It's the end now, the very end. I know, it's so sad. I'm about to hit that complete.

Don't cry too much, because New Moon or Follow in her Footsteps will be out soon.

So, it's the end. If you like it review!

Epilogue: An Occasion

I was dressed up. I was surrounded in a beautiful silky fabric that I couldn't stop stroking. I loved Alice; she'd dressed me in a beautiful purple dress, accentuating my bust with a long V-neck and tight around my thin waist and hips before falling to the floor with gentle waves like a curtain.

Edward was painfully gorgeous in his tux. I could barely keep myself from looking at him.

Edward was taking me to prom, and I wasn't completely angry, but I insisted I would take the truck, and I was driving. Pressing on the pedals with my heels (they were awesome, the best purple I'd ever seen) was very awkward, but I didn't voice this. Edward was already looking at me worriedly. If he were human he'd probably be holding onto his seat, terrified of a crash.

We parked at school, and Edward got a call. "Hello Charlie," he said warily. "You're kidding," he laughed. "Why don't you let me talk to him?"

"No, let me talk to Tyler," I reached for the phone. He raised an eyebrow at me, wondering how I knew, again, but kept talking.

"I'm sorry if there's been some miscommunication tonight but Bella is unavailable." He paused for a moment, and then he started sounding angrier. "To be perfectly honest, she'll be unavailable every night, as far as anyone beside myself is concerned. And I'm sorry about…" I snatched the phone from his hand.

"Tyler, I never agreed to go with you to prom and you're blind if you can't see that Edward and I are together. So you go and fetch Lauren and leave me alone." I hung up.

"Nicely put," Edward chuckled.

"You too," I smirked.

We got out of the car, and I walked with Edward to the hall. I didn't really mind how tacky the hall looked. It wasn't like I was exactly perfect looking at the moment. I was so covered in scar's all over my exposed arms (under my dress was even worse) that I looked like I'd joined a gang. Mike and several of the boys at school had thought they were cool when they were still healing. They kept asking to poke them, asking if it hurt, and asking me to remove the bandages so they could see the puss. Edward had been very protective that day; they never did it again, even in classes Edward wasn't with me.

I spotted a few of my friends around the dance floor, shuffling awkwardly in their partners arms, all against the wall to make way for the two couples owning it.

Alice wore a cute black dress. It had triangles over lapping across her chest, a thick tight band of white around her stomach, and a series of long triangles over the top of a white skirt that went to her mid thigh.

Rosalie was flawless and stunning. Her blood red dress matched her lips and surprisingly looked good against her pale skin. The V-neck of her dress went to her waist, a fact I could see many guys in the room drooling over. I felt sorry for the girls who'd have to wipe spit off their shoulders.

Emmett's tux made his shoulder's look even wider and he wore a red shirt under. Jasper wore all black, the suit made him look even stiffer than usually. I'm sorry Jasper, but you're just too easy to make fun of.

They were gliding across the dance floor, literally gliding. If you couldn't see their feet and the ground you could convince yourself they were wearing skates.

Edward led me to the space where they were dancing, and picked me up so my feet were on his.

"Hey," I protested, "I can dance."

He grinned and started dancing. I was caught up in the swirling, the gliding, so I didn't care that he didn't think much of my dancing skills. I was so caught up that I didn't realize there was someone who didn't belong here standing right beside us until Edward stopped.

Jacob was there, in a kind of makeshift formal wear. It was funny to see, because the shirt was obviously not worn often and Jake didn't realize his growth spurt would affect what clothing he could wear. The shirt was tight across his chest, and halfway up his forearm and almost ripping across his biceps.

He was smiling, a little shyly, while some girls were all whispering around him, giggling and looking him up and down.

Edward was stiff beside me, almost growling. I rolled my eyes at him. "Hey Jake," I called.

"Hey Bella, can I cut in?" he asked the last bit to Edward.

He forced a smile, fake looking to me but probably looking real to anyone who didn't know him. "Sure, I needed to go to the bathroom anyway." I almost barked a laugh at that.

Jake looked awkward, and waited for Edward to leave before he said. "A little too much information there," his eyes went to Edward who was ducking into the boys' bathroom. I couldn't help but laugh this time, and Jake joined in.

"So, crashing the Prom hey? Didn't they have one at the res?"

He looked down - watching his feet which were awkwardly moving side to side in sneakers - while he spoke. "My Dad actually paid me to come here, 20 bucks and the master cylinder I need. He wants me to tell you something, but it's really embarrassing."

"If he's going to tell me you're on growth steroids I don't need to know," I grinned. "Seriously, how tall are you?"

"6'2," he said proudly, straightening up. I was annoyed now; he was looking down on me. I swear I was taller than him last time I checked. "But that's not it, and I'm hurt that you think I'd do that Bella."

"I trust you wouldn't do that yourself. You're dad would smash it up in your food. It's a big conspiracy to make the reservation's basketball team the best in the country." We laughed again.

"Our team is pretty good, we've smashed Forks high plenty of times," he teased.

"Hey, if I chose a side I'd be rooting for you."

"Thanks, but I can't stall much longer. Your boyfriend can't pee for ages."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, shoot, tell me this embarrassing thing. Let me guess, your Dad wants me to break up with my boyfriend?"

He looked shocked. "How did you know?"

"Jake, your dad practically told me that already. You were there," I said incredulously when comprehension didn't cross his face.

"Well, there's that and… this sounds really bad but it's him saying it not me okay, his plural not mine. He says, quote 'We'll be watching you'."

I laughed. "Sounds like a line from a cheap horror movie. Okay, I'm well informed, you can go get your money now. Actually, you could probably stay a while. Those girls over there look just short of pouncing on you."

He blushed, looking at them, the girls waved. He turned back to me, scared look on his face. "You weren't kidding."

"Nope, and as soon as I let go they'll swarm. Get ready to run," I giggled. The song ended and I ran from him, he glared at me as a group of girl's converged around him. A cold arm swooped down and spun me into a cold chest.

"That wasn't very nice, Bella. He'll be eaten alive in there," Edward's velvet voice chuckled.

"Oh, do you want me to go back and dance with him then?" Edward held me tighter in response. I laughed and let him lift me back onto his feet.

We glided for a while, and I let myself relax, leaning my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes. That was why I was surprised when we stopped. We were outside the hall, in private, and Edward led me to a bench.

Edward watched the sky and sighed. "Twilight again," he said.

"I still think it's beautiful."

"Not as much as you."

I sighed. "Edward, you can't say that and expect me not to pounce on you. I'd ruin this hair and Alice would be very pissed."

He chuckled, and lifted me onto his lap. "I don't care about Alice," his voice was almost husky.

"Neither do I," and I leant down and kissed him, perfectly happy. I didn't need to talk about the change, or ruin the moment. All I needed was Edward's lips on mine, expressing his love for me in the best way possible.

Ta Da, I actually finished it!

Please send me lots of review if you like this story. If not, then send me flames. Send me suggestions, just send me anything in the review *gets on knees* PLEASE oh pretty, pretty please with Edward on top, send me a review!