Hello all. I've written a sequel of sorts. The first chapter is up now, with more to follow soon. There is a little teaser snippety extract below:

Hermione Granger put a lot of thought into her wardrobe choice, just she put a lot of time and effort into almost every aspect of her life. "Meticulous" was one word that had been used sevaral times to describe her. The other words were decidedly less complimentary. Hermione knew she was far from meticulous, or any of those other words, because meticulous people didn't forget things like towels when they showered... Sure, she had only done that once, but it was one time too many. And surely, the very definition of meticulous excluded such glaring oversights as forgetting towels. Come to think of it, "pedantic" was one of those words she heard a lot of too.

Hermione Granger had a date.

To add to the 'first-first-date-in-years' nervousness, Hermione was faced with a dilemma. And this wasn't one of those easily solved, just go ask your friends for advice and reassurance, dilemmas. This was a never-speak-about-it-to-anyone-because-you-can't-help-but-cringe-even-now-not-to-mention everyone-will-judge-you-what-were-you-thinking? dilemma. This was a dilemma. This was... new:

What, exactly, to wear on a first date with a man who had already seen her naked?
