying the finishes touches to her make-up. "This triple relationship has gotten off to a great start. It might just work after all." she finished picking an outfit from the closet.

As soon as she put the clothes on, she felt being pulled back. Frost having taken control moved to the mirror and cringed.

"I know. We are lucky." she said taking off the top and trading it for another.

As she turned, Caitlin took control again. "We are not going out as prostitutes you know." she gasped as she inspected herself in the mirror.

With her hair turning white again, Frost smirked before pulling down the pajama pants and choosing a mini, leather skirt to go with the top. Only she didn't manage anything more before Caitlin was back. The brunette gasped loudly.

"Frost!" she accused. "What is the matter with you today?"

Normally, the ice queen would reply from inside their head, but she was feeling particularly playful this morning so she took control again.

"Winn might be at STAR labs." she said admiring herself. "And it's not my fault you have terrible taste in clothes."

She ran her fingers through her white, curly hair and send a kiss to herself through the mirror. Pleased with the way she looked, Frost then moved out of the bedroom and grabbed Caitlin's car keys out of the ball by the stand next to the front door. The thermostat next to her made a weird noise and Frost had only time to frown before her eyes stopped glowing and her appearance warmed up along with the white hair changing back into a rich brown.

"There's no way you are driving my car after last night, Frosty." Then her eyes widened as they fell on the broken machine. "Oh, come on, Frost! You broke the thermostat again!" she complained.

This time the other personality didn't fight for dominance. I told you, it doesn't like me., she said guiltily.

Caitlin rolled her eyes. She considered not buying a new one. There was no point, Frost kept destroying all of them. She was pulled out of her thinking by the sound of her cell phone ringing. Caitlin frowned and reached inside her purse looking for it. She frowned even more when she saw who the caller was.


Carla's voice was frantic. "Caitlin he's here! You need to come right now!"

The call ended abruptly, but not before a loud noise echoed through the speaker. Caitlin's eyes flashed icy as she panicked, worried for her mother.

STAR labs. Breach devise. A car ride will take too long., Frost guided her.

It took her longer than she liked to get to STAR labs, but as soon as she got there she gladly let Frost take over. She had no idea who was after her mother, but Frost was the one capable of taking care of the threat.

For a moment Frost had considered not changing into her superhero suit, but the blue costume was waving at her from the mannequin where all the suits lay. It had been a real pain when Cisco first made it for her. Frost would take longer than anyone to change into it, but now she has found a nice system that took her no time. And so she made up her mind last minute and she changed before activating the breach-device. She jumped into Carla's office with the heels of her costume clicking on the marble floor. Her glowing eyes scanned the room around her frantically trying to locate and asses the danger. At first glance, there was nothing out of ordinary. But then she caught a patch of ice at the corner of the exit. She frowned and broke into a run.

When she turned to the corner and into the other room, there the shock waited for her. The lab -Frost didn't know what kind of lab it was- was completely trashed. Tubes smashed, chemicals splashed on the walls, on the shelves and on the floor mixed with ice; lots and lots of ice. If she didn't know any better, Frost would think that she had trashed the place herself. Still in shock, she found Carla behind the main counter. Caitlin's mother was laying on the floor as if she had fallen in her attempt to get away from her pursuer. Her left arm was raised, covering her face -not that it stopped her attacker from turning her into an ice museum exhibit. Frost gulped as she felt her stomach turn at the horrible sight. Her hand twitched and she willed herself to move and do something. This was Caitlin's mother and despite having voiced her ugly feelings towards Frost she had to save her.

She knelt down in front of Carla and settled her palm onto the ice wall that surrounded the woman. Frost closed her eyes as she concentrated and only opened them when she heard the cracking sound of it starting to break. It did not take long for the ice to fall but to Frost, it seemed like an eternity, and Carla still stood frozen in her position. Frost gulped again and moved to the next phase. She had never tried this before and she hoped that she was right. She took hold of Carla's arms and siphoned the cold into her. She could hear Caitlin yelling at her that she needed to find towels and heat to warm her up, but Frost's first assessment did not show any of those items. So she concentrated into removing most of the frost from Carla's body until the woman started coming to her senses.

