Reviews for Indian Summer
Cucumber-Monger chapter 15 . 6/22
I love this chapter soooo much! The poetic justice is soo well written. The concept is so well thought out and the delivery was perfect. I can't imagine anything that could make it better. You're my favorite author. I love how your stories are so descriptive I can see every scene in my mind like I'm right there with the characters. Thank you so much for all your hard work on this.
sassykitten1701 chapter 18 . 2/5
Omfg I devoured this story and wanted to throw my phone across the room a few times when reading certain parts
CatofTheBlackTree chapter 18 . 12/20/2019
I read this story all in one go and you made me cry UGLY tears. Please please pleeeease write a sequel! I love the world you built and I want to see more of October and Aeris and Ine!
Cucumber-Monger chapter 18 . 9/27/2019
That was a mean cliffhanger. Not as mean as a schrodinger Harry, but still. October is a shapeshifter and stole the pan flute and now we have to suffer with not knowing what happens next. You are devious, but your evil plan worked. I will read every new story you write looking for more of this plot.

Love always cu
GinnyPotter1986 chapter 18 . 8/21/2019
Are you seriously going to just leave this story that way?! Come on. It either needs more chapters or a sequel. Surely Severus finds a way to bring Harry back and cure him. And their relationship... how does it go? I believe leaving the story the way you did, just gave readers more questions than anything.
m chapter 17 . 7/12/2019
sad :(
SnarryGrrl chapter 18 . 5/20/2019
Fantastic story! I adore the world you created with this one! And I really look forward to the sequel, because dangit those beautiful boys belong together!
K-no-uta chapter 1 . 5/15/2019
I'm not sure if I've already commented on this. If yes, whatever I can do it twice! :p

I'm really loving this story. It's so unique and full of fantasy. It has really carried me away. And then came the huge shock that it's not over. Both positive, because it's not yet the end and because Harry is there. And negative because noooooooooooo, the wait! I didn't expect! But oh well. I will be looking forward to it! You better live long enough to finish what you started! :P Please?! ;D
mfaerie32 chapter 18 . 5/12/2019
When will you start the new story? That's the only thing honestly that's not going to make me feel like reading this one was a waste of time. ( This should have been labeled tragedy. Harry essentially died. And now if you don't do the sequel, he will stay dead to Severus. I so loved this story up until the end. I'm very upset & sad right now. I stayed up later than I should, expecting a good ending.
mfaerie32 chapter 16 . 5/12/2019
Are you serious? If you killed him I'm going to be SEVERELY upset. You should have labeled this tragedy. Damn it. I was so freakin' excited. This is NOT a nice Mother's day present. :'(
mfaerie32 chapter 15 . 5/12/2019
That was just freakin' awesome. Pure perfection of a punishment for that scumbag.
mfaerie32 chapter 13 . 5/12/2019
Please don't kill Harry. (
mfaerie32 chapter 9 . 5/11/2019
Well now we know who...just not why. I'm guessing for someone she loves. This was the wrong way to do it though.
mfaerie32 chapter 8 . 5/11/2019
Damn that was hot. Lol. I thought he would tell him he loves him, but I like that he wants to wait until he can hear Harry say it back. I'm glad Harry found a way to help Sev through his worry about not hearing him. And I'm very curious as to who put the curse on him now, & how.
mfaerie32 chapter 7 . 5/11/2019
Well obviously they just have to find the missing children.
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