Three months have passed since the last time I saw Winnie, but now the season of Christmas is growing near and all of the monsters ae coming back to the hotel to celebrate it. Personally I was not as enthusiastic about Christmas this year as I usually am; my primary focal point was to see the love of my life again.

I flew through the hotel looking for her as new guest arrived, but to my perturbation she was nowhere to be found, she had not arrived yet. I sped up time by beginning to scrutinize the amazing decorations my grandfather put up for the entire place. It was lit up with Christmas lights, giving you a jolly feeling. Everyone was enthralled by the decorations that had been set up for the holiday. We had more, but the piranha lady would not stop eating them and constantly said she didn't do it.

I started looking for my mother to see what she was doing. When I found her she was decorating the Christmas tree in the lobby of the hotel. I rushed towards her and asked "hey mom, watcha doing", "decorating the tree, would you like to help?" she inquired "not right now, do you know where Winnie is?" I asked while starring at the ground. "I have not sweetie, why you already miss her?" she said giggling.

I blushed a bit and said "no, I just want to know if she arrived yet", she smiled and then said "I don't think she has arrived yet". I looked at the ground feeling more disconsolate; my mother noticed and flew over to me and said "she will be her soon, I'm sure of it" she then smiled at me and said "I'm so happy my Dennis has found his zing" then hugged me.

From embarrassment I tried to push her off of me and she eventually let go "I'm just going to hang out in my room until she arrives" I said trying to escape "ok" she replied. I then traveled up the stairs and walked towards my room, but As I got closer to my door I noticed a shadow racing towards me and when I turned around to look what it was I was tackled to the floor.

It was Winnie, she started to lick me affectionately and when she was done she asked "miss me?". I was overjoyed to see her again; "sure did" I replied. She smiled and then got off of me allowing me to stand up and once I did she pushed me up against the wall and kissed me while hugging me with a tight grip. I missed the feeling of her furry lips on mine along with the rest of her body. When she was done kissing me she said "I really missed you" as she fluttered her eyes. I blushed and started to drive my hand through her fur, liking how soft she was.

She smiled and placed her head next to mine, "Like the feeling of me" she asked calmly, "Yes" I said giggling. She then blushed and gripped me tighter and said "I already know you like the feeling inside of me". She then pressed herself up against me already becoming sexually active. I started to like the feeling of it, but I quickly noticed where we were and said "Not here!".

I started to hear my mother walk towards us and began to panic, I then gently pushed Winnie off of me. "Dennis I saw Wayne and Wanda in the lobby, Winnie must... oh you already found her" she said approaching us, "nope I just sniffed him out when I got here" Winnie said giggling; my mother laughed as well and then said "you should have seen him, he was looking everywhere for you and becoming more and more disconsolate as the day went on".

Winnie's ears drew back and she blushed, while I became embarrassed. "Mom!" I snapped, she began to laugh "alright, alright I'll leave you two alone" she said as she turned around to go somewhere else. When she was out of sight Winnie looked at me with her face still blushed, "You're just lost without me aren't you" she said with a smirk. I just smiled not knowing what to say.

I took her hand and walked her to my room, "I want to show you a few things that my dad gave me that I thought was cool" I said. We entered my room and I jumped on my bed, I then pointed at my TV showing an old 80s video game called Galaga. My dad was more old school when it came to his video games and one day he just gave them to me. "My dad gave me these old games one day and I wanted to show them to you" I said to Winnie with enthusiasm. She looked at me and said "I don't think that's why you dragged me in her", "What do you mean?" I asked curiously, she then hopped on my bed and knocked me over. "I think you just want me in your bed" she said with a sexual tone "what... no I swear I was just wanting" she cut me off and kissed me not caring what I was going to say.

I pulled away quickly and asked "what!, already?" she smiled and said "look.. when you get a werewolf girl wet you have, I repeat have to handle it", "but I didn't do anything to get you like this" I said curious on what I did. she just giggled and proceeded to kiss me, I could not help myself but to go along with it. I kissed back and started to drive my hand through her fur once again, I began to travel further down her body until I found my controller that was next to her. I picked it up and started to play the game. Winnie heard the sound affects and looked at the TV, then back at me. "Are you serious?!" she yelled. I could not help my self to laugh.

Winnie started to giggle a bit as well, but quickly gave a look of seriousness. she began to lower her head next to mine and softly said "i love you". I hugged her tight and replied "I love you to. She hugged me tighter to where i could feel her heart pounding, she then raised her head and looked at me affectionately. She smiled and started to kiss me passionately, but this time she drove her tongue forward to give me some, i started to like it and began to get wild myself.

Note: Yes there will be a second chapter, it may take a little bit because of personal things; mainly school, but i will finish it up. Don't be afraid to leave any suggestions on what should happen next or what it should lead to.