Caitlin's mother shivered and Frost continued taking the cold inside her. They stood there for a long time as Caitlin warned Frost that she should not hurry the process because it would shock Carla's system. When things started looking up the woman looked up and straight into Frost's icy eyes. Carla screamed and trembled to move away from the hero as much as the movement allowed her. In her fear, she could not see the hurt reflecting in Frost's eyes at the rejection. She had just saved her life and Carla still saw her as a monster. So she willingly sunk into the void and let Caitlin gain control. Frost did not stay upfront to listen in, but instead, she sunk further inside her subconscious and raised up the walls that separated her and Caitlin.

The first thing Caitlin did when she resurfaced was to smooth her hands over her mother with care.

"Mom, it's me. Mom calm down, it's me, Caitlin." she said soothingly.

"Caitlin." her mother cried.

"Yes, mom, it's me. I came."

Slowly, Carla's vision came to focus. She took in her daughter's brunette and warm appearance and her heart started to slow down. Caitlin let go of her arms and sat closer to her taking her mother into her arms, hugging her as she shook.

"Who did this to you mom? When Frost came, she found you frozen."

"Frost?" Carla's voice was confused but did not help as much hatred as the last time they had a conversation about her. "She found me?"

"Yes," Caitlin nodded. "When you called me, we came. She found you and melted the ice. I still need to warm you up, but she did most of the work."

Her mother shivered in her arms. "What have you done, Caitlin?!" the accusation did not sound very strong as her voice trembled.

Caitlin frowned. "What do you mean? We just saved you."

This time Carla raised her head and looked at her. "What have you done?" it was more visible this time. "You and that...abomination you call a sister." she spat.

Caitlin's stomach dropped feeling angry all of a sudden. "I can't believe you! You call for our help, Frost saves you life and you still hate her!"

"I wouldn't need saving if you two hadn't set him free. I knew I shouldn't have trusted her. You shouldn't have trusted her either. And now he's free, Caitlin. He is free!"

"Who is free?" Caitlin gasped. "I don't understand."

"Who do you think did this?"

"I don't know."

Carla's eyes her wide with fear as she spoke the next words. "It was your father's other self. It was Icicle."


Spencer Young was sipping her third cup of coffee. Despite having set her alarm clock at 8 pm her nervous brain had decided that she did not need sleep. She was a nervous wreck -that was an understatement. From the moment she made that deal with Lex Luthor, she was in a state of constant pressure. She wondered if she'd be able to pull off what was asked from her. And if not, would she be kissing that new job good-bye? Probably.

Spencer had no idea where Lex Luthor found out about her abilities. She had not fought the Flash, she was not part of the Rogues, and nor did she hang out with criminals. And it was not like there was a secret metahuman book club she could join either. It was curious; very curious. But he was also the only one willing to give her a shot after being fired by the biggest newspaper in Central City -despite the more than questionable favor she needed to deliver first. So that was how she found herself waiting for Lex Luthor's personal assistant no one knew about.

She was waiting for a knock on her door and someone to sweep her off her feet. What she got was a text from an unknown number to get her ass downstairs were a dark SUV with tinted glass was waiting for her. Inside was only a woman with curly blonde hair and the driver, a man who glowed when she sat inside and then took off.

"I'm Eve Thesmaker." the woman introduced herself without looking up from the message she was typing. "Are ready to do what Mr. Luthor requires of you?"

There was a kind of judgment in Eve's voice that made Spencer feel uncomfortable. Her voice got stuck in her throat and she found herself only able to nod. At her silence, Eve looked at her from the corner of her eye and that judgment in her voice became thundering through her look. It was enough, though, to shock Spencer's voice back.

"I hope so." she admitted with a small voice.

Eve sighed looking at the frightened girl. "Listen to me Spencer." she put her smartphone away. "Mr. Luthor doesn't tolerate weakness and he demands nothing less than perfection." she advised. "I'm telling you this because I was you once, so trust me. If he is pleased with you, he'll elevate you higher than you've ever imagined."

"And if I fail?" Spencer asked staring at Eve wide-eyed.

Eve rolled her eyes. "The exact opposite." simple and bitter was the answer.

