Reviews for Let Me Go
bring color to my skies chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
:( That was depressing... I like Misty's response though. :P
plattytehpwn chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
Sad... but a good story, no errors, although the two-column thing was slightly hard to follow.
MidnightSakuraBlossom and SYD chapter 1 . 2/28/2012
That was perfect, so beautiful! I love how this is written from Ash's perspective, was that a whiff of IC I got from it? I believe so.

Anyway, I probably sound stupid. Sorry, I just can't explian how good this is! Painfully short, but it got the point across. :)

pyr0technic chapter 1 . 9/9/2011
wow, this is cool :d
BlueMew24 chapter 1 . 7/20/2011
This is a good one.
Colonel H. Stinkmeaner chapter 1 . 6/18/2011
this sucks
the one who hums chapter 1 . 5/16/2011

Don't leave, Ash.

Just kidding, you can do whatever you want, bud. I would prefer it if you would stay, but it's my job to say that, since the show wouldn't be much without you. I guess I understand that you kind of get smothered a lot. I know you love your friends, but space is good too. But just becasue people believe in you doesn't mean you have to go sending angry emails. We all just want you to know that we have your back. And it's not a crime to have people love you, pity you, sympathize with you, CARE about you. You always wanted to go out to see the world, make new friends. You did exactly that.
Crystalgurl101 chapter 1 . 9/17/2010
Misty's response was PERFECT. :)

Harumi Fujyoshi chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
It's nice seeing Ash from a different perspective, I actually can imagine this a little.

It was really good, that's all I have to say.
the sky's bouquet chapter 1 . 5/28/2009
So very...deep! Ash, how could you send such a thign to your own mother?

Never thought I'd see his side of Ash. LoL.

Good job, very, very good work!

The Sky's Bouquet
kimberlychin1996 chapter 1 . 10/16/2008
ok... i don't get it. maybe...
readeradv chapter 1 . 10/9/2008

Keep up the excellent work!
Tomoyo Kinomoto chapter 1 . 5/29/2008
Yay for Misty! *laugh* I bet no one else (except Brock) had that reaction!
189756hghy chapter 1 . 12/20/2007
great simple and easy understand brilliant

p.s would you be able to review/flame my fic i would apreciate it

thanks BTG
KittyScarlet chapter 1 . 12/4/2007
aw! cute! -
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