![]() Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, and Twilight. Age: Somewhere between 10-20. :) Gender: Female Fav. Fandom: Harry Potter. Obviously. OH! And Twilight. 'Cause it's...you know, awesome. Worst. Ship. Ever.- Harry/Ginny Though Hermione/Ron is a close second. ~shudders~ Okay everybody, I would like to thank the following readers who have put me on their Favorite Stories/Authors list: Kami7945, freakin'potterfan, sweet cupcake, Ryoko05, perfectships, Hi Kitsune, Zed Tea, shea-aeront, YLAU, Crisis-Back from Egypt, GinnyMalfoy123, ordinarilyextrordinary, Reneey Umbra, Not always a Bookworm, I Found A Username, black-flame vortex, vampire12, JusticeIsBlind13, dazzel21, Harry fan 4 ever77, Supon, rosegraceblack, i-luv-potter78, eizneckam-aleira, hanack25, GossipG., YellowSunflowers, Miley's Girl Forever, Saffygirl, animefreak941, A. Avii, 2nsane4u AKA Crisis, heatherlj14, XxMemories4everxX, green-gremlin, DerangedxandxSarcastic, Allamonalla, Anber, ShilohWrites, xo meesa xo, utter-loopy-book-maniac, Inumaro12, Tristan Cartier, hazeleyedharmony, Ebony Rayne, nicole4055, keelycal, purpleducki88, Werewolf Vampire Mistress, Dasey Naleyfan14, Poodlewoodlelover, sabrinaluvstwilight, Mrs. Felix Volturi, xxscarlettvampirexx, lenora2000, dazzeled.by.edward.375, Twi Chick Angelica, The Emerald Pheonix, luver of darkness, x.Futuristic.Alice.x, Gigi5678, Zoella De Vil, fullmetalphantom364, XxsasusakuxX, cowgrl88, orangekitty160, Edward.Obssessed.Girl, edwardsgirl2179, luckyducky52, Srta. Lola Black, ioname2you, carefulositopeace, The Tsuki Sisters, ariannagirl, Nymph of the Night, SiriusPotty-xO', mijogeku, heathercullen, sillyhearts, hanging-by-that-one-moment, 'CuzEdwardLikesBrunnetts, bluebaby3296, Twilight2010, soxmuchxmorexx3, horse-gurl90, iluvviolet25, Jazzy Snape, Sparkles-xx, Lulu Gates, Biteme123, Carrie9635, twinangels001, freckles18, sophren1901, N1ki, darkangelpeyton1, kimianime, Lynnbug798, lilymemoirs, McRioLover, TeamEdwardLover, ponyfrog123, Bina88, maddythetwilightfreak, tamemmaoo, ObsessedWithTwilgihtRosewell, rubysunset, kimiko cullens, Dawning.Eclipse, SMaramo, Undecover Angel, Star-Winged Sky,TwilightPotterRideFan1, riceballekelly, conanlover247, Ivy O'Hara, gddssmnhun86, luv-edward cullen-forever, ScarlettRoseCullen, Short'n'Sweet13, resist the temptation, xxxperfectxdisasterxxx, Vampire Bite, Twilightfan55555, Bookbat4ever, lexilu, iluvtwilight13, midnightmoonsoul, Sunny90050, SMaramo12, Renom, , Kath19, vamplover7223, Twilightaddiction128, SecretEmpath, Music Rainbows, robzone, the golden fox, Loopy Looney Charny, Watermelon.is.yummy, Snuggalette, Starofthenight819, Leon McFrenchington, peaches-the-bitchy-ho-killer, diehardTWIhard, jessgold94, browneyedgirl7723, MrCullensWifey, oo2uniq4uoo, Haylz93, BeGoodToMe-x, hranderlover1, lestat00, HollaBackGurl898, DannyPhanto fan, AthleticKiwi, cassipotter, Fantazz, iluvtwilight93, Neko-dono, catwin, TaylorLaunterIsMyBoyfriend97, EvilBunnyTwitch, BlueBubble101, Midnite Blu89, Igarza1313, siriusjasperlover95, twilight-lover6, Zafrina04, Lottie Elle, DiscoStick, ps.iloveyouforever, moonlight musings, Nefer Senef, anyelle, hazeleyedgurl22, stripykangaroo, Jessalynvix, MyBoyfriendEdwardSparkles, suspensekills, twilightchick14, danone, nkolasinski, torbor10, MexicanaChica21, j123, kannao, MirandaWrites2, DegrassiFan1994, lilmissleekaboo16, Kei White, xXpretty lovableXx, Mrs.Inventive Cullen, twilight-lover4lyf, Devils-Daughter-Ifcfan4eva, mooximxaxwhale, Clarindas, bitchfromheaven, pinkmeets, xautumnxx, Jacquie Whitlock, A.Girl.Named.Freddie, GhostGirlMD, Joker's Ace of Death, Wind Spark, Jake1212, abercrombie girly girl, Twilight fangirl13, carefulositopeace, xoxoTwilight4eva, SarahEsmeCullen, Nikki Fanz, KsenijaRoberta, TWILIGHTLOVER909, steviebubble, sheeni15, Isabella Star, Halloween Witch, Gorgeousemmettx3, Make war not love. war is fun, tweety86, xBackxinx-Sirius-xBlackx, Mary Ann Evans Potter, issy witchy, alliekay.t.jb., bicondoa, PetLover09, The Mythical Pen, seaweeeed, unikenzie, dont we all love david, 2insane4u AKA Crisis, Zazu Hyena And Nny Fan, megan84, and XxJaYKYd76xX. YOU GUYS ROCK MY SOX!! :DDD P.S. And a general thank-you to all people who have reviewed, and/or put my stories on their alert lists. You guys give me the encouragement to keep writing! THANK YOU!! -JJ In Remembrance …In Remembrance to Severus Snape…. ….A Slytherin who died like a