Silence fell around them after that. Spencer was still nervous because she'd never used her powers in such a big scale before and Eve could practically hear the wheels turning inside the other woman's head. She breathed out trying to not let it get to her nerves.

"Okay, tell me what is troubling you?" she basically demanded.

Spencer hesitated, but the piercing look Eve was giving her made her rethink that. "I just don't feel all that comfortable with the plan."

She was not expecting Eve to laugh, but that's what happened. "You don't even know that plan." she said amused.

"No," she admitted. "But I still feel guilty. I mean, I don't have anything against the League -hell last year Frost saved my life when those Earthquakes were happening everywhere. And Vibe prevented a mailbox from opening my head open. And Flash sped me out of a bank robbery."

Eve was staring at her extremely intensely. Her nails were digging into the palm of her hands from how tight her fists were. Don't scream!, she instructed internally.

"It's not personal." she said in a high-pitched voice. "Just business. Let me ask you something. Don't you want to be a respective journalist? To win the Pulitzer like Lois Lane? To get back at Iris West-Allen for getting you fired?"

"Allen!" Spencer squealed. "That bitch got married?"

Eve smirked sweetly. "Oh, yes. For some time now."

She watched as Spencer began breathing heavily and she knew she had her. Lex had told her that Iris West-Allen was a sore subject for their newest puppet and Eve had every intention of using every ounce of that argument. With a tight jaw, Spencer did not object again, a fact that made Eve smile pleased with herself. She was so good at manipulating people. If only she could convince Lex to let her quit from CatCo and join L-Corp. She knew that she could be much more helpful to him if she was standing behind Lena's back and not babysitting Kara Danvers.

"Where are we?" Spencer asked when they got out of the car.

"You don't need to know that." Eve responded without looking at her.

Spencer followed her through the garage to the underground entrance where two suits stopped them for identification. At that point, Eve gave them an irritated glare. Seriously they should know her by now. But the guards defended that they were simply following protocol. Eve let it slide and brought Spencer inside, they took the elevator stopping at a secret middle level between 26 and 27.

They were alone. That's the first thing Spencer noticed. She and Eve were the only people in the entire room. Eve didn't give her the chance to look around. Instead, she ordered her in the single armchair in the room. On top of it there was a the ones hairdressers use for perms, and in front of it, a single computer.

"Clifford DeVoe's thinking cup will enhance your powers. Now, get started."


Dante had to give it to Veronica Sinclair otherwise known as Roulette. She had a flair for the dramatic but without being too on the nose. At least that's what he thought as he and his right hand walked into her new club, The Dice. See what he meant? Dante knew more than anyone that Veronica used the Dice as a front for her illegal fight club and alien trafficking, after all, he was the one funding her small empire. He had seen much potential in Veronica when she came to him years ago and despite that small step-back with Supegirl some years back, Roulette had proved herself to be a worthy business investment. Dante had been a little sad that Veronica had not agreed to be a full-time member of the 9th Circle, but she still paid him his share so that wasn't so bad. Not bad at all, since she had something he wanted.

They moved to sit at the back booth while Ella Fitzgerald was singing April in Paris in the background. Dante's usual stop was taken by a couple of morons, who smirked as they saw them stand above them.

Dante put on a fake smile. "This is my table, so you better take your drinks and move somewhere else."

The guys had the guts to laugh. "I don't think so chap, we were here first. But the chick can join us." the one on the left roamed his eyes all over Red Arrow.

Red Arrow felt disgusted at the two pigs in front of her. She glanced at Dante for permission and when her boss nodded even so lightly, she flicked her wrist sending a throwing knife straight into the man's throat.

There was a loud scream that came from the other guy that matched the horrified expression on his face as he watched the blood sprinkling out of his dead friend.

"Move or you're next." she warned coldly.

He needn't need to be told twice -not that there was going to be a second warning. The moron ran away so fast he even forgot his drink. Dante sighed hoping that someone was going to clean the mess up fast. He hated getting his suits dirty and blood was not easy to get cleaned.

"Must you always kill someone in my club?" Roulette stole Red Arrow's congratulations.

