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![]() Author has written 21 stories for Pokémon, Thomas the Tank Engine, South Park, Sweeney Todd, Twilight, Total Drama series, Gossip Girl, and Harry Potter. Hello there! I'm Kitty, and I'm from Canada. I like reading, drawing, anime, manga, movies, books, and fandoms. I have a list of fandoms and pairings I support, because the romance factor is always important to me (if it there isn't much of it canonly, I have a great ability to change that in my headcanon C:). It always has been, when I think back, I wanted Ash and Misty from Pokemon to get together. *shrug I can't finish anything. Hey, like that one dude off Jimmy Neutron. References, references everywhere in this thing. Well, maybe not anymore, but there were many references in my profile a while ago. I just keep RE-DOing it. I do draw pictures though. On . My name is ktkitty4 on there. They aren't the greatest but I'm pretty sure I'm getting better at drawing. And I have a tumblr, called 'scouts-choice-ass'. Lots of reblogs and whatnot. Current Fandom Homestuck :Updated: 07/02/13
LOL. Look at the last post, YuGiOh. Actually, what's next is MLP baby. Brony for life. I love it. And o'course, I'm shipping the hell out of it. BUT I only like rated M stuff if they're humanized. I can handle fluffy bits when they're ponies but not much more. Rainbow Dash/Anyone (jk. but almost) Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash, Twilight/Luna Dash/Vinyl Scratch, Dash/Gilda(sorta), Dash/Applejack, Fluttershy/Big Macintosh, Rairty/Spike (human only for this one, lol), Twilight/Trixie. I can read stories with almost any pairing unless they're WAAAY out of my comfort zone. I'm such a child. Yu-Gi-Oh? What's next, Sailor Moon? Well, actually, that'd be after Card Captors (or whatever it was. it was awesome that's what). I'll put it in code and say, Thiefshipping (Also, like, Angstshipping, too), Deathshipping, Puzzleshipping, Puppyshipping, Mobiumshipping. ...Also, it was YGOTAS that got me into this stuff. BR-BR-BROOKLYN RAGE, NYEH NYEH NYEH NYEH. Ouran HighSchool Host Club was a great anime. I have many pairs for it. Let's see, Tamaki/Haruhi, Kaoru/Hikaru (twincest ftw), Kyoya/Kaoru, Kyoya/Tamaki, (light)Honey/Mori. And almost any combination of Kyoya, Kaoru, Hikaru, and Tamaki are good with me, (like, Kaoru/Kyoya/Hikaru etc) Soul Eater rocks. My fav pairs are Soul/Maka, Male!Crona/Kid, Black*Star/Tsubaki Rocky Horror Picture Show. Nuff said. Janet/Brad, Rocky/Frank, sorta Janet/Rocky. Oh, also sorta Columbia/Magenta ;D Glee is amazing. So far I think I like the second season better than the first. My OTP is probably Blaine/Kurt, then Finn/Rachael, and Santanna/Britney. I adore the book Howl's Moving Castle. Sophie/Howl forever, Martha and Michael are adorable, not thaaaat sure about that Benjamin guy and Lettie though. hm. [Ps. I liked the movie as well, Sophie/Howl stays the same heh] I need to mention Harry Potter. Best series. I've been obsessed with it a few times. The pairings for that are Hermione/Draco, Harry/Ginny, James/Lily [Marauders era FTW] Sirius/Remus [I'm just glad I haven't fallen for Harry/Draco yet rofl.] I'm now in love with the show Criminal Minds. I love all the people, especially Reid and Garcia. But I lovelove JJ and Morgan. And Hotch. And Prentiss. And Rossi. And everyone on that show, expect the stupid people and most UnSubs. Heh. PS I do have a couple pairings, which are Hotch/Reid [Can't help myself, ok?] and Morgan/Garcia 8DDDD I love Death Note, It's an awesome anime, and my fav pairing is: Light/L, but I also ADORE Mello/Near. And Ryuk/Apples loljk. Also, I lovelovelove The Outsiders, and of course I had to slash it out. Hey it's mostly guys, what's a girl supposed to do? Pairings are: Johnny/Dallas; Steve/Soda. My favourite Pairings for APH are: Germany/Italy; England/France; Canada/America; Prussia/Romano; Prussia/Hungary; Russia/America. I think that's all. I love South Park, and I've been obsessed with that before. My favourite pairings for SP are: Cartman/Kyle; Kyle/Kenny; Kyle/Stan; Craig/Tweek; Damien /Pip; Bebe/Kyle; Wendy/Stan; Kenny/Stan/Cartman/Kyle (hehe) more, I think... A lot of pairings with Kyle 8D. I also love/have been obsessed with Danny Phantom. Fave pairs are as following: Danny/Sam; Danny/Ember; Tucker/anOC. I made up an OC for Tuck, yeah. I hope she's not too sue-is. Not that anyone will ever find outabout her, since I don't write much therefore won't be writing something with her in it. x_x I like Sweeney Todd. Basically just: Lovett/Todd; Johanna/Anthony Pokemon used to be my life: Misty/Ash; Drew/May; Jessie/James. I think I like Dawn/...whathisface. Paul? Yeah, I think that's it. HEY GUYS. I made a new account to post more recent fanfics. it's at http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/2684573/. I'll still be using this though. To fav and whatnot. I LOVE Marina & The Diamonds!!! kthnxbai |