A/N: Hiya! I meant to have this up Sunday night, but visiting family + adding in a new scene messed that up - sorry! But this is nearly 4k words so I hope that makes up for it. Enjoy! And Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish readers!

After months of stakeouts, the Ministry had figured out where Grindelwald had set up shop. So, in the morning, Tina found herself hiding on the roof of the building across the street from the house, watching people come and go. And as much as she knew the patience was necessary, the desire to barge in there and rescue her boyfriend was overwhelming.

My boyfriend.

She could practically hear him now, taking five solid minutes to stammer his way through asking her out for the first time. She had waited patiently for him, filled with some combination of ecstasy and anxiety at the prospect, and as much as it had hurt to turn to Bunty rather than Queenie for help picking her outfits, spending the time with Newt had been more than worth it.

Her favorite had been the second one, where they had a picnic in the countryside, then settled in to watch the wildlife until sunset, and the stars until morning. As the sun had risen, painting the sky a rainbow of rich colors, she had been curled up with her head on his chest, relaxed in a sleepy contentment. After the first hesitant touch, he had gently played with her hair for hours.

How she longed to be back there now, where they had been safe from the war.

"I think he's set up an anti-apparition spell," Theseus said. "Everyone seems to be apparating to the front step, even though that makes them easier to spot."

Tina nodded. "I was thinking that too."

"Meaning not only are we going to have sneak in there, but we'll have to sneak him back out."

Tina bit her lip. "Right. And from the traffic we've seen, I'd say he could have anywhere from five to ten followers in there at a time."

"And…" Theseus hesitated, and when the words came out, they were forced and rough. "And who knows what shape Newt will be in."

Tina winced, trying not to look at the images now flashing through her mind. She'd seen him hurt before, in battles gone wrong and when the occasional creature got out of hand, but if he had been tortured…

The front door opened, and out stepped seven followers. Their conversation just managed to reach Tina.

"I can't believe the boss is just keeping that Muggle-loving filth in our basement," one young man muttered.

"It's worth it for the screams," a woman said. "Besides, he'll be dead soon anyway."

Tina gripped the railing in front of her, convinced the thing would crumble as she clenched her fist around it. Beside her, Theseus had gone pale, his furious glare riveted on the door.

"Shush!" a second woman hissed. "You better not be saying these things when we meet up with him."

One by one, the followers apparated away, leaving the door to drift shut. Leaving the house free of seven enemy combatants. And, apparently, Grindelwald himself.

It's now or never.

Tina looked to Theseus, but he was already changing into a different man, holding her flask out to her. She swallowed down the Polyjuice Potion Newt thankfully kept in his cupboard, shuddering as she transformed into a random woman she had passed in the street a few hours ago.

Rising as one, they apparated to the ground and marched for the door.


Theseus pushed the door open carefully, glancing around for enemies, hand hovering near his wand. Seeing no one, he stepped inside, letting Tina shut the door behind them. Finding the way to the basement took a minute; he found it by spotting the lone guard parked in front of it, a young man with curly ginger hair leaning against the doorway with a bored expression.

"Follow my lead," he whispered to Tina.

He drew himself up to his full height, putting into his stance all the swagger and authority he had learned from his soldier days. Striding forward, he stopped just inside the man's personal space bubble, not looking to as him so much as looking down his nose at him. "We've been ordered to see the prisoner."

The man narrowed his eyes. "Boss said he wasn't to be visited by anyone but him and-"

"We have our orders," Theseus interrupted, letting an edge of a growl into his voice.


"Unless, of course, you wish to take this up with him?"

"No," he said, jumping out of their way. "Go ahead sir."

Theseus harrumphed, swinging the door open and gesturing for Tina to go first. With her chin held high to match his own high-and-mighty confidence, she swept past the two men. Theseus followed, closing the door sharply behind him.

Immediately, they dropped the act, hurrying to the bottom. Luckily for the rescue attempt, it was a tiny room, with no hiding places for enemies.

Unluckily, that meant they were immediately confronted with the sight of Newt. Curled up in a tight, uncomfortable ball, his hands cuffed behind him and tied to a pole, his face scraped up, his torso exposed to the cold air and covered in bloody bandages. He was pale, shivering, mumbling something in his sleep.