Two sets of eyes moved away from the bloody body and fell on the fiery, petite woman smirking at Dante. Veronica was getting skinnier every time he saw her, but she still held that majestic aura around her.

"It's not my fault you entertain thick people." he flirted back.

After that, they shared a moment of intense staring, until Roulette parted her lips suggestively and bit her lip. "Why hasn't this mess been cleaned up already?" she demanded from no one in particular.

Immediately, everyone around them got into motion. The body was taken out of sight, the blood was wiped and the table cleaned. All the while Dante and Veronica continued eyeing each other.

"Well, Sweetie," she invited them to sit at the empty booth. "I usually transfer to you what I owe and you leave me alone. So, to what do I own this displeasure, of having you grace my club with your presence?" the venom was leaking from her voice despite trying to sound sweet.

Dante, however, was immune to her poison. That was why he was here after all.

"You just get more charming every time I see you, Veronica." he teased enjoying the way he could get under her skin.

Roulette's hand spammed in her attempt to hold back her anger. An attempt that was futile, Dante could read her so well.

"What do you want?" she spat quietly.

Instead of telling her right away, Dante took a sip from his drink for dramatic effect, swallowing slowly enough just to draw it out and let Roulette stew in her misery. He liked making people miserable.

"I heard that you've expanded your product collection to metahumans too." he said finally. "Were aliens not enough?" he teased lightly.

Regaining control over her emotions, Veronica gave Dante a blank stare. "Amunet Black was started to become too much of a competition and you know me, I need to be the best."

"You sabotaged her." Dante could not hide the proud smirk.

Roulette shrugged. "I may have made one of my goons make an anonymous call to CCPD about where her shipment was. The real one, not the one she faked herself."

"And not she is rotting in Iron Heights and you've taken over her operation." he concluded in admiration.

"It's not like she needs it where she is." she giggled. "Why? You interested in buying one of them." she sobered up.

"No," he shook his head. "Besides, I head Amunet is not the only one you screwed over. Arkham Asylum is also missing a flowery psychopath."

All color immediately drained from Veronica's face. "What do you want with Poison Ivy?" she asked darkly.

"I just need one of her poisons." he admitted.


Dante blinked. "I'm sorry, what?" he refused to believe he heard right.

"I said no." Roulette said firmly.

Apparently it was the wrong thing to say. Darkness clouded over Dante's face and he leaned forward to glare at her.

"To hell with the no. I owe you, Veronica, you hear me? I owe you! I made you who you are and I can break you down just as easily. Don't give me a reason to, because I'll stamp on you as I would stamp on an ant. So don't be stupid."

He never raised his voice. He didn't shout, didn't yell, didn't go above an octave of a whisper. And yet, the fury in his voice was louder than the scream of a Banshee.

Roulette's chest was moving up and down, clearly trying to catch her breath. "I can't give her to you." she tried again.

This time, Dante hit his palm angrily on the table. "I ALWAYS GET WHAT I WANT!" he roared.

Everyone's eyes turned on them. Red Arrow did not like this at all. They were supposed to be discreet. Even at a shady criminal club, they were risking getting exposed to the real world. So, she let her hand fall lightly on his shoulder. Feather-light, as if to not scare a wounded animal.

"You need to calm down, boss." she said softly.

Dante closed his eyes and breathed in. When he opened them again he was greeted by the bewildered image of Veronica.

"Your pet is right." Red Arrow tried to not take offense at her naming. "But if you'd let me finish, I'd tell you that I can't give you Poison Ivy because I haven't broken her yet. The disadvantages of being an actual psychopath. If I give her to you now, she'll pose more danger to you than whatever purpose you want her for."

There was a small pause as Roulette's words shrunk in. And then Dante burst out laughing. He let his head fall back and a round of loud laughs exploded around him.

"You were worried about me?" he mocked when he managed to collect himself. "Oh, Veronica, you don't have to." he promised. "You see, I am the expert of breaking down psychopaths. How do you think I molded you?"

Roulette tightened her jaw at the insinuation. She didn't appreciate been made fun of, but she could not hope to overpower the leader of the 9th Circle.

"Fine." she agreed, giving him a pointed look. "But in exchange, I want three months off of paying you."

