I know, it's been a seriously long time since I updated this! But since so many of you wanted an update: here you go, think of it as an early Christmas present.
A Swing And A Miss
Some days, when Owen was particularly lucky, or if God was giving him a freebie, his mess up at the football stadium would not affect his well being. Today was not that day.
"So that big fat idiot just charges towards Lance, just for a freaking hotdog! That bonehead cost me my week's pay. I swear, if I ever see him, I'll give him a piece of my mind!" The cab driver, who asked to be called Driver Hatchet, was ranting continuously and was oblivious to the fact that said bonehead was in his cab, trying to hide his face behind a left behind newspaper.
"Really?" squeaked a nervous Owen.
"Hell yeah! I used to be a chef, you know, so if I ever see him, I will seriously take out my old chopping knife and…"
"Hey look! There's the airport, I'll just walk from here." Owen said. Hatchet merely shrugged and parked near the curb where all his other taxi cab buddies were parking. Owen quickly paid and ran as fast as he could, but not fast enough to escape the eye of another cabbie who quickly jogged over to Hatchet.
"Hey, didn't you know who was in your cab?"
"It was that bonehead! The guy who cost us our wages in that bet!'
"That was him?" Oh boy, was Hatchet fuming now. "He was in my cab and I let him get away, darn!
Ezekiel grew up on a farm, and thus could drive a tractor in his sleep with his arms behind his back. Out here in the city…let's just say it's a miracle he's still alive and not imbedded in car metal.
CRASH! Okay, maybe that was spoken too soon.
"My pick-up!" Ezekiel quickly got out and inspected the damage: the entire front was bashed in, its engine gone to car parts heaven. The only thing that really remained intact was his license plate…whoops it just fell daintily to the asphalt, spoke too soon again.
The other driver got out of her equally messed up Ferrari. It was none other than Eva Gregori, current reigning heavyweight boxing champion.
"You have to pay for my car!" Ezekiel shouted. Clearly he had a death wish today.
"Me! Why me? You're the one in the pick up and you were speeding past a red light!" She yelled back at an even louder volume.
"Because you're a woman."
"And what does that have to do with this?" she asked slowly through clenched teeth, fists forming at her side.
Ezekiel scoffed, "because, being that you're part of the inferior gender of the human species it is your job to serve and obey a man's command." He seriously should've seen that knockout of a punch coming…he didn't.
For a guy who had no interest in the race, Geoff Murdock was currently in the lead. Apparently slow and steady does work. He scoffed softly as he looked at the Hannigan couple, dashing across the floor. He turned back towards his drink at the airport Starbucks, (seriously, where won't you find them now a day?) twirled his locker key in amusement and took a sip.
"Ah-choo,' Geoff turned towards the source of the quiet sneeze and found himself staring at a blonde woman in black pants, black shirt and brown, velvet jacket, a really hot blonde woman to be more precise. She was currently reading a book.
Easing out of his stool, Geoff silently walked over to her table.
"Hey there," he started. The woman looked up.
"Sorry, I don't have any spare change right now."
"What? No, I'm just, okay, I don't usually do this but I'm reading the same book as you, see?" He pulled out a his own copy of the book Bones To Ashes by Kathy Reichs, granted he was only reading it because his next party he had to cater was for the author's birthday and therefore had to familiarize himself with her books but nonetheless, it was turning out to be a very rewarding read in more ways than one right now.
"Wow, what a coincident, have you gotten to the part about the zombie attack?"
"Zombie attack?" He had definitely not read that part yet, he hadn't even known about it. He frantically began running through the pages and stuttering.
She laughed gently, "Kidding! No, there's no zombie attack but really it's a great book."
Geoff smirked, "Well, you got me there, but don't be too proud, some people say I can get pretty gullible at times." He had never believed it really when people told him that, but now it was making a good conversation starter, "I'm Geoff Murdock, by the way. Can I get you a drink? From the bar I mean, not Starbucks."
She smiled, "Bridgette. Bridgette Dodson. And I'm sorry, but I have to decline since I'm flying."
"I don't really think it'll affect you that much. Unless they've really amped up the boarding restrictions."
"Oh no, it's not that, when I said I'm flying, I really mean I'm flying. I'm a pilot."
"Oh," he said, genuinely surprised and interested, "well, then, I guess I'll see you around, later."
"Maybe." With that the pilot returned to reading her book, and Geoff was quietly walking back to his stool, muttering about what an idiot he was under his breath.
Cody and DJ
"Hey, out of the way! We have two million dollars to win here!" Cody yelled as he pushed past a line of people while DJ followed and apologized…repeatedly. They finally got to the counter after Beth had just run off with her tickets.
"Hey there, we need two tickets for the earliest flight to New Mexico, fast."
