Chapter 14 and Epologue: The Phantom Lives On

This chapter is in someone else's POV entirely…just wait and see!

Traveling the streets of Barcelona was interesting, but the Gypsy Prince had been there so many times, that he knew the city by heart. He begged his parents when he was a young man to let them take him to Paris.

Le Scriptor Phasmatis got his name for his love of writing, and who his father, the Gypsy King le Oviture, was once known as. No one knew who he was origonally named by his parents except for them and himself.

"Scriptor!" Incendie shouted, beckoning him from her stand. He did so easily and smiled at his teacher. "Have you seen your mother?"

"No, Incendie, she might be with Father," Scriptor said. Then realized what he just said.

"You are such a teenager," Jean called, laughing madly. Carressa close behind him.

"Jean, there are some men—"


"Jean, they want to join the act," Carressa hissed at her brother. Jean smiled sheepishly and went to bring them to Oviture.

Armand and Olivier walked by and Scriptor sat down and rubbed his eyes.

Well, what do you think? Come on! I need reviews. Yes, I know that Erik got a little out of Character, but I guess that you could call it a character development or something. At least, Meg had a character development. It was mainly supposed to be about how Meg went from a girl to a woman and Erik's wife. If you were hoping for some juicy love bits, too bad! Not my style.

He had a tall, lanky build like his father. Black hair, blue eyes and pale skin like his mother, la Oviure.

Scriptor stretched and pulled out a manuscript full of notes. "That your next story?"

"Yeah, I just hope father doesn't see it. I don't want people finding the Phantom of the Opera. I don't want Father to get caught again.

"Scriptor, I can't tell if you're your father's son or your mother's at times."

Scriptor yawned and let Incendie look at it. "Just don't tell Father."

"Right. Who did you interview?"


"I see. The rest of the information?"

"From Grandmother."

"I see. Le Fantome de l'Opera. French?"


"Is this your real name?"

"No. It isn't."

"Le Fantome de l'Opera, à travers Gaston Leroux. Ingenious. Is this the name you go by for the stories you write?"

"Yeah, I find it easier to remain inconspicuous using this name."

"I won't tell your parents, so long as I can read it."

"Knock yourself out. I got nothing else to do right now."

"Scriptor, your mother wants you!" Jean called.

Scriptor bolted out of Incendie's tent and ran to his mother.

"Adrien, how are you feeling?"

"Good, Mother, is something wrong?"

"No. No, mon chere. Adrien, your books…"

"You looked at them?!" Adrien hissed harshly, but his face was a pained expression.

"No, I didn't. Nor did your father."

Adrien let his breath rush out.

"We're worried Adrien. What do you write about?"

"Nothing important, Mother. Just petty fantasy stories. Mysteries, actually."

"Adrien," his mother began, but Adrien, or Scriptor, cut her off.

"Mother, I just need you and father to trust me about this."

"We do trust you, Adrien. What worries us is that you work on these stories for days on end. You don't sleep, you don't eat, you do nothing but write and then end up passing out later on."

"I don't see what's so scary about it, Mother. Why worry about my lack of sleep or food."

"Because your father used to do the same thing. He had been writing an Opera for years and he never slept or ate during the times he did write it. Then he would pass out at the oragon and sleep for days on end. Then he would regain his strength and eventually begin composing again. We don't want you to have the same problem as your father, Adrien, please, promise me that you'll get a decent amount of sleep and join us for at least the evening meal every night."

Adrien nodded, hugged his mother and walked headed back to Incendie.

"What was that about?"

"Mother and Father were worried about my health."

"I'm not surprised. Oh."

Adrien looked up and saw his father walk among the crowd. His father always wore a mask and gloves. He never saw what was behind it, but he was told what it was. When he was told, he asked his father what it was like having such a frightening demeanor. His usual tempermental father only squeezed his shoulder and said that it was a blessing and a curse.

Despite the mask, and the gloves, Adrien admired his father. He thought that the world ought to know about the Phantom of the Opera.

"Adrien, it's almost time to start! Open the gates!"

Adrien nodded and did as he was told. Tonight, somehow, he felt he was going to learn more about his parents relationship from Daroga. If he could get the old Persian to talk.

what do you think? I know: Erik got way out of character, but I guess you can think of it as a character development, although Meg was supposed to be the one with the character developments, because she goes from a little girl to a woman and Erik's wife. If you were hoping for juicy details, sorry! Not my style