This caused Dante to laugh again, only this time not with his heart. "Nobody lays off paying me, Sweetie. But tell you what, because you are my favorite girl Veronica, in exchange for Poison Ivy, Red Arrow will do a job for you."

Roulette stroked her tongue on her front teeth. If Dante wanted to get killed by an untrained psychopath then who was she to stand in the way. So she smirked pleased.

"Well, how can I say no to an offer like that?"


The night shift at CCPD was quiet as was expected. Most of the precinct had returned to their homes and to their families and only a few remained to hold the torch until the morning came. Captain Sing was wrapping up a few details before retiring himself too. He had spent his day listening to the Mayor as she complained about the Flash asking her to not go through with the museum she was developing in his honor. Honestly, David had much better things to do instead of listening to the winnings of a woman because Allen was being too much of a humble hero. Seriously, how could the kid irritate him so much even as he was being heroic, David could only wonder. He had half a mind to corner him in his lab and demand to just give in because he could no longer take that reasoning of why the police department should convince the Flash to accept the building of the museum. David had much better conversations with Frost when she came in each week to report her presence and what she had been up to. And so, he was left behind in his own responsibilities as the Captain with that drama. David some times questioned if it was worth it. But of course, it was. He knew that he could go home to his husband and sleep with both eyes closed because the most irritating person on the planet was looking after them. And speaking of his husband, David shut down his work computer and gathered his briefcase ready to return home, where a very disgusting veggie souffle was waiting for him.

As he gets up, the power goes out. Singh knows by now that nothing remotely good can come out of this situation, so he immediately searched under his desk for the alert button. Outside he can hear gunfire and screams. The folder falls to his side, he has his own gun out in moments and ducked out of his office and hides in the opening of the elevator. The temperature has dropped drastically and his mind wanders to the time Frost had saved him a bunch of civilians from a natural disaster. But Frost had reformed, he was convinced himself too after checking her progress personally.

David tries to get a good look, but the angle is all wrong and he can't move without getting between the crossfire. But the gunfire dies down all the more and the sound in ice blasts thrive above them. he is terrified and he wants to help his colleagues. He tries to look one more time, but when he still can't see anything he makes a choice. He is going to move regardless and if he gets shot or stabbed then, he'll deal with it later.

It turns out to be the wrong choice after all. The moment he comes out of his hiding spot a sharp icicle pierces his shoulder. David cries out in pain and the gun falls out of his arms. He barely registers that the is no more gunfire. Blood leaks from his wound and his pores shrivel as the cold moves closer. David has never seen that ice meta before. He is slowly moving towards him smirking evilly. David sees another icicle forming into the meta's palm and he prepares himself for the final strike.

But it never comes. The meta is blown away revealing Vibe standing behind him with his arms raised. David wants to sigh in relief, but he doesn't get the chance. The two metas fired at each other, one ice and the other vibrations. Singh's breath has been caught in his throat. The villain continues smirking but he could see the struggle on his face. Vibe struggles too as the ice moves closer to him. Vibe curses and mumbles that he should have let Flash come along before pushing his own blasts more powerfully. David wonders why he didn't let the Flash come too. Was he busy with something else? Was it his day off?

In the end, Vibe stops playing around and uses the full power of his vibe blasts. Icicle doesn't stand a chance. He hips the glass window of David's office and lands painfully on his desk managing to break it completely. Singh doesn't really care much about buying a new one.

"You alright, Captain?" Vibe checks on him trying to catch his breath.

David nods and urges him to get going. "He's escaping." he warns him.

And it's true. Vibe raises his head just in time to see Icicle having frozen the ceiling. Vibe sends another blast but the meta is prepared. he counters it with one hand while using the other to completely smash an opening to the ceiling. Vibe is still trying to catch his breath, but he tries to stop him anyway. However, before the blast can hit him, Icicle is already flying away.

"I really should not have told the Flash to stay behind." David hears him say.

His vision is going dark and his eyes blink close. David knows he's losing consciousness, but that's okay because he knows Vibe will take him to the hospital.

"Captain! Stay with me, stay with me, Captain." Vibe urges desperately, but he is long gone.

He just hopes someone will call his husband.