"I swear you sleep like the dead, Erik!" She calls from the kitchen as the alarm blares. I sit up, reaching for it. With a groan, I stretch out and sit up.
"What are you doing up already?" I yawn widely.
"Making you breakfast before your ordeal today."
"Well aren't you a sweetheart." I smile, standing.
"Go get a shower and it'll be ready when you're done." I walk towards her. Her eyes travel up and down my body. I kiss her soundly then make my way into the bathroom. I can smell the food as I dress and my stomach growls. I smooth back my hair and go out to put my shoes on.
"Smells great, my dear. Thank you." She hands me a plate and we sit on her couch. "I'm going to be out of undershirts soon at this rate," I smile, looking over at her.
"No you have to take them back and make them smell like you again." A snort escapes me. "I mean it, Erik." She takes my now empty plate and sets both in front of her on the coffee table.
"Thank you, again. Now go take a nice nap and be well rested for your show tonight." I take her hand, kissing each finger. "Am I expected to perform again?" She shrugs, biting her bottom lip. I stare at that bottom lip before pulling on it with my own teeth. "OK, better get going." She stands with me.
"Good luck."
"I'll see you in a little while." One last stroke of her skin and I head out the door.
I knew traffic would be a nightmare. I chatted with the cabbie, much to my surprise. I felt pretty stupid sitting in this enormous taxi van in silence. He was so disappointed to find out we were picking up a group of middle aged women and not some pop sensation.
I spot the group coming down from their gate and I smile.
"Mother!" She gives me a look of surprised delight, as if she forgot I would be collecting them.
"My Erik." Her hands go to my cheeks. "My wonderful boy." Her arms go around my neck and she pulls me down for a hug. "I missed you." Her lips kiss my cheek. The rest of the group descend upon me with hugs and cheek kisses.
"Hello ladies. How was it?" They all started talking at once as we made our way to the baggage claim. It really was an ordeal. Finally what seemed like hours later we had two luggage carts filled then loaded into the waiting taxi. They all chattered happily around me. Marie takes and squeezes my hand. I can't contain my smile as I listen to all of their anecdotes. One by one we unload and drop off. When at last we get to Mother's I pay the driver and give him a hefty tip. "I knew you would go crazy with souvineirs. This one weighs a ton." I heave the bag back on my shoulder. "I'm surprised this strap hasn't broken."
"Oh that's probably yours, so don't complain too much." She pulls a suitcase behind her as we reach the elevator. "I can't thank you enough Erik, that was incredible."
"Did you enjoy yourself?"
"Very much."
"That's all I need to know." I heft the bag into her sitting room. I breathe a sigh or relief as I set the bag down and collapse into a chair. "So...dinner?" I check my watch.
"Sure, dear. Don't you want to see what I brought you first though?"
"Of course I do." I grin.
"It should be right on top there," she points at the bag I set down. I pull open the zippers and pull out a colored metal plate. I look up at her, confused. "Oh something else goes with it. She reaches in pulling out a canvas bag then sets the metal plate on a metal stand and hands me a set of sticks. "It's an authentic steel drum! We'll see if that'll give you a challenge." She smiles.
"You really do give the best gifts, Mother." I blink back tears at her thoughtfulness.
"You'll probably have it mastered by tomorrow." I missed the sound of her laugh. "I need to eat something light for dinner." And she goes on about the food they had eaten for the last month. She takes my arm as we go down the elevator. "And how have your auditions been going?"
"Oh quite well. We'll take the week off then call backs begin. I have been pleasantly surprised with the talent of the people that turned up." I pull open the door her favorite Italian restaurant.
"Erik, this is the opposite of light eating."
"I know, but I'm hungry. And it's your favorite." I order my red wine and white for Mother.
"I suppose I could get a salad." After we order I ask where all they visited. "Oh I took pictures of everything. So many pictures I had to buy a second memory card."
"I can't wait to see them." Our meal arrives and she tells me about the ship and the cabins. "Who did you bunk up with?" She laughs and tells me about the other two both getting seasick the first day.
"I'm glad they adjusted though and were able to enjoy it."
"Me too." I sip my wine. "So what time did you want to go to tea tomorrow?"
"Oh, late. I'll probably sleep in. Maybe eleven?"
"Great." I take a bite of my eggplant. "Do you mind if I bring someone that I'd like you to meet?" Her eyes light up.
"No, dear. What's their name?"
"Christine. I haven't asked her yet, but I think she'll want to come."
"She is someone special to you?" She takes my hand.
"Yes, she is."
"You know, I often wondered if you were gay and afraid to tell me." I choke on my wine. She laughs and squeezes my hand. "I knew you would come through with some grandchildren."
"Now, now, none of that talk or you'll scare her off." I clear my throat.
"What does she do?"
"She is a performer at a nearby club."
"Of course. A singer?"
"Yes. Exquisite singer."
"Well I can't wait to meet her, Erik, dear."
"So...dessert?" I grin at her.
"You know I can't resist their canolli."
"We'll get them to go." She shakes her head disapprovingly, but then smiles. They pack our leftovers and cannoli up for us. I carry the bag as we make our way back to Marie's. I put her food away and pick up my drum and accessories. "Thank you for thinking of me, Mother. I'll get you about ten thirty tomorrow, ok?" I lean down to kiss her cheek. "Welcome home."
"I'll see you tomorrow, son."