Well, here it is. The epilogue. I really enjoyed writing this story and I'm seriously so happy you guys liked it! I got so many wonderful reviews and when ever I had writers block, I went back and read some of them. This story has taken me over a year to write, I changed the story line so many times until I came up with the one that was posted. I'm really glad you liked it and I seriously cant thank you enough.

I have gotten so many comments about writing a sequel, and while I'm really happy you want to spend more time reading about my characters, I just don't think I have it in me. Maybe if I get inspired one day, I'll write one. But nothing is in the works now. I'm undecided as to if I should write another fic. I really do enjoy writing them, but I think I'm just a little burned out right now.

Thank you all so much for the support, reviews, and Stephanie Meyer for writing Twilight!


"Will you go get some shots for us? I have to pee." Nessie said with a grin.

"More alcohol, Babe?" I asked, not wanting her to have a hangover tomorrow.

She smiled and nodded, "Come on, Jake! Its my birthday! And I'm taking advantage of these kid-less days. Go get some shots!" she called over her shoulder as she left me alone on the dance floor she dragged me out onto in the first place.

I watched my wife of 8 years skip away in her sexy dress and heels before going over to the bar and ordering two shots of tequila.

Nessie and I were on vacation in Mexico for her 18th Birthday. We were actually celebrating this one because she was officially legal now. Not that it really stopped me before, we had four little kids to prove that.

Mason Ephraim Black, our first child, was born about eight months after Nessie found out she was pregnant. We were all worried it might be like Bella's pregnancy with Nessie, but Mason was pretty gentle and it took eight months.

But I almost wish it would have taken a month. Because the first two months were fine. She was happy and excited. She planned a freaking wedding in three weeks with Alice's help and she also helped me draw up plans for a house which the packs and the Cullens built together. I was happy her two months were good because that's when Quil, Embry, and I were putting shit together for Wolf Motors.

Which was actually a wild success. Nessie taught us how to tinker with engines so were could do some upgrades. Within those two months, we put Dowling's out of business and became the only garage in the area.

And then everything took a turn for the worst…

Nessie got the typical pregnancy woes. But, her being half human and all, apparently felt them a lot more. One minute she was screaming about how much she hated me for getting her the wrong kind of Doritos (she apparently craved the cool ranch kind and the nacho cheese kind meant my balls on a silver platter) and then the next she was begging me to do her right in the kitchen. I swear I slept in the couch more than I did in bed with her.

And when it was time for the actual birth, we discovered her vampire skin didn't allow for much stretching. And Mason was born 9 pounds. Nessie punched me while she was in labor and gave a black eye for a solid four hours. Pack gave me shit about that for months…

But once Mason was actually out, life was perfect. Nessie took one look at Mason and took back all of her threats about vasectomies. And to make matters even better, Demetri dropped by just as Nessie punched me. The little fuck was scared shitless when Nessie bitched him out and we haven't seen him since. Edward said he was going to tell his bosses that it wasn't worth it. Fine by us.

Nessie was a great mom. And Mason really solidified the relationship between our families. They were even friends.

The pack was strong, when I took over for Sam about a month into Nessie's pregnancy, Jared and Paul decided to retire too. Blake also let me know he would be retiring soon. Which I was ok with, I still had Leah, Seth, Embry, Quil, Collin, Brady, Sean, Ethan, and Chris to patrol while I took care of my extremely hormonal and moody wife.

So after Mason was born, I was basically having the best life ever. I had my thriving business, the position of alpha, my son, and my wife. And when Mason was two, Nessie got pregnant again. Of course it wasn't exactly planned, we pretty sure it was the night of Collin and Jenna's wedding. They had an open bar…

I was nervous about this one because I knew what to expect. But Nessie really tried to calm down her crazy. For Mason's sake, not mine. I ended up having 'sleepovers' in Mason's room more than I slept in bed with her. Again.

And after another eight months…twins.

We had no fucking idea. All of Carlisle's medical equipment didn't work with Nessie, so when Lucas William Black and Logan Edward Black came into the world two minutes apart, we were all pretty fucking shocked.

