Chapter 7
"What's wrong, Paul?" Dawn asked worriedly, rushing to over to him.
"Nothing…" he said coldly, rushing past her. Dawn couldn't help but wonder… but she shrugged it, deciding it best to continue to help the others find an escape route while still possible.
"Over there!" Brock shouted, pointing to a small cave opening just behind Regigigas. The group ran as fast as they could past the deity. However… Dawn wasn't so lucky, and got tripped by the monster after it had created another tremor with it's big step. It slowly began moving towards her.
"Dawn! Watch out!" May shouted. Regigigas started building up energy for a hyper beam attack.
"REGI!!" it shouted, shooting out a powerful beam from it's… mouth… chest area. (A/N LOL I don't really know where it shoots it from)
"DAWN!" the whole area turned white. A giant flash blinded everyone. When it finally died down, Kuroshi was standing right in front of Dawn, it's arms spread out in front of her.
Kuroshi was protecting Dawn!
"Kuri! Kuro uro uro iroshi!"
"KUROSHI! Kuro ishi ishi!"
"P-Paul! Translation?" Dawn asked while scurrying back over to the others, just in case the two deity's decided to clash with each other.
"Kuroshi says that Regigigas had no right to attack us like he did. Regigigas said that we were trespassing on his turf, so he had every right to do so. Kuroshi then said, that we were just searching for her, and that we did not mean to cause any harm. Regigigas says that Kuroshi is only saying that, because she hates him due to the war. Kuroshi said no. Regigigas asks really. Then Kuroshi says yes. Then Regigigas says so be it…" Paul explained, gasping for breath after finishing.
Kuroshi then floated over to the group, and stopped in front of Paul. Paul looked up to the deity, expecting it to do something to him. But Kuroshi never did.
(A/N to make this more easy on me and my reader's, I'm just going to write down what Kuroshi says. However, remember that Ash, Dawn, Brock, and May cannot understand it. Only Paul.)
"You. Not only do you speak Pokemon tounge… but you speak of mine and Regigigas language. No other Pokemon, except those of the Nezomo Region, can understand or speak it."
"So you guys have your own special language, huh? Wanna explain why I, a human turned into a Sinnoh Pokemon, can understand it then?"
"… … … It is… to my knowledge… that you possess an unnatural ability. The ability, to morph into a Pokemon, ne?"
"You mean this fucking curse that YOU put me on?"
"Do not think of it as a curse… think of it as a gift. Not only do you have all the abilities of a Shinx… but you now have all the power of a Pokemon. Your senses are now completely… accurate."
"I want to become human again. Who cares if my senses are accurate or not?"
"You should!! You brutality mongrel! Did you not have a dimension scream happen upon you?! Did you not?!"
"…… I… I did… yes. But I don't get what that has to do with anything. Everything that you say, makes no sense at all. What are you trying to say?"
"… … … … Full Moon Island. I want you to take your friends, and yourself, to Full Moon Island. It is located near Canalave City. Across the ocean, if you will. After you get there… venture into the deepest part of the woods."
"Why? What good will that do?"
"There… you meet a Pokemon that goes by the name of Cresselia. She will know the secret of making you human again."
"I thought that was your job."
"NO! Of course not, silly! Where the deuce did you hear that from?"
"A history book…"
"You humans are so predictable. COME ON! Those books are thousands of years old, and they were written by people who were constantly drunk and getting their limbs torn off. Seriously. Do you honestly believe in those fairy tales? Because if you do… then what the devil goes on in your mind, ne?" Kuroshi laughed, disappearing before Paul could get a chance to say anything else.
"We have to… go to Full Moon Island…" he said. The other's didn't quite understand why, but they decided to just go along with it. They went over to the cave, and made their way back to the Snow Point City Pokemon Center.
Another filler chapter of sorts. LOL sorta gets things back to the main plot,
Also, Kuroshi is BRITSH! HAHA! Just something I decided to bring up. XD