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![]() Author has written 3 stories for Pokémon. 6:30 PM LASTEST NEWS!! BOLD - NEW PLAIN - ORGINAL, OLD My computer got fixed! Now, I will just write. Happy New Years!! I had so much FUN!! NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!! To finish and get more stories. Duh... Here! A Little Night Music is a great story which I recommend people to read (if you are ok with cussing words). Here are the reviewers that made this story come to life: DarkFire, Eternal Storm, pikachuhunter1, Music-Warrior-Nightsong, Lightning-Alchemist-Rini, Latias 24, Roggamer22, Tarnari, Gardevoir Girl, bushes283, WiiDog1, somerandomdude, Hillarious Harlequin, Ersina Deathclaw, Echoing Echoes, Chaos Knux, noKon1, annajonz, Snowy-Leopard, Raxash, Drrockz, Shinningkit, Dominik, Steben, poke egg, Shiny Hunter, Felix the Eeveetrainer, anthspet, Cevaztyen, Arch-trainer, Soy Soy Joo, swack16, Kataly Heart, ginnyhairry, PrincessTikal, Wolfshadow 67, SecretAgent99, Espeon Master, Dragonluvr1993, TheWinchesterAngel, Random Reader, MineralRabbit, Spelling, mgunh1, Rytik3, Darkamber8828, White Keyblade Oathkeeper, TsukuyomiMoon565, Cathycalamitous, Slazer, RB Whiffet, WildCroconaw, noname227, Abysswing, Mysfit, the one who will not be named, ClinicalyInsaneAndDangerous, Cinnamonpool, sirtommygunn, Berry Eon, Foxyjosh, sanablades, Pikachu247, belhotte, Will the Woofwood fanatic, , poopfartbutts, nightwolf23, Naruto-fan-4-eva, UnderTheElements, mauralucky7, Sundown Sight, kimberlychin1996, caiancaldasar, Dude…Man, hermit, SilverZiria, Lunarfur, The Great Valley Gaurdian, somerandomdude101, NejiTenSasuSaku4eva, Areolfos, I heart pizza, Attack of the Moron, Alpha DragonWulf, Angelic Sword, skaterkidd93, Pearlstat-Ikirashipper, DFGA’s Pooter, CyberWolf101, july, Tenkoi, Rykua Rayne Torikana, xBrownie, A Person, Death to da Charmander, Fictologist, animatedrose, ml7, Cladazer Atreides, and Almost Decent. Quick Info: I am Petalwing in Lunarfur of Moonclan's clan. (Duh!) 'Visitors' on my stories by country (in order) 12/2008 My Profile Accounts/E-mails: kimberlychin1996@ kimberly135105423@ I don't use AOL or Gmail that much. IM: Yahoo: kimberlychin1996 Gmail kimberlychin1996 AOL kimmy01321 Meebo: kimberlychin1996 Neopets (just to point that out): kimberly135105423 Clubpenguin: kimichelle Youtube: kimberlychin1996 OVER 3,000 videos seen. Checkout my account k? Friend's Youtube (you should really check out!): narutovsbleach231 (think...yup) and narutorules2987 Nickname: Kimmy, what else. I would name myself... KimKim, Kim, Kimber Gender: Girl, duh!! Age: Um... two digits... (Dumb people would guess... and I am NOT over 65 years old!) DOB: Yeah, right! Race: Chinese-American (ABC) Languages that I speak: English, Chinese Place where I was born: California, USA Where I live: EARTH!! Well, California, USA Occupation: School Favorite anime, books, or whatever: Warrior books series, Babysitter Clubs, I don't read much books. I luv fanfictions! Favorite TV shows: I don't read books but I totally watch TV. Hannah Montana, Suite Life, basically most of Disney Channel, iCarly, Drake and Josh, Pokemon. Favorite animal/pet: bunny, cats Favorite food: ice cream, celery, corn, egg roll, chinese food (duh), pizza, healthy food (expectially fruit!!) Favorite songs: Hannah Montana, High school musical, Chris Brown, Cheetah Girls, some of Lunarfur's, etc. Hobbies/Interests: singing, dancing (goof around), math... fun if it is a challenge (I don't take easy math seriously which means... I slept during math class today), computer, violin, piano, Wii, nds, gameboy stuff. Talents: Piano, Violin, and math... I think that is all. Stories: I haven't wrote any fics...er.../Sweat drops/ How I'd Rank Guys I Might Possibly Go Out With: I don't know! Who I have a crush on (or used to): Three people in my school and one person in another school. BF/GF Quiz YOU SAW IT 1) Taken or single? 2) Do you like it? 3) Would you kiss your ex? 4) Have you ever had your heart Broken? 5) Do you believe certain circumstances of cheating? 6) Are you missing someone right now? 7) Does he/she know you like him/her? 8) If someone likes you would you want them to tell you? 9) Do you want someone you cant have? 10) Do any of your Ex's still have feelings for you? repost this as If you have ever gotten a D on a perfectly fine essay at shcool, copy and paste this into your profile.(Stupid. English. Teacher.) Hot dork = my boyfriend... WAIT! I don't have a boyfriend!! WAH! Top Ten List: 10. Toothpaste and Health products. 