A/N- Power's out, writing this oneshot. It's been in my head FOREVER, and now I'm writing it! Hope you like it!

DISCLAIMER- If I owned Soul Eater, I'd buy a generator and BE ABLE TO USE THE INTERNET! So no, I don't own Soul Eater.

The Word You're Looking For

"Soul, tell me what you think of this." Maka said, emerging from her room in the dress she had just bought that day.

Her weapon, lazily sprawled out on the couch, barley acknowledged her presence. He looked her up and down, then smiled. "How about you guess?"

Maka raised an eyebrow. "You want me to guess? What's wrong with you just telling me?"

"Well that's no fun, now is it?" He asked.

Maka sighed. "Okay, then… how about… cool?"

Soul smirked. "Not even close."

Maka frowned. "Uncool?"


"Are you really gonna make me do this?" Maka asked. "Can't you just tell me, I already guessed!"

Soul pushed himself up and crossed his legs on the couch. "Nope, not yet, you have to keep guessing."

"This is really dumb and uncool you know, Soul." Maka said, putting her hands on her hips.

Soul rolled his eyes. "Whatever, just keep going."

Maka groaned. "Fine. Nice? Dumb? Ridiculous? Decent?"

"No, no, no, and no."

"Really! Well, then, how about… interesting…?"

Soul smirked once more. "Psh, not even close to close to it."

"You do realize there's an uncountable amount of adjectives let alone words in the world, right?"

"I'm aware of that, yes."

"Ugh, this is so stupid. Okay, then, good?"

Soul laughed. "Nope, not that either, you are awful at this! You know, for such a smart person, you are really dumb and oblivious sometimes!"

"Well, if you could just give me a hint or something-" Maka began angrily.

"Alright, alright! Here's your hint: It's in the first half of the alphabet." Soul stated amused.

"Cute? Funny? Childish?" Maka listed.

"Not really, definitely not, and yes, but no."

Maka scowled. "Grawsome?"

Soul frowned. "Is that even a word?"

"I dunno, I heard Patty say it."

"And when has Patty ever made sense?"

"… Good point. Okay, if you are so insistent, how about alright?"

"Well, of course that's not it." Soul said, rolling his eyes dramatically, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, if you won't just tell me what it is, I'm just not even gonna bother anymore!" Maka yelled, thoroughly annoyed at the little game that Soul was making out of her.

"Whatever." Soul said, getting off from the couch and walking towards his room. "You're a bad guesser anyway."

Maka glared at him in warning. He took the hint and decided to stop talking before he got Maka Chopped into a coma.

"Oh, and by the way." Soul began softly as he passed her. "The word you're looking for… is beautiful."

A/N- Oh, the time you get when there is NO INTERNET! And now no Castle… God loves torturing me. Well, writing this in pitch blackness actually wasn't that hard… the hard part was getting this done before my laptop battery ran out… blackouts mean no charging my laptop, so if I lost all of this, I would kill myself! And I know this was actually pretty short, but still. And thanks a lot to my awesome cousin, who read and edited this when we ALL KNOW I should be writing my next chapter of California Dreamin'… Sorta!

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it! Pleeeeeeease review! Being a girl cosplaying as Kid means it's pretty likely you will be the only girl doing so! BYYYYYE!