Author has written 10 stories for Phantom of the Opera, and Harry Potter. This little authoress enjoys writing smut. Smut with substance. Smut with value. Smut that will leave the reader (dare I pen it?) satisfied. oOo oOooOo oOo oOo oOooOo My Ships: ErikxChristine, ErikxMeg ErikxOFC SSxHG SSxLL HannibalxClarice oOooOo oOo oOo oOooOo oOo What you will find in my fictions: Always a happy ending. I write romance novels. My hero ends up with my heroine 10 times out of 10. No exceptions!Sexual congress. Love scenes make me happy.Odd, what-if scenarios. This is fanfiction. IMO, it's supposed to push the fanverse to the limits of believability. Therein the challenge for the writer be.What you won't find: Any kind of actual rape scene. I may have my heroines/heroes come close, but I will never actually have that happen. Real life is horrible enough.Coarse language. Yes, my characters curse, but I don't use that language to describe sexual congress. I don't write erotica, I write lurve.A story that is unfinished. My writing process is blitzkrieg. I write until I'm sick of a story and then set it aside for a time. After a few weeks/months/sometimes years, I come back to finish what I started. Believe it or not, having the story simmer in the back of my mind during that time makes for better fiction, and truthfully, the stories end up writing themselves towards the end.Update as of February 23, 2014 I have been in contact with a very talented artist as relates to my ExC novel Time and Again. VassagoX66 and his ‘Study of the Opera Ghost’ is exactly what I have in mind when I write Erik. He will be drawing select scenes from the novel. Here's a link to his webpage: http:/// Also, FantomPhan33 has been the most amazing Fantom Fairy God Beta an authoress could ask for and is also a divine authoress in her own right. Please do check out her work: As always, if you have any comments, questions, concerns, or helpful criticism, feel free to drop me a line! Wishing you happy reading. Your authoress, DGM |
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