9. Electronics: TV, computer, gameboys, DS, Wii, etc. (Too many to count and hope there’s more.) 8. Math – yeah, my favorite subject! People might think I am weird but weird is good! 7. Corn – it is a veggie, my favorite veggie! It is a veggie right? 6. Disney Channel - I want autographs!! Top Ten Hate List: 10. My sister annoying tendency to invade my personal privacy. 9. Onions 8. Unbearably hot and humid temperatures. 7. Icky blood. 6. Poorly written stories. No offense, seriously. 5. Bad people (can't name them) GLARES 4. Homework 3. Science 2. HARD P.E. 1. Stupidty? Catch Phrases: 1. Whatever you say will go through one ear and out the other...ano, did you say something? 2. Curiosity killed the cat and it'll kill the dog too. XD 3. -Insert Evil Laugh Here- XD 4. Nobody's Perfect - I am a nobody, which means I am perfect! Yay me! 5. Cry me a river, build a bridge, get over it! In other words, DON'T GIVE UP!! 6. You're just jealous that the voices in my head talk to me, no you! 7. Fine! Be that way! I don't care! 8. Girl: Why is that weirdo doing here? 9. Girl: When you have a good day, I have a bad day. When you have a bad day, I have a good day. 10. Boy: Can I borrow your textbook? I need to find something quickly. KETCHUP RULES!! Don't ask! Female Comebacks Man: Have I seen you someplace before? Woman: Yes thats why I don't go there anymore Man: Is this seat empty? Woman: Yes and this one will be if you sit down Man: Your place or mine? Woman: Both. You go to yours and I go to mines. Man: Hey baby, whats your sign? Woman: Do not enter Man: I would go to the end of the world for you Woman: But would you stay there? Pokemon Quiz Thing! Label your own 1-12 fav characters, then answer the questions. Don't forget to copy and paste this inside your profile! 1. Ash 2. May 3. Dawn 4. Drew 5. Misty 6. Paul 7. Brock 8. Solidad 9. Tracey 10. Kenny 11. Zoey 12. Tracey 1) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fanfic before? Paul/Zoey? Nope. And never going to happen, AND I don't think I heard of that before. 2) Do you think Four is hot? How hot? Drew? Yes, a little. He IS hot in some cases... 3) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? EWW!! Well, Tracey and Solidad never met. And Solidad deserves better! 4)Do you recall any fics about Nine? Not really... 5) Would Two and Six make a good couple? No, May and Paul haven't met. Otherwise... they will mess up contestshipping and ikarishipping. 6) Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Misty/Tracey, Misty/Kenny? Well, lets think... Misty and Kenny never met and they will mess up pokeshipping and shootdownshipping. Misty and Tracey... is a better choice I rather not... 7) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? I think BROCK will faint when he sees it. Besides, is there a shipping between them? May and Tracey? OMG!! 8) Make up a summery of a Three/Ten fanfic. Oh! Dawn and Kenny, penguinshipping. This should be easy! Well, Dawn and Kenny were at a contest. Kenny really likes Dawn so he flirted with her. What will happen next... DUN DUN DUN! LOL, like that will happen. 9) Is there any such thing as a One/Eight fluff? Ash/Solidad. No, but I don't like it... 10) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort fic. Uh... Brock and Tracey... Love Gives Will? 11) When will Six and Three go on a date? Yay! Ikarishipping! Everyday!! 12) Does anyone on your friends list read Three's fanfics? Yes, Dawn has quite a lot. 13) Does anyone you know, writes, or draw Eleven? ZOEY?! Yes, me!! And other people of the internet... 14) Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five? Nope, but maybe Drew/May, though... Misty could be the fangirl. 15) What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion? I win the contest! HA HA! 16) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose? 7 things by Miley Cyrus. It will be for Harley. HA! 17) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be? WARNING: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!! Ash/Paul/Tracey has a guy fight for Misty. 18) What would be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two? "I may be blind, but you're the one who got me to see the clouds in the sky." Eh?? Lame, I know, but don't judge me!! Kenny will never use a pick-up line. 19) How might Eleven describe a relationship between Two and Eight? Zoey might say, "I thought you girls have your own boyfriends. Could you stop being lesbos already?" to May and Solidad. 