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![]() Author has written 6 stories for Total Drama series. This Profile is currently under heavy construction and I doubt it will end soon. Wow, I need to fix this thing... Yeah, Quartzy here. I know, I know, I need to update more. Sorry, but I am having a major case of Writer's block. I am thinking about branching off and trying new fandoms as I am coming up blank for anything TDI. I do have the next chapter of Huzzah in progress, but it is nowhere near being done. On another note, I am considering if I should go back and fix the previous chapters of my other stories. Looking back I am realizing something: My stories suck. I will put a poll up so you guys can give me your opinions. Also feel free to send a PM, I do not bite (can not say the same for Sue). Also I am noticing my profile really sucks as well. Expect a major revamp sometime soon, if anyone actually cares. Stories we have up: After the Island: Summary:Total Drama Island is over but the campers story is far from over. See what happens to the campers up until the two year reunion. About half of this story is told in instant messaging. I am still working on chapter nine but the dang school system is taking away my precious fanfiction time! TDI Romanceshots: Small Courtney/Duncan oneshot I am trying to write another couple of oneshots to add to this, I am working on an Owen/Izzy but I am not sure if it is very good. If anyone has a request for a pairing they would like me to try feel free to PM me. Stories that we have in Microsoft word (mostly done) and are thinking about posting: Sunshine and Stone: a bunch of Toko oneshots (I have one on word and others in my head) with hints of Sukka, Katang, Tokka, Zutara, and Maiko I think that this pairing would be really cute I have read some really good stories for this pairing and wanted to give it a try. What Happens at Hogwarts Does not Always stay there: We all know what happened with Ron Harry and Hermione and their hunt for the Horcruxses (not sure if that is spelled right) but what happened while they were away? The story of a second trio trying to bring back hope to the school one prank at a time. Mainly Neville/Luna, a bit of Harry/Ginny and hints at Ron/Hermione, also several other pairings I am too lazy to list at the moment. The idea for this popped into my head after reading many more Luna/Neville stories than can be healthy for a person and it evolved into this. I am also using this as a spring board for my next generation Harry Potter story which I am working on. I also have a sequel to this one I am working on about the next generation. Stories we may post at some time in the future: Totally Dramatic Race Around the World: The eccentric billionaire Chris MacClean has rounded up a group of twenty-two teenagers and has sent them on a race around the world. The contestants must stop at various check points and be the first back to win the grand prize, but not all is as it seems. To add a little extra drama Chris has sent a man known only as Chef Hatchet to follow the campers and make things a little more interesting. Couples: Courtney/Duncan, Izzy/Owen, Gwen/Trent, Geoff/Bridgette, Harold/Leshawna, and Lindsey/Tyler (I may change that last one later) This story is sort of a combination of Rat Race and Around the World in Eighty days. The idea for this story was a combined effort of myself, Sue, and Sue's little sister Iris (not her real name). High School Drama: Instead of meeting at the island the campers from TDI are in the same high school for junior year. The school has a major click problem but the principal Chris MacClean has a few tricks up his sleeve that may change that. Couples: Courtney/Duncan, Izzy/Owen, Gwen/Trent, Geoff/Bridgette, Harold/Leshawna, DJ/Heather, Cody/Beth, and Lindsey/Tyler. This is another combined effort. I know the idea is a bit unoriginal but I kind of wanted to try it. Total Drama Ski Resort: Chris is up to his old tricks inviting the campers to a relaxing winter resort, just another scam to get the ex-campers to do another season. For some reason they come anyway, but then things take a turn for the worst their snowed in! Even Chris wasn't in on this one. Can the campers survive or stand each other long enough to get out of this mess? Okay this one I give full credit to Iris on, she has mad creative skills and is no where near as crazy as Sue Hey! Quiet you! anyway moving on. Those are all the stories I can think of right now, these last three are still in the thought process but they are pretty well developed. If you want us to start writing one or more please PM me! Totally Dramatic Court Proceedings: Chef Hatchet is on trial for the murder of Mr. Coconut. Chris is the judge, Owen is the prosecutor and the rest of the campers are stuck in jury duty. Set just after the end of TDI the story of Twenty-one teens trying to get out of the courtroom. bits of the usual pairings and some I may just throw in there for the heck of it. This will probably be a oneshot or a two-shot at the most, I can not really remember who came up with this one I think it may have been Sue but I am not sure. I'll take credit for it! I know you will. Huzzah! This be-eth a TDI Medieval Story! ...eth! (NOW POSTED!): What happens when the campers find a book in the TDI library about themselves with a twist? Some crazy author has written a story that takes place in the very dark ages about our favorite campers...and Heather. Okay all the campers are in it...the story is about two feuding kingdoms that are finally united by the Marvelous Visionary Chris Maclean or that's what the book says...but not all is well in the new kingdom of Bass-Gopher-land evil in the form of Princess Heather has a plan to make the kingdom hers. Will she be able to do it? Will the heroes stop her? Who are these heroes anyway? Why am I asking you all this? Find out the answers in TDI Medieval story HUZZAH!! Couples include Duncan/Courtney (don't Quartzy's stories alway?), Bridgette/Geoff, Trent/Gwen, Izzy/Owen, Beth/Cody, and possibly some Harold/Leshawna. Ok the idea for this one is well... I am not exactly sure why we came up with this one...but I thought it was a good idea! If you want me and Sue to start working on any of these stories PM us and we will get to work. We won't promise fast updates but we do promise random yelling in A/Ns! That we do. Dear Dramatic Diary (NOW POSTED!): A series of one-shots in diary form, read the campers innermost thoughts about the island, the challenges and each other. I just came up with this one less than two minutes ago and had