Here goes my first attempt at a fanfic. I hope i do it justice, especially since this movie has yet to be released in theaters. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Inside Out and its characters belong to Pixar. Only Audrey, Chase, Desire, and minor emotions characterizations were made by me.

I would like to say that the last few years have been relatively easy to get by, but I would have been lying.

Oh, don't get me wrong! After Riley and her family adjusted to life in San Francisco, things did look up for our blonde host. Yet puberty can be a little bitch when you least expect it. Making our jobs much harder than they have to be. For not much longer after the Sadness and Joy exploit, a huge change in headquarters was about to take place. The main dashboard grew in size and so did the "Pons" office space. It was ruled by powers up above, or the Hypothalamus Control Center, that the time has come for Riley to possess a sixth emotion. One that we would have to choose to be worthy of that position.

As per usual, we all had mixed feelings on the matter. With Anger's short fuse, he was the most vocal and defensive. He claimed we all ready had things under control and that bringing in another emotion was unnecessary. Fear was panicking in the corner. Saying over and over again, that the new emotion would surely overthrow one of us out of a job, most likely him. Sadness was overwhelmed so she did what she always does, cry. I was just in the midst of the chaos with my customary snarl plastered on my face. I was honestly unsure of how to take the news, but I knew that it shouldn't be taken lightly.

Joy was the only one who was trying to keep the peace. She reasoned that H.C.C has never been wrong when it comes to Riley's needs in the past, and that bringing in a new emotion to work with us was not the end of the world. That's Joy for you. The optimist when the rest see otherwise and while I don't like to admit it, she was right.

We finally decided that choosing an official sixth emotion was not something we can pick over night. To better our chances that Riley gets the proper emotion she deserves, we laid down some ground rules on who can potentially be a candidate for that spot:

First, they must have a unique quality or ability to them. Offer something to the table that none of us can already do or can manage for Riley.

Second, that said quailty must benefit Riley in some way. Through her current life experiences and possible ones that can happen in the future.

Thirdly, and most importantly, they must put Riley's well being and emotional health above all eles. Care and be there for her when she needs you. Always use your better judgement when giving her your emotional essence, and let her be the final say on how she handles said feeling.

All these, including proper work etiquette and attendance are what we agreed on as our guide. We then gave the notes to H.C.C to look over, and he approved.

Before he left us to our own devices, he gave us some advice. Knowing that this was the first time we got to make a big decision like this as a team, he told us to never take claims at face value. He said to expect many secondary emotions to come and seem like a perfect fit to the group and for to discover that they were never ment to stay for too long.

Adolescents is a very sensitive time for a child to go through and it's normal for Riley to experience various feelings before finding the right one. Be patient and open minded to the possibilities of emotions that might sign up for the job. It will make this whole experience go a lot easier and faster for everyone involved.

H.C.C said that to us more than five years ago. The way I see it, we aren't any closer to finding that damned sixth emotion now than were were all those years ago.

Oh sure, we had some pretty close calls in the past.

Surprise for one, was just that, a surprise! She was an up beat party emotion that loved the unexpected. That girl had very convenient timing since around that moment, Riley began her monthly cycle. The essence that Surprise gave Riley was definitely justified. I don't think i have ever seen her eyes grow wider and more in awe than in those first few moments of starting menstruation.

Surprise was really proficient at her job. However, after Riley got use to her gift from mother nature, Surprise felt her own work was done. When we asked why the sudden leave she just said, there was not much more to be surprised about. She left soon after, through she promised to stop by in the future. Something about a "proposal" and "a bun in the the oven" is when she will make her return.

Now, Anticipation was unbelievable. He was a carbon copy of Joy! Though, I would like to think so. While not exactly the same emotion as Joy, he certainly did react to many things in Riley's life with ten times the amount of wonder and excitement than Joy ever could. He was like a ticking time bomb of positivity wrapped up into an emotion. Not to mention that during those few weeks him and Joy were all "buddy-buddy" with each other. It was almost like they were attached at the hip. You never saw one without the other.

The sight made me gag on numerous occasions, but I couldn't blame her. Must be hard being the only enthusiastic emotion at HQ. I know I would want help around here if I was the only one keeping things as favorable as she usually does. Even if it does get tideous after a while.

Moreover, Anticipation didn't last long. While he did get Riley to experience his essence when required, the rest of us found that Joy could have just as easily taken over his role entirely. Maybe not much so during the build up, as say the execution of a situation, but the results were the same. The guidelines are what we fell back on when we made our final decision.