"Newt…" Tina breathed.

At the word, his eyes flew open. With grunts of pain, he scrambled upright, pressing back against the pole. "Who are you?" he demanded, pain and exhaustion slurring his words despite his obvious attempt to keep his voice steady.

"It's me-" Theseus started before remembering the potion. "It's Theseus, Newt, Theseus and Tina."

Newt only narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "How do I know this isn't another illusion?"

Theseus's heart sank. Not even 24 hours in, and he was injured, terrified, and suspicious. I'm so sorry we didn't get here sooner.

Tina sank to her knees, down to his eye level, and Theseus did the same. "It's me, Newt," she said, her voice soft and low. "I started our letter exchange, before you even got back to England. My first letter was waiting for you when you got home."

Hope sparked in Newt's eyes, but he quickly tamped it down. "Queenie could've told you that."

"Could Queenie tell you about our letters?" Theseus said, struggling to match Tina's calm when he wanted nothing more than to yank the cuffs off before hugging his brother and never letting go. "We started the moment you were old enough, when you had just turned four, and you used that garish green ink that you loved so much until you were six. Every week while one of us was at Hogwarts, right up through the end of your schooling, we wrote to each other. Every week, without fail."

Newt looked up at him, the hope returning slowly to his wide eyes. "Th-theseus?" he rasped, his voice breaking.

"Yes," Theseus whispered. "Yes, Newt, it's me. It's your brother."

In his relief, he slumped forward suddenly. Theseus darted forward, catching him with gentle hands. Newt turned, pressing his face into Theseus's shoulder, and Theseus hugged him as tightly as he dared. Tina moved quickly, slicing the rope and unlocking the cuffs; the second his hands were free, Newt brought them up to hug back, clutching Theseus tight.

Only after a few moments of that did Newt move, turning his head just enough to see her. "Tina," he whispered, letting go of Theseus with one hand to reach for her.

She took it into both of hers, pressing kisses to the back of it. "I'm here," she reassured him between kisses, tears shimmering in her eyes. "I'm here."

Newt squeezed her hands, holding to them both as they held tight to him.

Theseus was nearly tempted to stay there forever before a crash sounded upstairs. Newt jumped like he'd been shot, eyes darting to the top of the staircase.

"Shh, it's all right, no one's getting to you now," Theseus soothed, moving to help him up. "But we do need to leave."

Tina waved her wand, fixing up Newt's clothes. He looked down in alarm, patting his empty breast pocket. "Pickett," he said urgently, looking up at Theseus. "Pickett and my wand, they have them-"

"Where?" Tina asked, resting a calming hand on his shoulder.

For a moment, Newt's lips moved without forming sounds. When he finally did speak, he dropped his gaze to the floor, mumbling nearly incoherently. "With Q- with Queenie."

Tina paled, sucking in a breath. "She… she's here?"

Newt nodded.

"I can go-" Theseus started.

"No, no," Tina said, looking like she was squeezing Newt's shoulder as much for herself as for him now. "No, she's my sister. My responsibility."

Theseus nodded. "All right. Here," he said, digging into his coat pocket for the last bit of Polyjuice. "Drink up, Newt."

Newt did, his only protest a grimace at the taste, and within moments, he looked like Theseus's twin. Reluctantly, he eased away from being Newt's crutch – if this was going to work, he had to walk past the guard on his own two feet. Tina led the way upstairs, Newt in the middle, Theseus a step behind, ready to catch Newt if he stumbled.

"Chin up," he whispered to his brother as Tina opened the door.

She strode out, cocky attitude back in place, and Newt followed, doing his best to copy her, but his limp was unmistakable – they needed a distraction. So Theseus slipped slightly to the left, closer to the guard, who was trying to push an ornate vase back into place, and with his gaze fixed straight ahead, he knocked into the follower with his shoulder, pushing him straight into the wall.

"Hey!" he said indignantly, pushing off and glaring at Theseus. "Watch where you're walking, mate!"

