Author has written 62 stories for Lord of the Rings, Black Magician Trilogy, Harry Potter, and Star Trek: 2009. Writer, artist, sometime-scholar. Cat-friend. Daring dreamer. Fancrone! Until Juno-the-cat died in 2015, she graciously shared her name with me, and I was JunoMagic. Now I'm satismagic. I still believe in magic, especially in the magic woven with words and songs and stories. But most of all I want to remind myself that I am what my new name – the Latin word "satis" – means: enough. Mail me? satismagic AT gmail DOT com Disclaimer: All of my works archived on FFNet are non-commercial fanfiction, written because of an abiding love for the original works. Any characters, settings, or other details from original works in my stories belong to the original copyright holders. My works are available on this website solely for the private enjoyment of readers, and may not be reproduced, archived, or redistributed by any means and in any format without prior written permission. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing me at: satis@ or satismagic@. Fanworks License: Fanworks based on my fan fiction and fan art You may create fanworks—fan fiction based on fan fiction, fan fiction based on fan art, fan art based on fan fiction, or any other kind of remix or fan-fanwork—based on my fan fiction and fan art. You don’t need to ask for my permission. But you must follow a few rules: Attribution You must include a disclaimer in your work that credits the original work (i.e. Joanne K. Rowling/Warner Brothers for Harry Potter fanworks, J. R. R. Tolkien/Tolkien Estate for Lord of the Rings fanworks…). You also must credit me for my fan work. That means you have to put a version of the following credits in a prominent place wherever you display your fan creation (a good place for credits is for example the top of a story/chapter). The exact phrasing is up to you, of course, but you must include the title of my original fanwork, my online name, and a link to or the URL of the original fanwork. "Fanwork (or Fanfic/Fanart/Remix…) based on ‘(title of the original fanwork)’ by JunoMagic/satismagic. ShareAlike You must allow other people to create their own fanworks of the fanwork you created based on my fanwork under the same conditions I have permitted you to create that fanwork: proper attribution of the original and derivative works, and sharing under the same conditions as the original work. NonCommercial None of my fanworks may ever be used commercially. Let me know? ... of course I would be thrilled if you contacted me and let me know about the fanwork you created! NEW: Special Rules for Translations and Podfics You may also translate my stories or create podfics of them. You do not need my permission to do that. However, translations and podfics are a special case (even in another language or read & recorded, they are still my stories, so I’m feeling a bit protective towards them), so there are some special rules: • You may not post translations or podfics of my stories at any archive or website where I have an account of my own if double-posting content is not permitted or there is no process in place that links my account with translations or podfics of my works. Example: AO3 links related works automatically with my account, so you can go right ahead and post podfics and translations there. (Yay, AO3!) FFNet, however, allows no direct linking and no double-posting, so I want all versions of my stories posted on my account here. • You must permit me to post your translation or podfic (with complete credits for your awesome work, of course!) on my website as well as at all other archives I post to. • I must be listed as the author of the story, and you must include a link back to the original work. (If the story is posted at Fancrone Net, please use that link.) • You must send me an email with links to where you posted the translation or podfic (my email is juno AT magic DOT ms). • Every translation must be beta-read by a native speaker of the target language. (I’m sorry, but my day job is translating novels; translators need beta-readers just as much as writers need them.) Exceptions for Everything: Just Ask! Seriously, just ask. Talk to me. Explain what you want to do and why. I really try to be a nice, reasonable person, and transformative creativity is very important to me. So I’m usually happy to make exceptions for pretty much everything. Just drop me a line: juno AT magic DOT ms Links: • My old website and blog: /blog/ Stories & Stuffs: • "The Tides of Time and the Bones of the Earth" (Elrond/OFC) is offline until further notice. • "The Apprentice and the Necromancer": the "mature"-rated, illustrated multi-media edition in English: /blog/junofanfic/hp-fanfic/the-apprentice-and-the-necromancer CURRENTLY ON HIATUS: I am not available for beta-reading until further notice. Beta reading: I'm a "Perfect Imagination" accredited beta-reader. My PI is #5604525727. For details, please consult my beta reader profile here at FFNet. |
Community: | There and Back Again: And How to Get There in the First Place! |
Focus: | Books Lord of the Rings |