Author has written 2 stories for Steven Universe. /u/10147710/ "Hey, just what you see, pal!" This is where pics and whatnot will be posted for any more serious or longer fics that I post. Actually, most things will be in the profile here since you can't copy-paste from fic pages unless it's the description. Nebulite is DEAD. Picture for the gemstone in Nebulite: https :// s-media-cache-ak0 .pinimg . com /736x/18/09/20/1809204676364c624e0b76b05f3343b5 . jpg {{remove all the spaces around the dots and colon}}
This quote is from another author, and I feel exactly the same way! Share this and post it on your profiles if you do, too! This is a post I made on a YouTube theory about Sardonyx knowing she was a fictional character. It's also a dump for a theory I've had rattling around in my head since I was about 14 or 15, but I didn't wanna edit it into it's own thing because I'm lazy, so I'm giving you this A/N to understand the context. But what says their universe is fictional? Perhaps 'universe' isn't the word we should be using, though. I like to use the word "Realm" for any 'fictional' sort of universe. I actually have several theories for this kind of stuff, too. One basically states that the Realms are indeed fictional. Whenever someone from OUR Realm {the "Realm of Reality"} thinks something up, a Realm is formed to contain it, any deviations{Like fanfiction, edits to canon or orginal script, reboots, etc}, and any 'different action' alternate universe. {{look up the 'many worlds' theory of alternate universes. Says that every choice or decision or event has limitless different paths and alternate outcomes, and therefore an alternate universe is created/exists to play out every tiny, minute change.}} The second is similar. Realms are separated based on being 'fictional' universes, only they aren't 'fictional' universes at all, and we didn't create them. They created themselves, came out of nowhere, or [if you prefer] were formed by a god, deity, or other force for whatever purposes. The only reason WE see them as 'fictional' is because the creators have visions, thoughts, ideas, dreams, or any other kind of inclination or inspiration coming FROM these universes/Realms [or the god that made them/us/everything, if you prefer] somehow. The third theory abolishes the whole 'Realm' idea and basically takes the 'many worlds' theory to a whole other level, stating that because there are simply SO MANY possibilities for every minute change of every little teeny tiny action, that it's possible for these others RADICALLY different worlds to actually exist naturally without being as fictional as WE believe they are. Even ones that are [at the same time] both incredibly close AND radically different. {{I.E iRobot, TRON, everything from the MCU, everything from Pixar if you believe in the "Pixar Theory", etc.}} The fourth theory is basically the same as the third theory, only using 'branes' as the basis, instead of 'many worlds'. The hybrid 3-4 theory is literally that. A combination of 'branes' and 'many worlds' to get the 'it's a fictional universe' result. The fifth theory is that everything IS fictional, but it's powered by pocket-dimensions/sub-dimensions in our minds. I'm not very grounded on this one since I literally just thought it up to add it to the list and pull it out to 5 theories. Anyone's welcome to examine, theorize, philosophize, add to, elaborate, or critique this if they want. BIO: Name - Dave Age - Old Zoomer Sex - Yes, please Race - RIP America Height - Not quite "manmore" Weight - Big Chungus Eyes - I'm blue, dabba-dee dabba-die Hair - Side Character Skin - Farmer's tan Face - 7.5/10, but gap-toothed Endowment- Medium Chungus BoopleSnoot |