Yeah! New story! Total Drama Mansion has hit a bit of a rut so I've decided to start this story for now. Some parts of the plot are based on the American Dad episode Tearjerker.

I am also accepting ideas for an actual title!

Disclaimer: You know what goes here.


In The Beginning

Agent 296 ran as a hail storm of bullets pelted down at him. Suddenly, he wished that he hadn't agree to a mission that takes place in the jungles of the Southern Tropics and that his weight was not the same as his agent number. Running past vegetation almost as big as him, he darted through the trees; the only sound audible was his gasping for air and distant jeep engines that were getting louder and louder. In a desperate last attempt, he fiddled with his watch, which contrasted drastically with his tore and dirty clothes. Surprisingly, he started to talk with it.

"Come in HQ, please, do you hear me? Urgent news about suspicious activities at Maclean's island resort. Much worse! Hello?" But it was no use: something was blocking the signal and Agent 296 was out of running space. He skidded to a halt as he stared down a steep cliff, a most likely lethal drop to a churning river. He turned as he heard the screech of tires.

"The buck stops here, fatso," a large and moustached man said as he got down from the back of a jeep, where a mounted machine gun was placed, "they say too much knowledge is a dangerous thing, and frankly, they're right." He took out a small pistol from his belt. Agent 296's eyes darted from the man, to the other lackeys (who were also armed) and down back to the watery grave below.

"Any last words?"

Weighing his options he had made up his mind. In one swift motion, he took the plunge, the last dive he would ever make in his life.

Geoff was just like any ordinary person, that is, if ordinary people were actually secret agents working for the International Bureau of Espionage (IBE.) The IBE was a Special Forces group that protected international security from all those nut jobs out there and kept the peace.

It was a calm morning, the sky was clear and birds were singing their merry song as Geoff walked into the official headquarters of the IBE's Canadian sector, aptly named Sector C. Despite its secretive work ethics the building was just like any government building, desk jockeys running around, and people chatting with each other on the hottest office gossip. However there are some differences, like the fact that the gossip usually revolved around who blew up this or who brutally killed what evil villain and such. Of course the secret underground building that housed the agents and scientists sets it apart from other companies too.

On any other day, Geoff would usually hang around mahogany offices and cubicles, occasionally chatting, but today he was a man on a mission. As he turned the corner, nearly bumping into someone doing a balancing act with huge files, he looked down on his pager which was beeping again. It had the same message that he'd been receiving all morning: RPRT/T/STAT, to most people it was nonsense but to trained agents it was one of the easiest to decode codes ever. Alright, I'm reporting to T right now, he thought, surprised to see how impatient T was getting and even at the fact he wanted to see him. After a string of failures, Geoff was almost certain that he would've been fired, but luckily that had not happened.

Finally, he entered an impressive looking office where a lone secretary was typing at her desk.

"Morning Beth! How's life?"

Beth looked up from her paperwork, "Ah, Agent 005, good to see you've finally arrived. H was worried you've forgotten how to read code." H was the leading scientist at the Branch H weaponry department of the IBE. Coincidentally, H's real name was Harold; although he prefers to be called H (he thinks it adds an air of mystery.)

"Oh, is he in there with T too?" T or Trent was the head honcho at Sector C, although he was usually pretty laid back, which may explain why Geoff still had his IBE license.

"Yep, so come on we can't waste time." Beth popped open a bust of William Shakespeare and secretly typed in a code, along with her finger print scan. Suddenly the full scale picture of T that was hanging on the wall swung open, revealing an elevator shaft. They both climbed in and started going down as the picture swung shut again.

"Agent 005 is here sir," Beth said into an intercom as she ushered Geoff off the elevator, since she was just a secretary (or known at IBE: a desk jockey) she had limited access to some places. Geoff walked quickly down the metallic modern stairs to the glass floored lab. With its futuristic laboratory look, it was a complete opposite to the old-fashioned styles of up top. He passed by a few scientists that were off in their own little experiments and into another room, where T and H were currently seated.

"Agent 005 reporting for duty sir!"

"Calm down Geoff, no need to always follow the protocol." T gestured to a chair placed beside H's and Geoff took that as a cue to sit down. He continued, "I suppose you're wondering about the urgency of the meeting?"

Geoff nodded.

"Well, the mission we're about to give you is of the utmost importance, and H and I are still a little sketchy on giving it to you, after what happened the last time..."

"I already said sorry to the Queen of England! Besides, she didn't seem so ticked."

"Good thing too or else Sector C would be in big trouble!" piped in Harold.

