AN: WARNING: This is my first attempt at writing a HTTYD story. So I apologize if anything is out of place or anyone is out of character /:

Chapter One

"Do you have everything all packed?" Mom's voice reached my ears as I stared down at the bag on my bed. For the last three hours I was packing for the camping trip hosted by my middle school. Everyone in my class was required to go for extra credit. And of course since I was failing math it was the main reason mom had ordered me to go.

Math has never been my favorite subject. I've hated it long since I started middle school. I only just barely made it through first year. My second year was even worse, because I'm taking algebra. Apparently we're supposed to learn it because algebra is something we'll need once we graduate.

With a roll of my eyes I grabbed the last object I'd decided to take with me: My journal. It was already well used and had entries from my first year of middle school. But I've had this thing since than and would continue writing even after I graduated.

"Yes mom," I replied once everything was packed. The sound of footsteps followed shortly after, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes when mom peered inside. She was always worried about my safety, especially since I had a tendency to leap first without thinking. Let's just say I've gotten into a lot of fights in the past few weeks. "I'm all ready!"

"Good, the bus is getting ready to leave," mom explained. "Alex, are you sure that you're fine with this?" She narrowed her eyes in concern. Of course I wasn't fine with this. I hated camping. I wasn't fond of the outdoors or getting dirty. But it wasn't like I had much of a choice. It was either this or summer school, and I'll be damned if I have to spend an entire summer in school.

"Mom, I'll be fine," I reassured her with a smile. "I'm a big girl now." Mom only laughed at that before helping me carry my things. It was a week's worth of clothing and supplies for the trip. Hopefully we wouldn't be out there for more than a week, as that was what the flyer had said.

The camping trip was supposed to be a learning experience according to Mr. Atlack. He explained that we would be learning equations along the way and how to use them in order to survive in the wilderness, or whatever that meant.

I followed mom down the stairs and into the car as she got ready to drive over to the parking lot. Everyone who was attending the camping trip had excused absences from the teacher. Which meant that the bus would probably be full of students who were more than happy to skip out on class.

"Now just remember to stay away from any boys." I rolled my eyes as mom set down the rules. She always had a problem with men in general. Considering the fact that dad had abandoned us when I was five, I couldn't really blame her. "And stay with the group, and do what you're told."

"Seriously mom, it's just a school trip," I pointed out. "Worst comes to worse I'll end up with a few mosquito bites or poison ivy." I added the last part with a shrug, inwardly cringing at the thought. Truthfully I wasn't looking forward to either 'dangers'.

Thankfully she didn't say anything else the rest of the way there. It was a good thirty minute drive to the school if she took the back roads, which she usually did. The weather outside wasn't too bad, probably in the fifties since it was early September. The beginning of the school year was an odd time for school trips, but Mr. Atlack had said it was the only time he could schedule it.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Hendrickson." Mr. Atlack was already waiting for us outside the bus. I noticed for the first time that almost everyone was already in their seats. Holding back a sigh I realized that I wouldn't be getting the window seat I'd hoped for. "You're the last one to check in," he explained after looking down at the list of names on a clipboard. "You can put your bags in the storage down here."

I simply nodded before doing as I was told, but not without taking out my iPod and a pair of headphones. There weren't too many people I spoke to in my class. Probably one or two other girls at the most who shared similar interests. But they weren't going on this trip. Unfortunately I was the only one who seemed to fail miserably at math.

"Alright everyone, can I have your attention please?" I chose to sit down next to another girl, who looked unimpressed with my sudden appearance. Fortunately I wouldn't be talking to her unless she decided to open her big mouth. "We should reach the campgrounds in an hour, if there isn't any traffic. There are bathrooms in the back of the bus, please feel free to use them."

Just the usual announcements before a trip. I only shrugged and put on my headphones, reveling in the music that played. I wasn't going to let this trip dampen my spirits, as annoyed as I was. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I was expecting.


Unfortunately my happy mood didn't last long. After an hour and a half we finally reached the campground. It was already getting dark out, and we had to work quickly in order to get things settled. The girls would be staying in two separate cabins while the boys would be staying in their own.

Each cabin had two bathroom stalls and two showers. That would mean we were going to fight over who got in first, and I was not looking forward to that. With a sigh of frustration I grabbed my bags and headed for the nearest cabin.

"I wanted the lower bunk!" Once I got inside I regretted it almost instantly. Sarah, one of then girls who I rarely got along with, was arguing with Kristen. Normally the two were the best of friends, always laughing and hanging out with each other. But it seemed this time Sarah wanted something that Kristen had already claimed.

"Sorry, first comes first serves!" Kristen boasted. The two started arguing once again, and it took everything I had not to punch them both. This could take all night. Luckily I had taken a sleeping bag with me just in case. I wasn't one to sleep outside, but in rare cases like this I was thankful to have packed one.

Surprisingly no one bothered asking why I was sleeping outside. Even I questioned my own sanity on this one. Considering the fact that everyone else was sleeping in their cabins, this was probably the dumbest choice I've made.

As I rolled out my sleeping bag I thought of what would lay ahead of me. This was probably going to be the most boring camping trip I've ever taken. Maybe if I was lucky something exciting would happen tomorrow. But I wasn't exactly counting on my luck.

AN: So... I'm not entirely sure where I will be going with this one. Kind of a random story now that I think about it, but I really wanted to post this. After watching How To Train Your Dragon 2, my love for the series just kind of grew ^^ This will follow the plotline of the first movie, and eventually run through the second one depending on how many people enjoy it. And yes, this is an OC suddenly finds themselves stuck in another world story. I couldn't resist XD