"I- I've had it with you! You great, pale, lanky, sultry bastard!"
Sweeney back away form the baker, shocked by her wrath. Nellie snatched her rolling pin from the counter and advanced towards him.
"Everyday!" She waved the wooden tool in his face. "I've had it!" Lifting up her arm, she made to bring the pin down on his head form a high arc.
He ducked, and dashed for the door.
"No, you don't!" Mrs. Lovett snapped, chasing after him.
Sweeney skipped up the stairs two at a time, hoping to make it to his shop in time to lock it behind him. The baker managed to keep pace with him, regardless of her voluminous dress and heeled shoes. As his hand wrapped around the doorknob, he could feel her hand grasping the back of his vest.
"No runnin' anymore Mr. T!"
Instead of being pulled back down the stairs, Sweeney was pressed against the door. Mrs. Lovett was surprisingly strong, and managed to keep him pinned. Using her rolling pin, she began a series of harsh swings to his hand. "Give it!"
After a rather nasty sounding crack, he finally dropped the item she was after. Giving him one last hard poke with the rolling pin, she bent down to pick it up. He cradled his injured hand to his chest, giving her a dirty look.
"S'what you deserve!" She huffed, heading back down the stairs . "Ruddy bastard."
Shoving open her shop door, Mrs. Lovett dropped her rolling pin on the counter. She stared at her procured item.
Toby wandered into the room after hearing the door slam behind her. He smiled slightly at his mum. "Mr. Todd steal your chocolate again mum?"
Opening the small bag, she popped a piece into her mouth. "Man will never learn." She grumbled.
A/N -insane laughter- It just popped into my head, so I felt like sharing. The mental image of Mrs. Lovett chasing him with a rolling pin is just to strong to ignore.