Ok everyone. This is going to be the last chapter for Elimination. This is like the longest chapter. I will be posting a Toph and Aang fanfic soon in the Avatar the last air bender section so keep an eye out for it. Ok enjoy and respond!
"Screaming Gophers," Chris said at the marshmallow ceremony. "The moment of truth has come," he dramatically added. He stood in front of the team, a large bright campfire between them. The red- orange flames flickered making the nervous campers faces glow them darken in a fast pattern. Gwen was sitting next to Trent, and every few seconds they would give each other scared glances.
"Ok, when I call your name, you will come up to get your marshmallow," Chris said pointing to the plate.
"Ok, Leshawna…. Cody… Beth….Trent," Chris started as each of the first four campers walked up and took a marshmallow. When Trent heard his name, the usual happiness he felt was replaced by sadness. Gwen is one the last 3 people. And there was only two marshmallows' left.
"Owen," Chris continued. Owen ran up and stuffed the marshmallow into his large mouth. Then he joined the safe campers. The only remaining people were Gwen and Heather.
"Ladies," Chris said to the two girls.
"There is only one marshmallow left. Only one of you can stay," he added making the girls more anticipated.
"Gwen," Chris said. "You tripped. You felled. You made you team lose the challenge," he said to her. Gwen gave him an evil look and clenched her fists. She did not want to be reminded about that.
"And Heather, you tried to turn your whole team against someone. That isn't nice," Chris commented. Heather, when heard this seemed proud of herself and held her head higher.
Trent stared at Gwen and mentally hoped that she would not get voted off.
"And... the person going home is…" Chris gave a long dramatic pause.
"Gwen," he finished. The Goth girl gave him a shocked look.
"This is not fair!! God I that little bitch!" she was screaming inside her head.
"Gwen, the boat awaits," Chris said.
"Bye bye Gwen," heather snickered, taking a small bite out of her marshmallow. The marshmallow that should have been Gwen's. The angry girl resisted to punch Heather.
As Gwen was leaving the camp site Trent gave Heather an evil look and quickly ran after Gwen.
"Hey Gwen. Wait up!" he called to her. Gwen, despite of what happened could not help but quickly smile at the sound of his voice. Now not smiling, she turned around.
"Aren't you suppose to be with the team?" she asked him raising one of her eye brows.
"Yeah but I wanted to say bye to you," he said more to his feet than to her. Trent looked up at her and smiled.
"I'll make sure that Heather gets voted off next time," he playfully added. Gwen smirked.
"Good luck with that," she said. They were quiet for a few seconds.
"I'll miss you," she said softly.
"I'll miss you to," Trent whispered.
Then all of a sudden he leaned his head closer to Gwen's. With out warning, Trent pressed his lips against hers.
"What the heck is he doing?" Gwen thought. "Oh well this feels nice," she closed her eyes as Trent placed his hands on her hips. They stayed like that for a minute but it felt longer to Gwen. She pulled away and opened her eyes.
"I got to go," she mumbled.
Trent said something but Gwen could not hear it. his voice was softer and become al discombobulated. Everything around her stared to fade to black.
Gwen opened her eyes and sat up. She was in her bunk in her cabin. Moon light was seeping through the open window.
"That was just a dream??" asked to no one.
"Well this sucks!" she fell back into her bed again, disappointed the whole kiss was not real.
"Oh well," she thought closing her eyes. "I'll make it real," Gwen thought falling back to sleep.
Ok that is the end of Elimination! Thanks to everyone who read, reviewed, favourited, alerted ect. It made the story better and made me want to write more. So thanks. Did you like the added twist I added. Well I did. I want to write more TDI fanfiction so if anyone could give ma an idea I would gladly use it in a story. Ok thanks for reading and review!