Gryffindor… ...without all the red and gold crap. …In Remembrance to Fred Weasley… …Who fought bravely to the very end…. …And whose jokes will forever brighten his other half… …And will loyally await his soul mate and brother… … with many jokes… ...he's got forever to think of them, right? …In Remembrance to Dobby… …Who was more free and full of love… ...than any elf, and most humans. ….In Remembrance to Remus J. Lupin…. ...the last real Marauderer... …who was not just a wonderful father… ….a incredible husband and brave hero… ...as well as a freakin' awesome werewolf. ….In Remembrance to Nymphadora Tonks… …who died for ‘the greater good’… ...and would probably hex me for calling her Nymphadora. …In Remembrance of Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody…. …who’s motto ‘constant vigilance’ kept him alive… ...and scared the crap out of some kids too. …In Remembrance of Tom Marvelo Riddle a.k.a. Voldemort…. …who was pretty cool, and cute when he was younger… …but who got his ass thoroughly kicked in the end …In Remembrance of Albus Dumbledore… …whose past and wisdom confused us… …whose seeming betrayal shocked us… …but actually who turned out to be an okay guy in the end... ...despite the whole 'almost killing Harry' thing. In Remembrance to Bellatrix Lestrange… … because it’s was awesome how Molly slapped her with that Avada Kedavra! She deserved everything she got and more. …In Remembrance of Colin Creevey… …who we really didn’t know too well… …but took a lot of pictures and died fighting in a war… …so he must’ve done something good… …besides stalking Harry. …In Remembrance of Hedwig… ...Harry actual first friend… ...who lived and died soaring. Favorite Quotes: 1."When did you get here?" Ron asked incredulously. "Fifteen minutes ago. We couldn't get your attention because you were too busy playing 'I Spy'. Which is really pathetic, because you spied me four times." (Ginny) 2.“I say we throw him in the lake,” said Snape. - Power Of Suggestion
2. “Dobby makes whoopy to the nude statues in the castle!” Shrieked Winky. - Addicted
Voldemort promptly imploded. 2. Here Jo paused. The audience waited patiently. Then Jo said, “And it was all a dream!” She cackled maniacally for a very long time. When they realized what had happened, as one the audience shouted, “GET HER!” Jo stood frozen for a few moments like a deer in headlights. When the first copy of Half-Blood Prince zoomed past her ear, she took the hint sprinted for the exit. However, it did her no good. (Harry Potter fans are in very good shape as a rule. Lugging those tomes around is great cardio-vascular exercise.) She was soon caught and bludgeoned to death by the very books she’d spent years of her life writing. -Harry Potter and The End of Ends
"Worlds smallest .45 pistole," Harry answered, pulling one out of his robes. "HARRY! You can't have weapons here! This is a school!" "What do you think a wand is, Hermione? Every child in the wizarding world is armed with a deadly weapon. I just have an extra one." -Harry Potter and The Evil Summer Vacation "So what do we do now?”(Harry) “Well Harry, we could always have an orgy.” It was so odd how Neville could be just as…unique as Dean and Seamus sometimes. “Your suggestion has been duly noted. It shall be ignored, but it has been duly noted. Any other suggestions?” -Home Coming
Draco stopped short, eyes wide. “Potter, I just had the most horrible vision.” “What’s that?” “A murderous horde, robed in yellow and black, running at me, screaming and brandishing exceptionally sharp spoons." -Eclipse
Everyone turned to look at Pansy. What kind of pansy gets so worked up over blinking? Well, Pansy Parkinson obviously. 2. Seamus’ voice was heard, “Sorry, hold on let me get us some light.” And he proceeded to take a flashlight out of his pocket and click it on. Hermione sighed, “How many times do I have to tell you all that those don’t work in Hogwarts!” she exclaimed. “Oh, sorry,” Seamus said, and then proceeded to click the flashlight off again. -Slightly Screwed
-It's Happy Bunny!
Timmy: "Uhh...because if you called it pay, you'd be violating child labor laws?" -The Fairly Oddparents "If I had a glove right now I would slap you in the face and challenge you to a duel." -Me
-My best friend Evanne
Patrick: "Yeah!" Spongebob: "Why are you mad?" Patrick: "I can't see my forehead." -Spongebob Squarepants
-Warning on a can of pepper spray |