We hoped Luke and Logan would be like their brother, calm and pretty quiet. And we thought we hit the lottery when they both came out all smiles and no tears. But then Luke peed on me and both boys giggled. Then we found out they took after both Nessie and I as children. Little hell raisers. If there was some possible way to make trouble, Luke and Logan would find it.

While Mason was a mini-me, with black hair, tan skin, and my facial structure, he inherited something from his grandpa Eddie. Emerald eyes and the same crooked smile he and Nessie had. Luke and Logan were an interesting mix of Nessie and I. They had lighter hair and skin than me, and they both inherited Nessie's curls. The only way to tell them apart is their eyes. Dark like me for Luke, chocolate for Logan like Nessie.

So basically we had the cutest kids in the world.

Nessie and I were thankful for our big families, Mason was still only two when the boys were born, so put two rowdy, trouble making boys on top of a two year old and you would get a very stressed out mom. But we built our house pretty close to Rachel and Paul's, so Rachel came over and helped Nessie out a lot. And most days I would come home to find Bella making dinner for us, even if Nessie insisted she could do it.

And then came the pack's Halloween party when the boys were about three. Someone spiked the punch and eight months after that, Holly Sarah Black was born. Holly is my little princess. As soon as Carlisle handed her to me, she had me wrapped around her little finger. Holly looked exactly like Nessie, though she had darker hair and skin than Nessie. But other than that, she was a little Nessie.

So, needless to say I wasn't very happy when Spencer Uley imprinted on her five seconds after he phased for the first time. I, out of the kindness of my heart, let everyone come up to see her for the first time. The Uleys just happened to come up with Emmett and Rosalie and Emmett just had to tease Spencer about possibly imprinting on Holly if he ever phased, and that set Spencer off, so he phased and really did imprint on Holly.

Nessie thought it was great. She said we had a free baby sitter all the time now. Which was defiantly cool, but the kid thought he was going to marry my daughter one day. And I was in his head all the freaking time. But, like I said, he came in handy when Nessie and I took fun trips to Mexico to celebrate her Birthday.

Like now.

We left out four kids with the Cullen Clan and Spencer. I think 8 vampires and one imprinted wolf could keep our kids under control for the week Nessie and I are in Mexico, drinking and fucking our way across the country.

But I couldn't drink these shots by myself. Nessie left for the bathroom five minutes ago!

Where the fuck was she? I bet she was being hit on! I knew I should have gone with her. Nessie cant walk down a street without being hit on several times by assholes who thought she was available.

"Dude! No way!" I heard a very familiar voice yell from my left.

If I was smart, I would have ran away, grabbed Nessie, and left. But I wasn't smart, so I whipped around to see if there was a window of opportunity to kick his ass. I owed him.

"Mr. Wolfe!" Cook greeted me. I was pretty sure he was about to go in for a hug, but he pulled back when he didn't get a warm greeting in return. "What's up?" he asked with a grin. "How are you?"

I was speechless. "Uh… Pretty good. How about you?" I managed to stutter out.

He flashed me a stupid grin, "Great! I'm here on my honeymoon!"

"Congrats." I nodded to him. I just hoped he was over Nessie and paid no attention to her… "Who's the lucky g-"

"Drew!" another familiar voice screeched, "Guess who I found in the bathroom?"

Leslie bounced over toting along an awkward looking Nessie. She tossed me a panicked look before Leslie finally noticed me and her jaw dropped. "Oh my god? Carlie? Its like a Lakeside reunion!" Cook laughed, clearly not realizing that the odds of the four of us meeting in the same foreign country are so small…

Nessie and I made eye contact for a brief second. Neither one of us trusted them to be in on our secrets… "Uh. Hi. Leslie and… uh… Carlie." I said. It felt weird to call her Carlie.

"Mr. Wolfe." Nessie said with a flawless smile. If I didn't see the ring I gave her sparkling on her finger, I'd think we were just seeing each other for the first time in years. She was just that good of an actress.

"So what are you guys doing in Mexico?" Leslie asked a bit skeptically. I could tell she still remembered the day when Demetri exposed us as a couple, but she obviously wasn't sure if they he was wrong… or right.

"I'm on vacation!" I blurted out quickly.