to put it on here before Sue did something to make me forget Hey! Quiet you! Anyway these entries will not be set during a specific time unless I mention that at the beginning of the chapter. Iris gave me the idea for a story told from somebodies point of view through their diary, she was thinking Gwen but I just had the idea to do one for Chris!! I know very random but it just popped into my head! Total Drama Murder Mystery: Chris Maclean, Eccentric billionaire, financial wizard, and a royal pain in the arse. The Royal pain himself has decided to host a small get together of the twenty-three people who hate him most, Heather, an ex-heiress thanks to Chris's prompting, Courtney, once the president of a large company blackmailed out of her post by Chris and forced to work for him, Duncan, let's just say thanks to Chris Duncan got to visit the big house three times and all the rest. With this interesting group of Chris haters all together in the same place it is only a small shock when Chris is murdered. Who is the killer? Who will step up and find out? How did Chris get Duncan in jail? What did he do to the other people? And why am I asking you all these questions? Find out the answers in Total Drama Murder Mystery! I got the idea from the play my school is doing but I tweaked it... a lot! Basically everyone has a reason to hate and want to kill Chris but who actually did it? Total Drama Trek: The star ship TDI is going through space to explore the unknown and discover new worlds, to go where no one has gone before! With Captain Trent at the helm what can possibly go wrong? Answer...almost anything...with Courtney as the captain's assistant and Duncan at the weapon station and don't forget the strange lifeforms they happen to come across such as Chris Maclean from the Chris continuum. This is loosely based on Star Trek the next generation but I think I will come up with my own plots for chapters and not steal ones from the show. Britain's Next Top Death Eater!: The Dark Lord Wets-his-shorts- I mean Voldemort has taken over the world, but he is in dire need of a new second in command, seeing as all his other death eaters are completely moronic. So he has decided to host a reality show to pick his new number two. The contestants are Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron, Ginny, Fred an George Weasly, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and Joe, watch as the compete for the title of BRITAIN'S NEXT TOP DEATH EATER! This is a Harry Potter parody, lots of Voldemort bashing, Harry bashing, Malfoy bashing...basically I make fun of everyone... Soldier Dorm: The characters of Agatha Christie's play And Then There Were None are headed back to school. All of them, now college age thanks to the magic of my mind, are put in the same dorm for their next year of college. Watch as they go through exams, school trips, school rivalries, and other things that make no sense to aliens, with perhaps a hint of romance thrown in along the way, just to make things interesting. I got the idea after being IN the play, which was so much fun that I did not want it to end. Then I figured "Why does it?" and now with the magic of fanfiction I can keep the story alive in my own strange way of coping with not having anything to do after school any more. Ranger Days: Kate is starting her first day at the Pokemon Ranger Academy, which will in turn begin her career as a Ranger. She meets friends and perhaps something more... But alll is not well in the Almia Region, there is a plot stirring just beneath the surface which could spell the end for Kate and all of Almia. Kate/Keith Rhythmi/Kellyn I got the idea after playing the new pokemon ranger game, let me tell you it is so much easier than the first one! Anyways the idea just popped into my head and it would not go away. I know Pokemon may seem dorkish to some, but it is really... well it is kinda... okay I am a dork! Yo! Sue here! I have come up with an idea for my first story! Harry Potter and the Sue invasion: Mary Sues have invaded Hogwarts and there's no end in sight! Surely the boy who lived, the wonderful Harry Potter can stop them! But no even he, the chosen one, can not escape the Sues' evil clutches! With Hermione and Ginny locked away in the dungeons who can possibly stop this reign of terror! But fear not out of the darkness comes a trio never before seen by the sane. Albus Dumbledore, not dead for no apparent reason but totally immune to Sues for... ahem... another..., Luna Lovegood, not enough time in the series or interactions with Harry to be considered a threat, and of course the brains of the outfit... the amazing... the unstopable... the unflapable, MRS. NORRIS!! But will this team be able to take on the Uber Sue, Marrianne Raven Star Loretta Moonbeam Hermione Darkness Sabrina Beautiful Rosalie Black, whose parents were killed by Lord Voldemort but is somehow also the love child Sirius Black and Hermione! Includes bashing of any character I feel like (except Luna, she's cool) and possible snidbits of every couple out there, but with assured Neville/Luna! I got bored and went looking for a good Harry Potter story the other day and I got majorly ticked by all of the freaking OC/Harry's and OC/Draco's and even, shoot me now, OC/Snape's!! Seriously what the fruit cup people? So I felt I needed to take a stand, who's with me? Ever Ever Afters: What happens after 'The End,' how the characters go on afterwards. Not every story can end with 'Happily Ever After'... Wicked: What happens to Liir after the events of Son of a Witch? What becomes of his new green Daughter? What about Candle, Glinda, or Trism? And have we really seen the last of the Wizard? Or of the Wicked Witch of the West? A/N: About five chapters, possibly more, nay develop into a bigger story later with newish characters. Total Drama Island: What happens to the characters when they are all grown up? Will the old couples stay together? Will new ones form? A/N: At least twenty-four chapters, one for each camper and then Chris and Chef, maybe more later. Harry Potter: (I may link this with my other Harry Potter related stories) What happens after the final battle with Voldemort? Who ends up with who? Are the dead really dead? Will Hogwarts ever open its doors again? A/N:This is according to ME not J.K.R. And Then There Were None: After Phillip and Vera escape the island what happens? Do they get married? Will they have a Happily Ever After? Can they after what's happened? A/N: This follows the play, not the book or movie versions. Possibly a one or two-shot. I may add more to this list later |