The over perky, most likely coffee addicted attendant typed into her computer, "Oh, sorry but we've just ran out of seats." Fuming, the two friends sulked off towards the waiting area by the huge Plexiglas window; at least the short scrawny one did, while the other more muscular one just walked away calmly.
"I guess we aren't going to get there first if we aren't going by air, huh?" asked DJ, knowing all too well the answer.
Cody sighed and looked out the window dejectedly. The view was off the runway, with airplanes and runway attendants and all the rest. In the background, one could see the radar used for the planes in order for them to take off. That gave Cody a plan.
"If we aren't racing by air, no one's going to."
Katie and Sadie
Despite already boarded on a private jet that was more than ready to take off, Katie and Sadie were experiencing a bit of a…unique problem: a panhandler had apparently given up washing car windshields, and had moved up to washing airplane windshields.
"Spare some change and buy a squirrel please?" asked the panhandler, once famous (or infamous) athlete Tyler Banks who lost his million dollar career by, well sucking a lot at the sport (like that's a surprise.) He had taken up the hobby of squirrel collecting and was now trying to sell them after seeing the flaws in his hobby.
"Don't just sit there! Deal with it, we're supposed to be in the air already!" shouted an impatient Katie to the two hapless pilots.
"Yes sir! Uh, Tim, how do we deal with a panhandler?"
"I don't know, but we are not buying a squirrel. Why don't we just give him some food instead?"
"Great idea! What do hobos eat?"
"You idiot! They're human beings too, they eat what we eat!"
"They do?" his partner replied incredulously.
Katie and Sadie spent the nest few minutes groaning as the Tyler continued to wash the windshield and their pilots were arguing over what hobos ate.
Cody and DJ…Again
"I've counted ten things that are illegal regarding this plan of yours," DJ remarked as he climbed up the gigantic plane radar, a hook tied to a rope in hand. Said rope lead down the ladder, through the giant recently cut hole in the iron fence and attached to the front of Cody's car.
"Relax buddy," Cody replied from the safety of his car, "have I ever steered you wrong?"
"Yes, multiple times!"
"Yeah, well this time, my plan has to work. It's so simple, you hook the radar, I pull it down with my car, none of the planes or jets can fly."
"Yeah, simple, like that plan of suing the casino by falling down the stairs?"
"Will you just hook it up already?'
DJ just grunted in response, swung the rope like a lasso and it managed to hook itself to the radar. Unfortunately, it was then that the radar was starting to be put to use, as evidenced by its sudden rotating motion which caused the rope to start to wrap around pulling the car with it.
"This is not good," both DJ and Cody said at once.
The, Uh, People Who Work In Those Tower Thingy…
"That's strange," said an intern as he looked out the window.
"What?" asked his boss impatiently.
"I'm not really sure, but I think I see two guys in a car being dragged up by a rope, climbing up the radar tower." The intern squinted, "Sir, I think the guys have landed on the ground, after jumping out the of the car. I think one of them ripped off their license plate, beforehand though. And now they seem to be running away…"
"Uh huh," said his boss, not really paying attention. He had important things to do and listening to an intern ramble was not one of them.
"Sir, I can't really tell…but I think the bolts of the radar are ripping out because of the weight of the car dragging it down." Suddenly he winced, "Ah, sir?"
"What is it Johnson?" barked the boss.
"The radar just collapsed," he replied in a casual tone of voice.
Geoff…Again (wow, lots of different points of views huh?)
"Ladies, and gentlemen, pardon us for the interruption, but due to technical difficulties, all flights are now grounded for an undetermined amount of time," the voice on the intercom said.
Suddenly, like prairie dogs on the plains of Saskatchewan, several of the racers heads popped up from where they were sitting, and Geoff became a first hand witness of what could be described as crazy people running as fast as they can out of the airport. Or, at least he would have, if the news had not inspired something else in his mind.
"So…hows about that drink I proposed, Bridgette?" Geoff asked, silently making his way back to the pilot.
"Uh, I'm sorry, but I like I said, I will be flying," she said, as politely as she could.
Geoff pointed upwards to the speakers, "but they said that all flights were grounded…"
A look of sudden realization adorned her face, "Oh, sorry, that's for airplanes and jets. I fly a helicopter; we use a different radar system."
For the second time that day, Geoff's face fell, "Oh…" Suddenly the wheels in his head were turning and using all his brain power…he began to think (oh this could take a while.). Helicopter…everyone else grounded…Cute pilot who I've become familiar with…
"Uh, Geoff?" Bridgette asked, after seeing him just stand there for a minute.
He just smiled in response, "What would you say if I told you I could make you two million dollars richer?"
FYI Geoff, money is not a way to get into a girl's heart. (shakes head)
You don't have to review if you don't want to, but I seriously hope that this reverse psychology thing works.