From Maka's POV. Enjoy!

Soul Eater Evans.

My partner and weapon.

I hate it.

I hate how he's always rude.

I hate how he's lazy. He never really cooks dinner when it's his turn, just uses those cursed 'Instant Ramen' cups at the last second.

I hate how he's inconsiderate. Do you think I want to eat Ramen noodles from a microwave three times a week?

I hate how he always finds a way to stick that stupid word in almost every sentence he says. Cool. Hmph.

I hate how he always cares about his reputation. Why can't he be like other people instead of having this life-long dream to be cool?

I hate how he doesn't play the piano anymore. He was wonderful at it.

And yet, I hate how he did play the piano. Its melody captured my soul from the first key he touched.

I hate how he's always protecting me, even if he gets hurt in the process. I'd much rather be hurt then see him wounded. I couldn't bear it when he was almost killed because of me. That scar across his chest is just a reminder. The guilt is too much.

I hate how he always knows if something's wrong with me. He can always tell, and it scares me to think he can read me like that, almost as easily and frequently as I read a book.

I hate how he cares, so much.

I hate everything about him, so why do I love him?

. . .

I think I understand now.

I hate how he's always rude, but I never said he was rude to me.

I hate how he's lazy, but I never said I didn't like the things he actually does do.

I hate how he's inconsiderate, but I never said I didn't like eating Ramen noodles. In fact, they're my favorite.

I hate how he finds a way to stick 'cool' in to almost all his sentences, but I never said it was un-cool.

I hate how he always cares about his reputation, but I never said he's obsessed with it like Black*Star.

I hate how he doesn't play the piano anymore, but I never said I didn't like it when he played his guitar.

I hate how he did play the piano, but I never said that I hated the feeling of butterflies I got in my stomach when he did.

I hate how he's always protecting me, but I never said that I didn't returning the favor later on.

I hate how he always knows if something's wrong with me, but I never said I don't know when something's wrong with him, either.

I hate how he cares so much, but I never said I didn't secretly love it at the same time.

Yeah, I hate everything about him,

but I love him even more.

Hope that made sense! This was just a thought when I was listening to the song from Three Days Grace. I had to stop the song half way through because I had to right this. Hope you enjoyed it! Leave a review please!