Theseus spun sharply on his heel, looming over the ginger. "How about you watch your tone instead?" he growled.

He glanced away nervously, and when his gaze fell on Newt and Tina, he narrowed his eyes. "Weren't there only two of you?"

"Are you so daft that you don't remember my twin?"

"I- no, of course I do."

Theseus scoffed, turning away. "You would do well to perhaps read a book. It might help your stupidity," he tossed over his shoulder.

The man bristled, ready to argue back. Theseus waved his wand, knocking the vase over with a second crash. The man spluttered indignantly, but Theseus simply left him behind, climbing the stairs after Newt and Tina.

The moment they were safely out of sight, Newt doubled over, pressing his arm against his stomach. Theseus caught him, pulling his other arm around his shoulders, and Tina braced his other side. She looked around, pulling open the door to the closet conveniently next to them. "Wait for me here."

Newt looked up at her. "Tina-"

She cupped his face, interrupting him with a long, gentle kiss. "I will be right back," she promised, brushing her thumb along his cheek. "Before you can name ten creatures."

"That- that's not really possible-"

Tina smiled, the expression awash with love. "I know."

He blinked, then leaned down for a second kiss. Theseus let them take comfort in each other, suppressing the urge to clear his throat and remind them that their Polyjuice would only last for a few more minutes if they were lucky.

Finally, Newt let him guide him into the closet.


Tina closed the door behind the brothers, then turned to search for Queenie. Her elation at holding Newt again quickly faded as she moved through the house. The last time she had seen Queenie had been in Paris, when she had turned her back on everything she'd ever known to follow the man who had nearly killed Tina and Newt only six months before. And as much as she missed her little sister, she dreaded seeing how the time beneath his rule had changed her.

It didn't take long, thankfully. She could feel the discomfort of the potion wearing off, returning her to her normal appearance, and the brothers would be in the same position. But still, she hesitated outside of the open door.

It was a small bedroom, its color scheme largely matching the rest of the house, but Queenie had put pink everywhere she could manage. There was a bed pushed into one corner, a nightstand beside it, and a cluttered desk. Queenie sat at the desk, hunched over a book, her back to the door.

Without a word, without turning around, Queenie held her hand out. Held between two fingers was Newt's wand, and sitting on her palm was Pickett.

Slowly, Tina stepped into the room, fighting to hold back her tears. Queenie's outfit was a far darker pink than she had once favored, and for some reason, that alone was enough to break her heart. "Queenie…"

"Don't," Queenie said, her voice rough.

Tina took a step closer. "Queenie, please, please come home."

"I am home, Teen."

"Then why help me?" she pressed softly.

"I'm helping Newt," Queenie said. "I signed up to someday marry Jacob, but I ain't gotta let Newt suffer to do that. So take him and go."

Tina reached to take the wand. As they brushed against each other, her fingers instinctively wrapped around Queenie's, and for a moment, she considered it. Considered clutching Queenie's hand tight, dragging her out of here, and taking her back to where she truly belonged.

But that would only alienate her further.

So Tina swallowed down the urge, the instinct to protect her. She held on for another heartbeat, just to hold her, then let her hand fall away, taking Newt's wand with her. Pickett had already climbed to her shoulder, and after making sure he was secure, she began walking away.

"I love you, Teenie."

Tina hesitated. "I love you too," she breathed.

Then she left her little sister behind.


Newt sank to the floor, tucking his aching thumb against his stomach. "Muffliato," Theseus whispered. "Lumos."

Only then did he sit beside Newt, holding his wand tightly and keeping it aimed at the door. They shuffled for a few seconds, searching for a tolerable position, but despite the closet's luxurious size, the one they found still left Newt shoved in the corner and Theseus's knee and shoulder pressed into the door, the brothers wedged close together.

"This is cozy," Theseus said.

Newt's laugh morphed into a groan as pain flared in his cuts. He buried his face in Theseus's shoulder, breathing as deeply as he dared through the pain. Theseus wrapped his arm around Newt's shoulders, and for once, he welcomed the hug.

"No jokes. Sorry. Oh, and your creatures are safe, they're with Jacob and Bunty, somewhere they can't be found."

