Aah, I've returned to fanfiction with a short Toradora! drabble. Written based off a picture I found (which I am currently using as my background. xD) and to cure a bit of boredom and writer's block. Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Toradora or the image this was based off of.

WARNING: Spoiler's ahead.

"It still fits."

Ryuuji smiled as Taiga modeled her red and blue uniform, which looked no different since the time she wore it to school. "You haven't gotten any taller. Why would it not fit?" he joked.

"Stupid! I've gotten bigger!" Taiga exclaimed.

"Really? You're still pretty tiny," Ryuuji teased, laughing when Taiga blushed. He mistook it for embarrassment, yelping when the girl roared and tackled him to the ground. "T-Taiga!"

"I'll eat you! I'll eat you and get bigger!" the girl exclaimed, a blush becoming darker on her face as her mouth opened wide. Ryuuji couldn't hold back his laughter, a few tears forming in the corner of his eyes as his head fell back to the floor. Taiga began laughing too, her chin resting on Ryuuji's chest as a smile formed on her lips. When the boy stopped laughing, she sighed through her nose and cuddled with him before a whisper escaped her lips. "I love you."