Yeah, I borrowed- WITH PERMISSION - this idea from an author known as The Poisoned Doughnut Of DOOM. Her story's called Doughnut's Done It Again. I just borrowed the idea and transferred it to fit my insane ideas.

Disclaimer: Me no be owning Twilight.

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"EDWARD! BELLA!" Alice's voice rang up the stairs, efficiently cutting off our moment.

"What?" I called, aggravated.

"Come down here!" Alice replied. Edward helped me off of the couch and we headed down the stairs. As I reached the stairs, I tripped, and just before I hit the ground…


…I was sitting in a chair next to Edward in a giant auditorium. Looking around, I saw my friends from school, the rest of the Cullens, and the Quiluete pack. Looking at the stage, I saw three girls sitting off to the side next to a giant speaker set.

"Umm… Hi?" I said, wondering who these people were.

"Where are we?" Alice asked, looking around.

The three girls looked at each other, then the brunette stood up.

"Hi. You're in an auditorium. We just kidnapped you from your universe and brought you here to sing karaoke! Won't that be fun?" Everyone just stared at her like she was insane.

"You…kidnapped up…from our…universe?" Mike said, looking confused.

"…Do we have to prove it?" The brunette asked.

"Um… Yes…What was your name, again?" Emmett asked.

"Oh! I'm sorry. My name is Layla. The orange-redhead is Ginevra, and the blonde is Krissi. Now, if you'll give me a minute to find it, I have proof…" The brunette, now known as Layla, turned around and marched behind a curtain. The Cullens grouped together to talk about this new development.

"Does anyone here believe her?" Edward asked incredulously.

The entire group of vampires, and one human, shook their heads in disbelief.

Suddenly, Layla bounded back on stage.

"Found them!" She exclaimed, holding up three large books. One of them had an apple, the second a red flower, and the third a torn ribbon.

Jacob stared at the book. "You think… that we're… book characters??" He shouted.

Layla huffed. "I don't think. I have proof. Do I need to show you?" The entire gym nodded their heads yes.

"Fine," she sighed. "One passage from each, then." She then opened the book with the apple on the cover. A closer look showed that the book was titled Twilight.

"This is the beginning of chapter 13, called 'Confessions'," She announced, then started into the chapter with feeling. She read to the point where Edward compared Bella to heroin, editing out any mentions of him being a vampire, and then closed the first book. "Do you believe me yet?"

Everyone was in shock, but they wanted to know what else this crazy girl knew about them. Alice then noticed her shirt, which said 'The Phantom of the Opera is there…Inside my mind." in white lettering, with a white mask on it, against a black background. 'Interesting choice, for a teenager…' She thought demurely, smiling slightly.

Layla threw Twilight back at her friends, and picked up the book with the flower on the cover. This one's title was New Moon.

Layla sniffed quietly as she stared at the cover. "This one always makes me cry…" She murmured to herself, forgetting about the Cullen's vampire hearing.

"Why does the book make you cry?" Jasper inquired. Layla looked up, crying slightly.

"You'll see…" She then read the break-up scene, again editing out any mentions of vampires. Edward visibly flinched, and Bella pressed her face into his shirt. Layla was crying by the time she was finished.

"And that's that…" She sniffed, before calming slightly. "Oh, and Edward?" Edward looked up, surprised, only to get pegged in the face with said book. "Never tick off a girl who can play softball in the outfield!" Layla exclaimed proudly. (Yeah, I have mood swings like that all the time. I'll be laughing like crazy one second, and bawling my eyes out the next.)

"Now, should I mortally embarrass Bella for the third book? Or Edward?" In the end, no one knew what I was talking about. "I'll do both! Eclipse is my favorite, anyways." She then opened the book with the torn ribbon on it. Layla then read the section with Edward and Bella in his room right before the fight, deleting all mentions of vampires. Bella turned thirty shades of red. She then read the end scene in the meadow, again editing out all the vampire stuff.. Now it was Edward's turn to stutter. Everyone else was just trying to stay sitting on their chairs, they were laughing so hard.

"Okay, now, do you all believe me?" The entire auditorium nodded. "Okay! Let's go! I've got a few songs ready, so ready? Oh, and," She dropped her voice so low, that only the vampires in the room could hear her. "'I'll try not to let it slip that you guys are vampires…" The Cullens immediately jumped. How did she know?

"Hmm… now, who to make sing a song first?" Layla asked, her eyes scanning the auditorium.

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Okay, there's the first chapter! This is basically my crackfic to cure writers block. Anyways, it's up to you guys to help me pick who is first! Here are my current options:

Edward singing Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls, about Bella.

Edward singing Music of the Night, just 'cause.

Rosalie and Bella singing What Is This Feeling? From Wicked. If you know that song, you understand why I picked that song… -shifty eyes-

Bella singing 8th World Wonder, about Edward.

Esme, Rosalie, Alice, and Bella singing Girl's Night Out.

Mike singing Just The Girl, about Bella. This one will include Edward's reaction… DOGFIGHT!

Edward and Bella singing You Are The Music In Me.

So just tell me in a review, and I'll get on that! Also, suggest singers and songs to me, and if I like it, I'll write it! R and R, for review are music to the author's soul!!!