A/N A lot of people kept asking me why Sweeney wasn't wearing a belt, so here's you answer. I thought it would be funny. Honest, that's it. Also, I am rather.. hesitant about writing and posting the more intimate scenes between characters, so you lot are going to be using your imaginations. Think of it this way, they either had sex in the kitchen, or something involving gin prevented that from occuring. Last chapter here.. new story should be up next week. Don' forget to review, ya?


They lay on the shop's floor, listening to the scuttle of the few bugs too stubborn to die. There had been a grand clean up before her reopening, and most of the pests were gone. Nellie had informed Sweeney that she had been trying for weeks to get rid of those who remained.

"Need a respectable place for a respectable business."

He smiled at the ceiling, wondering what her definition of respectable was. "Then we shall have to stop by the apothecary pet, and get poison for them." Her grip on him seemed to tighten as he spoke, making him frown. "Are you cold?"

"Jus' a little."

Sweeney stood up, surprising Mrs. Lovett.

"Luv, wot'cho-"

He kneeled down and picked her up form the floor, holding her across his arms.

"Mr. T!" She gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"To bed I think."

Nellie stayed quiet, watching Sweeney's face as he carried her to her room. His expression was unreadable, so she spent her time study other aspects of his face. There were many more lines present then there used to be, though she was glad to see for once those on his forehead were not noticeable. Without his brow drawn together, it took a great deal off his age. It also made him appear much gentler, without the dark thoughts circling his head

She brushed a hand against his cheek, causing him to finally look down at her.

"Here we are." He said, stopping by the edge of her bed.

"Oh, well-" Before she could protest he had set her down, and then moved to pick up her dress and put it over a chair. She gawked at him, holding herself up by her elbows. "Mr. T?"

Sweeney slowly came to a halt, eyes flickering between her and the door. "Aren't you tired?"

"Jus' a little." She continued to stare at him though he dropped his gaze.

"Good night then-

"Sweeney." She said firmly, causing him to stop. Nellie liked that when she spoke his name it caused him to pause. It meant something about her affected him, and she liked that. "Why don' you lie down luv?"

He stared at the other side of the bed, as if seriously deliberating her request. Generally when circumstance found him in her bed, he would leave unless he was too hung over to move, or she somehow got up before him, leaving him time think alone in bed.

"I'll get cold." Nellie found herself mumbling.

Something strange flickered across his eyes, though just for a moment. "Can't have that."