Newt breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good. Are we…?"

"Yes, we'll join them once Tina comes back."

Tina. "She's wearing the scarf," Newt mumbled.

Theseus smiled. "She is. Good call on that, Artemis – she'll be quite the happy girlfriend once things calm down."

"I hate that name."

"I know you do. That's why I use it when you lie to me."

"We were- we were going to tell you-"

Theseus patted his shoulder. "I know, Newt, I'm just messing with you."

Newt managed not to laugh, but he did smile, relaxing a little more into Theseus's grip. "Thank you for- for coming."

Theseus lightly kissed the top of his head. "You never have to thank us for protecting you, Newt. Never."

Newt nodded, silence settling over the duo, letting his eyes drift shut.

He was safe.

He was safe.

Tina broke the silence. Knock knock. Knock. "Time to go, you two."

Theseus pushed the door open, rubbing his knee. Tina, looking like her normal self again, offered a helping hand, first to him, and then they both turned to Newt. Newt chose Tina as his crutch this time, reaching up to brush away the tears on her cheek. She caught his hand, interlacing their fingers and resting her cheek against them for a moment.

"Guys," Theseus murmured.

Tina cleared her throat, letting go of his hand. "Here," she said, picking up Pickett and setting him on Newt's shoulder. The Bowtruckle trilled happily, and Newt smiled in relief as he watched him scamper to his pocket. Tina smiled too, tucking his wand into his coat.

"All right," Theseus said, "we should-"

The front door, clearly visible just beside the bottom of the staircase they stood at the top of, swung open.

Grindelwald stepped through.

He looked up immediately, making eye contact with Newt.

For a moment, everyone stood frozen.

Tina moved first. "Stupefy!" she yelled, whipping her wand out. It missed, just barely, making the door explode. Grindelwald leapt aside, surprised. Tina grabbed Newt's hand and whirled around, bolting for the other end of the hallway. Newt stumbled after her, pain forgotten in his haste, Theseus on his heels.


The wall at the end of the hall blasted apart, and suddenly, Newt realized where she was going. He reached back, grabbing for Theseus's hand. And they leapt out of the house.

Once Theseus was free, they apparated.

They landed in a pile in an empty field, Newt half on top of Tina, Theseus half on top of Newt.

"Ow," they all rasped as one.

"I vote we just… lie here for a minute," Tina said.

"Sounds good," Theseus agreed. "Sounds perfect."

Newt let his silence agree for him, content to lie in the sun with his brother and girlfriend.


It was about five minutes before they picked themselves up, headed to the portkey, then apparated to Nicolas Flamel's doorstep. Tina, holding Newt's hand while he leaned on Theseus, reached out to knock on the door. "Ja-"

The door swung open almost before she finished the first knock, and Jacob was grabbing her and pulling her into a hug. "Tina! Thank goodness you're all right- Newt!"

Newt grunted, already being squashed by Bunty when Jacob joined the hug, lifting his hand to awkwardly pat Jacob's back. "Good to see you," he said, looking at Tina for help.

"Ok, come on," Tina said, carefully prying Jacob off of his best friend, Theseus nudging Bunty back. "Let's go inside and let Newt sit."

"Oh, right, sorry- wait, how badly did they hurt you?"

"Enough," Theseus growled. He took a breath, and his voice was calm when he spoke again, guiding Newt to the couch. Tina let his hand slip from hers as she stayed beside Jacob, waiting while he closed the door.

"Hey, you don't look happy," Jacob noticed. "You got Newt back, he's gonna be fine. Right?"

"Yes," Tina whispered. "Yeah, Newt will be fine. But, ah…" She glanced up, meeting Newt's gaze over Jacob's shoulder. "You should sit. Yeah, right there, next to Newt."

Jacob sat slowly, glancing between Newt and Tina in confusion. Theseus cleared his throat and excused himself, taking Bunty to find some medical supplies, lightly ruffling Newt's hair before leaving. Newt ducked his head, glaring petulantly after Theseus as he pointlessly smoothed his messy curls. Tina smiled, resting her hand on his knee.

