This is mostly just conversation between Jo and Duncan. I'm gonna use some TDI lines in here, so I DON'T OWN TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!!
"H-hi Duncan…" Jo whispered to the boy that she was on top of.
"JO!" Duncan pushed the girl off of him. "What are you doing here?" They both sat up on the beach.
"Someone stole my gun."
"Your piercing gun? You brought that here?!"
"Yeah. But someone took it, and I heard someone open their door, and I went out after them."
Yes, you. But you started running, and, considering I thought you stole it, I chased after you."
"I wouldn't steal your gun!"
"I didn't know it was you, stupid!! But then I fell on a rock or root or something, and I fell on top of you. Sorry about that…"
"Not a problem. I don't mind you on top of me." Duncan joked, pervertatly. Jo rolled her eyes at the boy.
"No seriously. I don't."
"I know." Duncan said, smiling. Suddenly, he lowered his voice, become more serious. "But, I need to ask you a question. Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why did you come here?"
"Because I was chosen. We signed up together, but you got picked. I was saved for backup. Coincidence, I guess?"
"Yeah…" The two were quiet for a moment.
"So… you wanna make out?"
Jo rolled her eyes. "Lets go back to bed." They started walking back to the cabins.
"Ok. Mine or yours?"
She looked indecisive for a moment. "Yours?"
"No. Now got to bed."