Maka sighed, rather tired for the day. It was definitely that time of month for her and it had set her in a terrible mood. Tsubaki had understood as soon as she saw Maka and attempted to help her feel better. Black*Star and Soul, of course, did not understand her mood and was met with a 'Maka Chop!' all throughout the school day and practice. They had annoyed her almost constantly throughout the whole day! Finally, the day was coming to an end, but the cold seemed to seep through their apartment walls.
She couldn't help but let out a growl to herself. Did the heater break again? She shivered and went to look at the heater. Yup, it was broken. She wanted to tear her hair out at this very moment. Instead she decided something else.
"Chocolate," She murmured to herself. "Hot chocolate," With this in mind, she headed straight to the kitchen. Soul was there, a cup of steaming hot chocolate in front of him. She ignored him when he glanced at her and went straight to the instant hot chocolate mix. The box was empty. Her eyes narrowed, and she quickly went through the kitchen for chocolate and again, ended up empty handed. She looked over at Soul and saw that he was staring at her.
"What," She growled out. Soul nonchalantly turned back to his hot chocolate.
"Nothing," He went to sip his drink. Maka watched him in anguish. He had gotten the last hot chocolate and she didn't want to walk back into the cold, to Death Mart, buy hot chocolate, and then walk all the way back. Nope. So she did the next best thing.
"Soul, give me a sip." Soul glanced casually at Maka, who had moved to stand next to his seat. After all the Maka Chops he had gotten today for no apparent reason, he wasn't in a rather good mood to share with the one who caused the pain in his cranium.
"No," he said, and just to spite her, he took another sip. At this, Maka glared at him. Soul glared back. This continued on until Soul took another sip. Maka growled and Soul gave a smug smirk. She took the book hidden from view and slammed it against his cranium. Soul groaned, clutching his head. Maka took this as a chance to make a grab for the hot chocolate. Sadly, Soul recovered quickly and held it out of her reach. He was standing and Maka on her tiptoes trying to reached the cup of goodness.
"Soul…" Maka growled out. "Give. Me. The. Hot. Chocolate." Said person raised a brow.
"No," and with that, he drank the cup of delicious hot chocolate. Maka seized the cup out of his hands and quickly looked in the cup. It was empty. Soul smirked once he saw Maka's glare. Then, Maka glanced at his lips. They still had hot chocolate on them. She reached up and their lips connected.
Soul's eyes widened. Maka took no notice and instead licked the now warm chocolate off his lips. Soul backed away, slamming against the wall, staring wide-eyed at Maka, with a light blush on his face. Maka merely licked her own lips, before staring at Soul once more.
"Sweet," She murmured; her mood was instantly better with just that bit of chocolate. She walked back to her room, humming, forgetting about Soul who had slid down to sit on the floor. His face still had on the blush and could not believe what she had just done; all for hot chocolate. Then he groaned, his hands sliding through his hair. He was so un-cool just then, wasn't he?