A/N: This is a super short uber fluffy one-shot. I recently found this document with the first two paragraphs written and no idea what I was planning for it, so I just wrote something else. I hope it's equally as good as my first thoughts.

Disclaimer: I'd love to own L…Chris at work reminds me of L and makes me want to own Chris…but then again, everything reminds me of L. XD

Light had discovered a guaranteed method of getting L to sleep: sex. It was amazing to watch. L's eyes would widen impossibly as his climax hit and then as L tried to catch his breath afterwards, his eyes snapped shut and he was fast asleep for the next four to six hours.

The first time it had happened, Light thought that L had passed out and he worried about his new lover. But when L woke up a couple hours later, he was unusually cheerful and affectionate. Of course, L had been sleeping even less than usual and sex had probably just worn him out. But as they continued having sex, L continued falling asleep immediately afterwards. If it had been any other person, Light might have been insulted, but he was honored to be the one person who could make L sleep. The only downside was that if he wanted to have sex again, he would have to wait until L woke up. But the benefits of sex with L were so great that Light didn't care that they could only logically have sex once a day.

First of all, the sex itself was fabulous. L always showed such a wide range of intense emotion whenever they had sex. He begged, he pleaded, he swore, he cried. It was thrilling to watch L's stoic mask come crumbling down just for him. No matter how many times they had sex, he could never get enough of L's beautiful face caught in the throes of agonizing pleasure. L's body was still keenly sensitive to his every touch even though they had been having sex for awhile. Light hoped it would stay that way forever. He liked being able to pull such beautiful noises from L's mouth with a mere touch.

As exhilarating as sex was, Light also liked curling up with L afterwards. L was never a deep sleeper so when they had sex in unusual places, Light could easily carry him to bed. L wasn't just dead weight when he slept. He would helpfully roll into Light's arms when Light tried to pick him up and he would snuggle kitten-like against Light's chest. It was hard to be annoyed that he had to carry L when L was just so damn cute. And it was good to finally be able to get some sleep. He loved L to death, but if L had his way, the two of them would never sleep. L had been getting on his nerves until he had figured out this wonderful way of forcing L to sleep. With a few hours of sleep guaranteed each night, nothing L did would ever bother him again. He settled in for a nice restful night of sleep with L's warm body beside him, thinking constantly about how lucky he was.

Waking up with L beside him was also nice. L was half-asleep when he first woke up and with only a little effort, Light could convince L to stay in bed with him for awhile. Even after L had finished waking up, he was usually willing to snuggle with Light for a few minutes. After all, L hadn't gotten to experience the warm fuzzy feelings immediately after sex because he was too busy sleeping and it was natural that he was experiencing a delayed afterglow.

But eventually, they had to get up and get back to work. As tempting as it was to stay in bed together all day, they had a case to work on. Of course, Light could barely concentrate on the case when all he was looking forward to was another night with L