Hello, nice to see everyone again. I did say that Kids World wouldn't be my last Inside Out story.
Now, just so you know, the emotions WILL appear in this story. It actually has to do with the plot that they're here, so, yeah, they're appearing. Riley's still the main focus, but I kind of require the emotions to appear to move the story along. They're a plot-point, you see, so yes, the emotions will physically appear.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's move onto the story itself.
I sat on my bed, facing the window. It was immensely boring, but I didn't know what else to do at the moment. I mean, soon they would be here, but at the moment, it was just me.
To pass the time, I chewed on my fingers. It hurt, but I didn't know what else to do. This was just one of my many ways to pass the time. But, I had to wonder: was this all there was to it?
I wasn't always like this, but I don't remember who I am. I have trouble remembering much of anything, to be honest.
I mean, my mind has been so... empty, since... I lost track of when it started. I know that I wasn't always like the way I was now, but I just can't remember. I don't know who I am, or who I used to be.
There are times where I try to remember my name. However, all I remember was that it started with an R.
Ryan, maybe? Or, Rosy? Everyday, I think I'll remember who I was, but then I'm faced with the true reality that it's hopeless. Who I was is gone, and I am now who I am.
Yellowjacket. That was my new name. That was what they all called me now.
The others. They were like me. They were empty, having forgotten about who they were, and what they are. Sometimes, I wonder if they think like I do, wishing to return to the past to when our life was hopeful.
By now, the city was littered with us. I don't know why it felt so empty, though. Barely anyone is truly missing, but whenever I pass through the streets, I feel like I've lost something.
There is something I remember about my past...
There were two people. They've been with me since I was born, but I have only the vaguest memory of them. I remember that they disappeared some time ago, and I haven't seen them since.
Everyday, I wonder if they will come back. If they will open the door that's lying right next to me, come inside, and then I will remember who I am. But I lost that hope weeks ago.
I'm alone now, for the most part. The others only come for me when I'm of use to them. When they arrive, they use me to help them hunt down the "freaks", among other things. When I'm no longer of any use at the moment, they leave me here.
I curled up on the bed, waiting for when the others would inevitably showed up to do the usual with me. Until then, I can only wonder if this is all that awaits me in the future.
Everything was pitch black in Yellowjacket's Mind. All of the Memory Islands had been shut down, and had collapsed inside the Memory Dump, which was filled with forgotten memories.
In Long-Term Memory, the formerly glowing corridors below the Headquarters, was damp, filled with graying memory orbs. Occasionally, a light would flicker in one of the more important memories, but that's all it was. A flicker. No more.
In Headquarters, the room had been shut out of commission. In contrast to every other location in the mind, there was a small, light, though dim.
Star dragged through the darkened Headquarters, her glow omitting the room to allow everyone else to see. Her glow used to be brighter, but it was a comfort to the others, who could hardly see anything else without her.
Teardrop stood at the controls, which had began to short circuit out since Yellowjacket's memories had started failing like the others. Nowadays, she was usually the one running the controls, making Yellowjacket contemplate her life now that she was on her own. Other than that, she didn't know what to do.
"How long has it been?" Star asked Nerve, the one who spent his time configuring out the events that would partake in Yellowjacket's life.
"It was Day... 345," Nerve replied after a moment's pause. It was essential that he remembered what would happen, for Yellowjacket's sake.
Star shivered. It had nearly been a year since they had undergone the sudden transformation. They had still seen no sign of those two people that they felt were so important to their past.
Brick spent all his time pacing around the room. In spite of their limited thought process, they had managed to configure his place in things. When the others would arrive, that was when Brick would drive. The others needed that for Yellowjacket to carry out their hunts.
Star had stared at Pixie. Ever since they had lost contact with their memories, Pixie had been the one who was left out of things. Funnily enough, Star, though she hardly remembered anything anymore, could remember that some time ago, Teardrop had been in the exact same situation.
They had tried to keep some semblance of order. Star was the one who kept the others motivated and hopeful, Teardrop was the one who tried to inspire help from the others, Brick would induce rage in Yellowjacket to defend herself if she was in danger, which was constant, and Nerve kept Yellowjacket in constant fear of those who sought to harm her. But, they had no use for Pixie anymore. It had been like that for nearly a year.
Star did sometimes wonder if, one day, things would return to normal, and what had happened now would be a memory that they could dispose of in the Memory Dump.
But the longer Yellowjacket remained like this, the more Star knew it would be unlikely Yellowjacket ever escaped from the tormented shell she was in now.
Yellowjacket heard a scratching coming from outside the door. She had grown accustomed to the scratching, and she understood its meaning.
The others were here. It was time.
Alright, can you guess what has happened to "Yellowjacket" and the others? I don't think its very hard to figure out.
If the story seems slow, don't worry, they pick up quickly. Anyways, read and review, as always.