A/N: I do not own Twilight or Doctor Who. I'm just playing in their universe. Original plot developed by i heart the doctor.

Epilogue The Future

11th Doctor's POV

River Song is Amy and Rory's daughter! I didn't see that one coming. Come to think of how did I not see that one coming. OH no matter. I have places to go, promises to keep and a missing baby to find. Though this could take some time, I have no idea where to look first. I guess I could track down those soldiers, start there, but then I would be out gunned. That would pose a problem. No matter, here we go!

This button should work, flip this level and off to... where are you going now? I don't have time for you to play games I have a baby to rescue. I need to get to this strong hold place before they leave! I'm sorry sexy, I didn't mean to raise my voice. Could we please go to the Anglican Marines' base, pretty please? I promise I will park you a safe distance away so they can't harm you.

Oh come on, where are we now? No no no no, this isn't right. Why are you going to Earth at a time like this? I need to go to Artesia. 31st Century, Earth? Why now of all times. What happens in the 31st Century that the TARDIS would pick this place?

Well what are we doing here? Let's see, this button should tell me where I am. Earth 3050, New York, why did I come to Buffalo, New York? What are you doing? I need to get find Melody not go for a joy ride.

*Knock knock knock*

Well that is strange; people don't usually knock on the door of a police box.

"Hello, can I help... Bella?"

"Hello Doctor, I guess you were right about the whole regenerating thing."

"Yes, well, I had to save a friend. Only way to do it was get exposed to a large dose of radiation. In order to live I had to change. But it is great seeing you again. How have you been?"

"We are doing very well. It would seem the future we experienced came to pass long ago and Marcus is the leader of the Volturi. I think the human race will continue on as it should."

"That is good to hear."

"What brings you to New York?"

"I don't know." I answered. "I was trying to go to a planet that I believe is responsible for kidnapping my friend's newborn daughter. Why I ended up here, I am not sure."

"Off on another adventure then?" She sounded amused. Seeing her smiling face again brought back happy memories of my previous incarnation. It was so nice listening to her. She knew me so well even though we only spent the briefest of time together. I relaxed, took a moment to breathe again.

"Of course, I never stand still. By the way, how old are you now?"

"Now Doctor, you should know better than to ask a lady her age." She laughed a little, "but for an old friend I guess I'll tell you. I will be 1133 next month; Edward and I are going to the island he bought me on our 1000 wedding anniversary."

She looked at me for a moment. Her butterscotch eyes were piercing into my soul. I could tell she knew something big was going on. "The TARDIS brought you here, didn't she?"

"Yes." How did she do that?

"Hello old girl, it is so good seeing you again. OH, you changed too." She ran inside before I could blink. "I like the new look, though I do miss the old one too."

She walked around looking at everything. She closed her eyes for a moment and I suddenly felt like others were watching me. I turned around and noticed that the rest of Bella's family had joined us.

"Hello." I said to them, "Good to see you all again. I guess it has been a lot longer for you than it has for me."

"You must be the regenerated Doctor." Edward told me.

"Yes that's me, strange, I know. It even took me a little while to get use to it and I have done it nearly a dozen times. So what brings you all here?"

"We are going to help of course." Bella said as she started pushing buttons. I turned back to her only to see that her family was already gathered around her. She flipped a lever and the TARDIS started up. "Don't tell me you already forgotten that I remember everything, that includes how to drive the TARDIS."

Alice and Edward took positions opposite her, each covering two stations at once. I had to admit, the TARDIS has never flown so smooth. Once we landed Bella pulled up our location on the monitor. We were smack dab in the middle of the Anglican Marine's Base, fifty thousand strong at this location. I didn't think that Madam Kovarian would actually be here, but this was, as of now, my only place to start. I had to start here in hopes that I could get some piece of information about where they were. I guess the TARDIS knew I needed an army to storm a military strong hold and what better army then indestructible vampires.

I stepped out of the TARDIS to face 500 guns pointing at me. "I am the Doctor, I am here to get information and if you cooperate no harm will come to you." I said with a smile.

"We have orders to kill you on sight."