20) How emo is Seven? Brock is not emo! But he has been turned down recently. Goals (...I can't believe I'm setting goals. I feel so...responsible. shudders) 1. Write for a fandom other than Pokemon Finally! The shippings / couples part Fave Couples: The further up the list they are, the more I like them! MayXDrew - Contestshipping (Absolute best! No Contest! No pun intended! ROSES!!) Couples I hate: HAHA Any order. MayXAsh - Advanceshipping Yay! Stories time! (I don't have much time to put the summaries.) I will be working on those in my free time! Ash's Songs - Pokeshipping, Contestshipping, Minor Advanceshipping - Ash wrote songs for Misty. This inspired Drew to make a better song. Circle Game - Cheetah Girls Tribute Contestshipping Story HA, no title! Dance Off - Likely story... Ding Dang Date - Brock got so mad that ash and dawn ruined his date... but he didn't know that they were protecting him. Gotta beat 'em all! - Lunarfur aka An... and Petalwing aka Kim are going to beat up people we don't like! Drew fangirls, people at school, and the-pokemon-shipping-we-hate supporter. Located at our new region. I don't know you - Drew and May pretended not to know each other. Jealous Enough - Contestshipping - Drew broke up with May because May was constantly jealous. Karaoke Night - Contestshipping, Minor Pokeshipping and Ikarishipping - May and Drew were singing together. Matchmakers - Lunarfur aka Annie, Winterclaw aka (the just made into an warrior cat) and Petalwing aka Kim are going to make our favorite pokemon couples together. May's Boyfriend - Contestshipping - May thought Drew was cheating on her. Rumors - Egoshipping, Pokeshipping - The title was once called 'Rapid Rumors' - STUPID TITLE ISN'T IT!! Second Attempt - Contestshipping FINISHED! SEQUEL TO ASH'S SONGS. BUT I MUST FINISHED THAT BEFORE I PUT THIS UP! Sleepover Disaster - Shootdownshippin - Dawn and Zoey hated this one girl named Sukiko. She was mean to both Dawn and Zoey. Dawn used to be friends with her in nursery until Sukiko pour apple juice all over Dawn's butt and said she had an 'accident.' Zoey was jealous that Kenny likes her. Soft snow, gentle memory - Ikarishipping - I shouldn't spoil it. Gulp! Dawn and Paul got stuck in the bus in the heavy snow. The Repetition - Contestshipping - Drew learned the stupid ways to get a girl. The Suite Life's Battle Dimension - Just guess, pretty people! Triple Troubled Date - Many shippings My OCs (Pokemon...included...) Cindy and Mindy - Twin OCs. (Note: They used to be japanese names. I have to pull it out of 'Annie.') Sukiko - Long waist-lenght Lavender Hair, Ocean Blue Eyes, Loves Poetry, slight tomboy, love sports, hates Dawn (because she is prettier than her), cares about looks in front of Dawn, nursery school with Dawn and Kenny, and... that's about it. Juliana - Drew's little halfsister, shoulder-lenght light blue hair, loves poisonous pokemon, fan of May aka Hoenn Princess, and sweet innocent unless someone threatens her. Brian - Drew's half brother, blue hair, loves electric type pokemon, fan of Ash Ketchum. Favorite Quote: Did you know Drew's name means 'manly?' Mrs. ?- I forgot what I wrote. Sorry, though. She is 40 years old. Pretty old for a teacher... maybe. Kim - I am going to describe every single detail about ME!! Aquotina - first water evolution (Tina = Tiny) Aquachain - second water evolution (What else could I think of?) Aquamotor - last water evolution (OOO, I like this name!) Shadeon - ghost type eeveelution - Lunarfur will draw it. Featheon - flying type eeveelution - Lunarfur drew it. Drageon - dragon type eeveelution - Any other name? Puncheon - fightin type eeveelution - It probably won't be standing. I hope not. Punchy is a cute name. Ignoring the 'on.' Sandeon - NEW Steeleon - NEW No ideas for poison, bug, or rock because THERE WON'T BE ANY!! Bugeon, grosseon, hardeon? I might take off sandeon and steeleon. I KNOW THE POKEMONS SOUND WEIRD. Annie, Kim, and whatever Lunarfur uses, I can use them... with her permission. SCATTERGORIES...it's harder than it looks! Copy and Paste into your profile, erase my answers, enter yours. Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things... nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question. 1. What is your name? ~ Kimberly 2. A four-letter word ~ Kite 3. A boy's name ~ Kevin 4. A girl's name ~ Kate 5. Occupation ~ N/A 6. Color ~ N/A 7. Something you Wear ~ N/A 8. Beverage ~ N/A 9. Food ~ Kit kat? 10. Something found in a bathroom - Korn soup I don't hate you! I STRONGLY dislike you! |