"What are you guys not telling me?" Jacob asked after Theseus disappeared into the suitcase.

Tina closed her eyes, squeezing Newt's knee; he rested his hand over hers. "Queenie was there."

"What? Queenie was- Queenie was there? Did she- is she ok? Did she come back? Is she just out getting some food or- or-"

"She's fine," Tina interrupted. "He's treating her well. But… Jacob, she's not coming back."

I couldn't bring her back.

Jacob shook his head. "That can't be true, it- it can't-"

"She let him torture me," Newt blurted, now squeezing Tina's hand.


"I- I mean she- she patched me up after- but- but she took Pickett-"

"She also gave back Pickett and Newt's wand," Tina said, sparing Newt from Jacob's disbelieving glare. "But I gave her every opportunity to come home with us, and she refused. She thinks she's doing this for you, so you two can get married someday, and until she realizes Grindelwald would never let that happen… she's not coming back."

Jacob sucked in a breath, leaning back and dropping his gaze to stare at nothing, processing.

I can't bring my sister home.

Tina let her head hang, shoulders slumping. Newt slid his arm around her back, and carefully, she leaned against him, reaching out her other hand to latch onto Jacob's. Jacob clutched her in return, resting his hand on Newt's shoulder. Newt rested his hand on Jacob's shoulder.

And for a while, they sat there in silence, bonded by their pain.


A few hours later, more than ready for the day to end, Tina sank to the floor beside the couch. Newt was curled up on it, fast asleep beneath a blanket, joined by Dougal on his legs, the Niffler family in his arms, Pickett in his hair, and Jane the Occamy draped along his side. Tina gently stroked his hair, moving his messy bangs away from his eyes.

Jacob, who had decided to distract himself by making them all an elaborate dinner while Tina and Theseus patched up Newt and Bunty made sure Pickett was unharmed by the ordeal, was now fast asleep in a chair. Theseus leaned against the couch by Newt's legs, holding a cup of hot cocoa. "We are so fired," he said.

Tina shrugged. "You know there's no one they trust more to find Credence – we'll be suspended at worst. And even if we were fired, it would be worth it."

"True," Theseus said, resting a hand on Newt's leg when he stirred uneasily. Most of his color had returned, but the fear hadn't quite slipped away yet. "I shouldn't have let him go alone," he admitted quietly.

Tina shook her head. "It wasn't your fault, Theseus – we couldn't have known Grindelwald would pick that moment to kidnap him. Besides, I'm the one who wanted the scarf."

"Please, Tina, you couldn't have stopped him from going."

"I could have-"

"No," Theseus said. "He talks about you all the time, and I see the way he looks at you – he never even looked at Leta with that much love. With that much… trust. No, he was going to go get you that gift, whether it was a scarf, a quill, or some highly illegal magical creature. Provided, of course, he could take proper care of it."

"A salamander," Tina murmured. "I'd want a salamander. If he got me a creature, I mean."

Theseus smiled. "A salamander. Named what?"


The name just slipped out and her heart clenched anxiously, but when Theseus looked at her, he was smiling. Bittersweetly, but still smiling. "Leta," he echoed. "I love it."

Tina smiled hesitantly, and she and Theseus lapsed into a comfortable silence, broken only by the snores of Jacob and the creatures. She turned her head, nestling her chin on the couch beside Newt, and lifted her other hand to rest lightly on the scarf she still wore around her neck.

A/N: If you haven't read Never Alone - the story behind Jane the Occamy is that she's the one they caught in the teapot, and Tina named her after the New York ordeal before Newt went home.

Anyways, I wanted to do something with Newt getting patched up after they got back to Paris, but I just... couldn't figure out what to actually have to make it worth a scene that wouldn't interrupt the flow. So alas, it didn't happen (but if I do think of a way, I might just stick it in a new chapter as a bonus scene).

But the end scene! I'm so proud of that! I love it! If I could draw I would absolutely 23180348% draw it! So I could stare at my babies being cute forever! But unfortunately I suck at drawing

Whelp, that brings this fic to a close. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it is much as I enjoyed writing it!