DISCLAIMER: I don't own them. Just playing with them and getting only your comments as reward (hopefuly). Also, I beg for your forgiveness if there's anything wrong with the grammar and/or spelling (I live in Argentina and my first language is spanish, so... you know). Enjoy!


Spencer Reid went into the office that day like anyother.

"Morning, everbody!" he gretted, sitting at his desk.

"Morning, Spence" replied JJ, without looking up from her file.

"Morning, Reid" said Prentiss, also still reading some papers.

"Morning, kid!" said Morgan. He, however, took a glance at the young doctor. And he gasped "It looks like it's a good day to you!"

"What?" asked Spencer, not understaning his colegue.

"Oh, you thought the collar of your shirt will hide it? Should have worn a tourtle-neck pullover, man. You have a very distinctive love bite just there!" he said, pointing Spencer with his index finger.

Spencer's face went a little red. But he managed to keep it cool.


"So? Who got lucky?" Morgan asked grinning. "Well… you got lucky, that's for sure. But somebody else too. So, who is it?"

"Oh, leave him alone, Morgan. If he wanted us to know, he'd have already told us!" JJ said, giving Spencer some time to compose himself.

"But I want to know!"

"Don't be such a frat-boy, Morgan! Go back to your case file!" Prentiss said in a firm tone.

"Fine. I'm going to find out on my own."

Spencer swallowed, but didn't comment.

"Morning, everybody!" Hotch said, walking into the office.

"Morning, Hotch!" they all replied.

"You all had a good weekend?" he asked casually.

"Yeah… but Spencer's was the best one, right?" Morgan said.

"And why is that, Reid?" Hotch asked looking right into Spencer's eyes.

"He's just fooling around…"

"Whatever. I'm not the one with a love bite on his neck" Morgan said defensively, going back to his papers.

Hotch smiled a little. Or maybe Spencer was seeing things.

An hour later, Hotch called him to his office.

"You wanted to see me, Hotch?" Spencer asked.

"Yes, Reid. Close the door, please" as Spencer do as told, Hotch stood up and walked towards the younger man.

"What… oh, Hotch! You scared me!" he gasped when Hotch's right hand touched his neck. "What are you doing? Somebody could see us, Aaron."

"I know, isn't that exciting?"

"Are you nuts?" Hotch snorted at that.

"Nah. Just crazy for you."

"Lovely. But I do love my job and I'll like to keep it" Spencer said, nervously.

"Then, you should never spend another Sunday night at my place. You know how possessive I get when we make love."

"I know. My bad."

Hotch leaned onto Spencer's neck and kissed the bite. He inhaled Spencer's scent and then pulled back.

"That's all I needed. We've got a case, honey. A particularly disgusting one. Gonna need that brilliant mind of yours to solve it."

"Don't you always need it?" Spencer asked. It was amazing how confident he was around Aaron.

Hotch simply smiled. And that was a real smile.