"That would not be wise." Bella said coming down beside me. "I understand your fears of this man. It is hard to image a being that can jump from the past to the future and then appear in the present, of any species on any planet. His name is the Doctor, a healer or wise man on every world in the universe. His actions though are sometimes contradictory. He fights for his beliefs; he protects his friends with everything he has, just as most of us would do. The only difference between him and I is his ability to travel back and forth through time. He stops impossible situations without the use of weapons and gathers loyal followers by showing them a way that is so foreign to most; using his knowledge to help others."

"He is feared by many. I can see it in your eyes that you fear him. But have you ever asked yourself why do your superiors fear him so? Why do they tell you tales of this man that paint him in the light of an evil doer? Have you ever thought that maybe it is the people that go against him that are the ones attempting to push their views onto others, hurt others, or change the natural order of things? Would the universe be better without a man that does nothing but assist those that need help?"

"We heard he defeated our unit on Demons Run. How can you call that helping other?"

"What were your people doing on Demons Run? Who were they holding against their will? How many of your soldiers were killed by the Doctor and his allies?"

"We were holding a woman that could help us fight the Doctor, though he defeated the unit without killing anyone."

"So he was rescuing a friend and all of a sudden he is the bad guy for trying to save someone that is special to him. Put down your guns. The Doctor might be cleaver, but he is never armed, he uses a screwdriver, a tool created to fix things and you point weapons at unarmed opponents. Tell me who is in the right here?"

"We are. The Doctor's days are numbered. We can no longer afford to leave him unchecked. He is too dangerous." Looks like a commanding officer made it to the scene.

"So you say the Doctor is dangerous, to whom, may I ask."

"To humanity, he has been in the center of so many conflicts it is beyond coincidence. For the last 3 thousand years he has subjected our planet to dozens of near extinction events."

"So he has tried to destroy humanity, but humans have always stopped him?"

"No, he has not personally tried; just his mere presence invites disasters."

"Or does the human race invite disasters and the Doctor is around to save you, from yourselves or aliens that would do you harm?"

"We can defend ourselves. We do not need someone with a god complex looking after us."

Bella laughs. "They do kind of have a point on that one Doctor. You can get a little full of yourself, well at least your old self with your long winded speeches and all."

"Maybe, I suppose I was a little like that, but that was another me. I am a changed man."


Before I could blink all the soldiers were knocked out and all eight vampires were in front of me, surrounding the leader.

"Right, as I said I am here for information. Where is Madam Kovarian and where is Melody Pond?"

"Even if I knew I would never tell you."

"You don't have to tell me, all I need you to do is not think about it. Just put it out of your mind."

"She is on a ship; she left here ten hours ago with a small detachment. She is heading to a location with a time corridor. She will make it there in less than ten minutes. He doesn't know what time period she plans to travel to." Edward told me.

"Thanks. That is what I needed to know."

"How was that possible?"

"I have made friends in my travels and some of these friends have abilities, like reading your mind."

"Soldiers fire at will." Someone called out. I looked up to see thousands of soldiers coming to us.

Emmett and Japers were in front of me instantly, shielding me. I could barely see around them as the Anglican Marines started to fire there energy weapons. They were having no effect against the rock skin of the vampires. After a while the soldiers stop firing as none of us were harmed.

"I have what I came for, remember this well." I called out. "You will all have to answer for your crimes, but not to me. You believe in a higher power, are you sure you are doing his work?"

I walked back in the TARDIS, the Cullens following me in. By now some of the soldiers on the ground started to wake up. As I suspected the Cullens just knocked them unconscious. Once the doors were shut we returned to Bella's time.

Once we landed the others left as quickly as they appeared. Bella and I were alone again. I walked down the ramp with her.

"I am guessing you got what you needed?"

"Yes, thanks to you I have a place to start looking and didn't have to die to do it." I smiled I did miss traveling with her. Her kind words and Rivers' made me think that what I was doing was not all bad. I was feared by many, but many more thought me a hero. Lorna even sought me out having only met me once as a child long ago. I guess it is only natural that some would fear me and what I am capable of.

"Take care of yourself Doctor. Should you ever need me in the future, the TARDIS will be able to find me, won't you girl?" Bella patted the TARDIS.

"She certainly will, she always knows what is best. I will. You do the same."

She nodded and walked off, at a human pace, following her family back home. I turned and went back in the TARDIS, closing the doors behind. Ready to follow Madame Kovarian throughout time and space to find Amy's Daughter.