"Let's focus on the task at hand people! Geoff, the board of directors and I have decided to give you one more chance to show us what you've got. Under normal circumstances we would've given you a much more, um, simpler mission but most of our higher operatives are busy, or taking those darn government sanctioned vacations..." T spoke again, "Now Geoff, this mission is extremely important so we'll be giving you a few partners."

Geoff rose to his feet, "Partners? But sir I'm a spy, spies do not have partners."

"Now they do, it's for the safety of the world."

"In other words, we're giving you baby sitters to make sure you don't blow up the Panama Canal or something like that," Harold said, friendliness not being his most strongest talent right now.

T gave H a look that said be quiet, "It's just two specialists that will help you with things you might need more help at. Let me introduce you to Cody, the world's brightest computer guy since Bill Gates," he pointed towards the door, where the brown haired computer whiz was standing. Strapped onto his belt were millions of wires which were connected to his wristwatch and his sunglasses, which was currently resting on his head.

"Hey there," he walked towards Geoff, extending a hand out for a good shake, "you must be Agent 005, I've heard..." he paused trying to find a word to correctly but nicely describe Geoff's work habits ... he couldn't, "...things about you. I look forward to working with you!"

"Thanks, man," Geoff responded, glad that he wasn't stuck with complete snobs for partners.

"As well we have Duncan, his record is a bit shady, but he's been trained in advanced arsenal technologies and is a great fighter."

"Whatever, I'm only doing this so I don't get my butt in jail," Duncan came in and plopped himself down on a chair, giving Geoff and Cody a nod of acknowledgement, "so, when do we get to shoot some bad guys and jump off exploding buildings?"

"Just follow me," grunted H, getting straight to the point. He led the group to another room, although this time the room was already occupied by a few people in white coats. H plopped himself down on a chair a typed into a computer, which was connected to a giant screen that would've put most theatres to shame.

"About a few months ago, special forces from different countries have reported some strange things happening to their respective country's ambassadors and political leaders, Mr. DuPont, the ambassador of France, was an avid lemonade lover, but recently he been so terrified of the stuff that even if he has any he starts to go crazy. Coincidently, all political figures who have been acting strangely had recently come back from an all-inclusive spa and resort catering specially to political leaders. We sent Agent 296 to the Southern Tropics to investigate on it. He was never heard from again. As well, just a few weeks ago, we gave a mission to one of Sector C's finest agents," H started while typing into the main frame computer, "Agent 009." On the screen, Agent 009's file popped up with all her records and a picture of the blond haired beauty whose real name, according to the file, was Bridgette.

If Geoff had been drinking anything at that moment he would have done a spit take. He had known Bridgette since the days of the Academy, not intimately, although he would have liked to have. Only a handful of girls actually make it all the way through, due to the vast amount of effort and endurance needed, however Agent 009 was a pro's pro, graduating with top honours. She had the skills and the personality and, Geoff thought, her looks must help too. He snapped out of his train of thoughts when T continued speaking.

"Unfortunately, while spying on her target, she was captured and we've never heard from her since."

"Who was she spying on?" asked Cody.

H typed in something else into the computer and up came another file, this time from the criminal records.

"Chris Maclean, the political resort owner," T introduced, "I'm sure you've all heard of him?"

"Yeah, he's that diamond mogul that knows a lot of high powered people including most of the heads of government. The bureau's been suspicious of him for, like, ever but we've never been able to pin anything big on him," Geoff said.

"Right, but now we're convinced his planning some dastardly plot to rule the world."

"Uh, why?" asked Duncan.

T, anticipating the question for a long time, nodded to H who pulled up two files, one whose picture was of a very mean looking man and looked liked a stereotypical evil camp chef and the other of a much younger man, with a red and green polo shirt and an orange tuque covering his brown hair (note: as many of you have guessed, the first one is of Chef, the second person is actually the pizza guy you see on the camping and trust episodes.)

"Hatchet and Eddy, two of the world's most well-known petty crooks were released from jail a few years back and is now working for Maclean. Also working with him is suspected arms dealer Noah." His file appeared next, "a few days ago when we caught Noah giving shotguns to the mob he told us that Maclean was planning something. He claimed that he didn't know what and wouldn't say any more though."

"So, you want us to find out what's going on, and stop whatever is going on," Duncan remarked, already knowing where this was going.

"And rescue Agent 009, assuming she didn't end up like Agent 296 of course," H said, "now let's talk about your weapons and transportation..."


This is just the beginning, so bear with me for now. Can anyone guess who Agent 296 is? I believe there was a hint.