"Umm… Vacation as well. My parents aren't here right now…" Nessie smiled.

"We're on our honeymoon!" Cook said, wrapping his arm around Leslie. "We got married two days ago!"

"Congrats." I said. That marriage is gonna be a clusterfuck.

Leslie grinned at Nessie and looked pretty proud of herself. She proceeded to talk Nessie's ear off about what their wedding was like. I just stood there not knowing what to do. So thank god my phone started to vibrate in my pocket.

Only, when I reached for it. It wasn't mine that was ringing. I pulled Nessie's rhinestoned phone out of my pocket and Cook gave me a weird look. "Uh… I'm just holding it…" I mumbled. I had every intention of hanging up on who ever it was, but then I saw it was Spencer…

And if Spencer was taking time to call me instead of spending the few minutes with Holly, some thing was wrong…

"Hello?" I answered it quickly.

"Oh. Uh… Hey Jake!" Spencer said casually. I heard Holly crying in the background.

"What's wrong? Why is she crying, Spence?" I asked. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nessie's head snap towards mine in a panic.

"Nothing!" he yelled, "No, she's fine. She just- She misses you a lot and she kinda wont go to sleep because she wants you guys to be home. So I was thinking if you and Nessie just talked to her-"

"Put her on." I interrupted his babbling.

A second later, my princess came on the phone. "Daddy?"

"Yeah, princess?" Cook and Leslie gave me strange looks.

"I w-want you and m-m-mommy to come home! I don't feel good and I want you to read me a bedtime story and I want mommy to bring me grizzly blood!" She sobbed into the phone. Holly was the only one of our kids to occasionally crave blood. But it wasn't often at all. Only when she was stressed out did Holly want blood.

"I'm sure if you asked Spencer to get you some, he would. You know he'd do anything for you, princess. And he loves reading you bedtime stories!" I tried to comfort her.

"B-b-but I want you and mommy! Daddy, come home please!" I heard Spencer, Bella, and Rosalie in the background trying to calm her down. "C-can I t-talk to m-mommy?"

Shit. "Uhh… Mommy is…. Ummmm…. Mommy cant talk right-"

"Jacob!" Nessie yelled at me, coming over and snatching her phone away from me. Cook and Leslie's jaws dropped. "Hi, baby. What's wrong?"

"Oh my god!" Leslie shrieked! "Oh my god! You two were… oh my god!"

"Mommy and daddy are staying in Mexico for just a few more days, honey. Spencer and gramma and grandpa and auntie Rose can get you want you want." Nessie cooed into the phone.

Cook looked shocked, Leslie…. Well, in all honesty, Leslie looked a little pissed. I stood somewhat in a defensive position in front of Nessie, just in case Leslie was going to attack her or something, while Nessie calmed Holly down for another minute. But when Nessie hung up, all hell broke loose.

"What the fuck, Carlie!" Leslie shouted at her. Nessie recoiled from Leslie's shout and handed her phone back to me.

"Leslie, calm-"

"Do not tell me to calm down, Carlie! You lied to me! Jesus Christ! You're still fucking the gym teacher?" Leslie spat.

I couldn't help the low growl that escaped me. "I'm not a gym teacher. I own my own business now."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Cook said angrily, "Did you cheat on me? Were you fucking him when we were dating!" he asked Nessie while glaring at her. And I did not like people glaring at my wife.

"No!" Nessie snapped at him. "Jake and I got together in March of that year and even then, it wasn't even planned or anything. It just happened."

"March?" Leslie asked.

"March." I confirmed. "And Cook, I would really appreciate it if you would stop glaring at my wife. You're not my student now, so there's really nothing stopping me from kicking your ass if I want to." I warned.

"Jake-" Nessie started in her disapproving tone.

"Married! You married the fucking gym teacher, Carlie!" Leslie's voice got higher and higher as she got angrier and angrier.

"Leslie!" Nessie snapped, "Stop it! Just calm down and let me explain!"

"Baby, lets just go." I said, tugging her back to me, "Its not even worth it."

Leslie pointed at me and shook her head while her eyes bulged out like a crazy person, "You know… When we get back home…everyone will know about this! You'll be arrested."