On a three to two vote, we ruled out Anticipation as the official sixth emotion.

Joy was devastated. She was certain that Anticipation was the one we were looking for and tried to plead with us to see otherwise. It was a sad display to say the least. Anticipation took the news in a more classy way. He thanked us for the opportunity and went on his merry way. Though not before drying the tears off of Joy's face and assured her that he would keep in contact. We haven't seen him since.

Then an emotion that I, along with everyone eles thought was going to be the winner.

In comes Trust, a kind and collected soul. She was a bit too timid and awkward for my liking, but I digress. Trust helped Riley gain some new friends and keep secrets close to her heart. Even going as far as to help her coup with the loss of a distant family member. You could argue that a situation like this was up Sadness's alley, but what Trust did was something far more ethereal than what Sadness could ever do.

Trust aided Riley long after the funeral ended and the tear stains dried. She soothed her when Riley all but ignored our inputs and ones given to her by her loved ones. We all felt ignored and hopeless as we watched Riley spend many nights under the covers as an emotionless wreck.

Regarding such actions, Trust pulled a card none of us thought to play... the one of acceptance. We were all so concerned with her physical and mental health, that we never stopped to question what "exactly" her own thoughts on the unfortunate death were. True, she was sad and frustrated, so was the rest of her family. Yet why did the strain in her mind and body remain long after the others had finally come to terms with the passing?

It was there Trust pointed out our answer. Riley didn't come to terms with the loss. She kept convincing her self that if she just stayed the summer with them as planned, things could have turned out differently.

Trust opened our eyes to the blatantly obvious truth and we owe her a great debt for that. We went right to work to convince Riley that it wasn't her fault and that her family member is in a better place now. After Riley eventually accepted the passing, she returned to her old self. Riley now focuses on the great memories that they shared. knowing that they are never really gone, as long as she remembers them in her heart, as cheesy as it sounds.

It was at this point in time, that the rest of the main five and I came to a mutual consensus. Trust was everything we were looking for as a permanent part of our team. All five of us were confident in our decision. We then gave the details to H.C.C on our newest member. We expected him to praise our choice and even want to upgrade her intern status to full time employee right way. Unfortunately, we got a much different reaction.

He declared that Trust wasn't the right emotion and refused to give her the sixth spot.

Safe to say, we all had a similar reaction for once. Upset and enraged, we asked on what grounds did he base his logic on not having the perfect emotion get the gig. Even Joy was calling him out on his horrible judgement. He gave us some sorry excuse in a "fortune cookie" way and left it at that.

We had no other choice than to let Trust go the following day and it was one of the hardest things we ever had to do. None of us had the guts to look her in the eye as we fired her. Of course, we gave her a more believeable reason than the one mister know-it-all gave, but it was still pretty weak.

Trust looked so torn up inside and even had her voice crack during the rest of the conversation. Guess she felt she was losing more than a job, she was losing her friends. It didn't help any that we sounded so stern as we said our goodbyes. Though, it was mostly for us to keep a straight face and not burst out into tears. Just like Sadness did the moment Trust left the building. Curse professionalism and its uptight ways!

After Trust none of us got as attached to the new interns that followed. Some, like Fear and Joy tried to keep up this facade that we will find the right emotion soon enough. I'm not so easily convinced. Especially, with the numbers we have tracked in recently. We used to get so many interns, however as the years passed they have declined in number.

Now Riley is a junior in high school and no sixth emotion has came to stay.

If I was calling the shots, I would like to keep it that way. Clearly, Riley can survive with only 5 of us for the rest of her life. We may be the embodiment of various emotions, but even we have limits. We have faced nothing but stress, anxiety, and heartbreak since this whole search has started! Chaos at H.Q. has been a constant theme since Riley's early days, but at least it was organized chaos. Never this constant weight to find the one to join the group on our shoulders. The hope that one day we can be "complete and whole" as H.C.C claims.

Well maybe I don't want to feel that way, huh? Maybe I'm just fine with who I am and what I do! Being the protector of Riley from all things wicked and gross! Not just an insignificant piece to a larger puzzle! I'm sure the others had similar sentiments, as well.

Ranting aside, when we got the latest update on the next intern, I wasn't impressed. They're just a name and number on the long list of interns before, and most certainly after them. They will be gone before I know it.

Oh, was I far from the truth! Not only did this intern change the norm in H.Q., but they also became the biggest pain in my side since they set foot through the door. Let me tell you about it...