Nessie shot me a playful look, "Its gonna be awfully hard to have him arrested when we don't even live there anymore."

"And when they don't even know my real name." I shrugged.

"What!" Leslie shrieked. "You used fake names! What the fuck were you hiding? Did you already know each other?"

"No. We met at Lakeside, fell in love, got married, and now we have four great little kids. We weren't hiding anything, really." Nessie shrugged.

"Four!" Leslie yelled, "Jesus Christ, Carlie? Its only been eight years!"

Nessie's chin lifted up a little defiantly, "I don't really care what you think, Leslie. I love my husband and my children."

"You were pregnant when you left, weren't you?" Cook blurted out. "Once that other guy outed you, you had to leave!"

Nessie rolled her eyes. "I was like three weeks pregnant."

"Oh my god!" Leslie shrieked. "What the hell Carlie? Since March!"

Nessie sighed. "Les, I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of this. It was eight years ago and I'm happy. You guys seem happy too."

Leslie rolled her eyes. "Well… yeah. But you lied to everyone and you broke about a million laws." She said to me.

I shrugged. "Yeah. She was worth it, though." I said, kissing Nessie's forehead.

Nessie curled into me. "There are greater things than rules, Leslie. I couldn't help who I fell in love with. He's my soul mate and I don't regret anything. I have a great husband, four beautiful children, and a supportive family. I'm so sorry if you felt betrayed, but Jake is the only man in the world I feel connected to. I couldn't pass that up just because it was illegal."

Both Cook and Leslie stayed silent while considering what Nessie said. I could tell Leslie wanted to stay mad at Nessie, but Leslie obviously did some growing up and realized that Nessie was right. We didn't really do anything wrong. I love her, I wasn't using her or anything.

"Do you guys want to have a few drinks with us?" Nessie asked in a sweet voice.

There goes my night. Mind-blowing sex on the bed, in the shower, on the balcony and every other surface of our hotel room was turned into a night with Leslie and Cook. Fucking great. That's just how I wanted to spend my wife's 18th birthday.

Cook, surprisingly the nicer of the two smiled awkwardly. "Uh. Yeah. Sure."

So the four of us sat down at a table, had a few drinks, and talked. Nessie and I obviously didn't tell them everything, but we told them a lot of it. Just the parts that contained no supernatural stuff. Cook and Leslie were living in Chicago. He was working for some lawyer firm, and she was a nurse.

It got easier after a while of talking. Once they discovered I was only mean to them because both of them were kind of trying to drive Nessie and I away from each other, they got less hostile. Leslie 'awwed' over pictures of our kids. And Cook was pretty interested in my shop.

"So, one thing that's been bothering me," Cook started, "why do both of you look the same?" he asked.

"And don't try to bull shit your way out of this one, Carlie." Leslie seemed genuinely interested. "You look exactly the same, I know that isn't possible after 8 years and 4 kids."

Nessie and I exchanged a look. We were both on the same page about this. We didn't trust Cook and Leslie enough to let them in on our little secret. It would endanger them, as well as our family.

Nessie smiled sadly at me. They cant be in our life at all, can they? She asked me after she placed her hand on mine. I shook my head. I knew that's the one thing that bothered her to this day. Never having any closure with the friends she made at Lakeside.

"Leslie, there are just some things I cant explain." Nessie said softly. "We don't exactly lead normal lives as I'm sure your realized and there are many aspects of our life I cant tell you."

They looked confused. Cook nodded his head. "I always knew there was some thing weird about both of you."

Leslie nodded her head in agreement. "And I thought high school was hard enough without all of the secrets."

Nessie smiled and got up. "I'm sorry I never got the chance to say good-bye, Les."

I stood up after her and wrapped an arm around her waist. "It was nice seeing you again, Andrew, Leslie." I acknowledged them. I really just wanted to get out of there and have sex with my wife…

Leslie's eyes moved between Nessie and I for a second before smiling sadly. "It was nice to see you guys, too and I hope you're happy." She didn't say it in a spiteful way, but an honest way.

Nessie smiled. "We are, Les. Really happy."
