Yes! It is me, back from the dead. I've tried to update, I really did and thanks to some guilt tripping by one TheUnspokenArtist, here it is, the next chapter to this story. I made a promise to myself to update this or Totally Dramatic Rat Race before starting any new things (the Musician In The Grass had been floating in my head for a while, I actually have most of the beginning written in my head!)

I don't like this chapter as much as the rest, it was one of those, roadblock chapters that you know that after you write it, everything else will be smooth running. Anyone else had that problem? You have this plot ready but there's this particular chapter that you know you have to write but aren't sure how to write it?

Still I hope you enjoy this chapter, the rest of the story should be flowing out soon as well as other updates. I have been really busy, but I'll try to update more.

Disclaimer: I do not own TDI nor any of the movies mentioned below, if I did I wouldn't be working my butt off trying to get a great education so I can have a great, well-paying job.


From Wawanakwa With Love

"Where'd he go?!" shouted Hatchet as he and Eddy, carrying shotguns, rounded a corner, only to find, well nothing there.

"I told you he turned a left at the gift shop instead of a right! But noooo, you said you were the boss and that we're going right," Eddy sighed, " Maclean ain't gonna like this but we so have to tell him. Wanna grab a bite first?"

"Amen to that brother," and the two henchmen walked off.

"You know, I just realized it's been a while since we heard Heather complain."

"Yeah, thank you God!"

As Hatchet and Eddy's voices slowly sounded farther away, Duncan climbed down from the overhanging beams covered with hanging gardens and vines. Checking to make sure no one was there he quickly ran towards the outdoor pool to Cody, who was currently trying to get a tan and impress some girls in the process. He was failing at both.

"Psst! Cody, over here!" Duncan whispered from a nearby bush. Luckily Cody managed to hear him and walked over, while really exaggerating his innocence.

"Duncan? What are you doing in a bush? Hiding?"

"No, I just decided to take up a hobby of plant inspecting. Of course I'm hiding! Two of Maclean's goonies, found me after I found out that the Ambassador's been turned into a robot!"

A look of confusion and shock grew on Cody's face, "the Ambassador's been turned into a robot?"

"Impersonated by, turned into, whatever. What we have to do now is find out where the real Ambassador is, and how many of those robots are out there," Duncan stopped suddenly when he spotted Hatchet and Eddy coming out of the building towards the pool, "shoot, gotta run now. But try to find out more about this plot of Maclean's okay. Hopefully you'll have better luck investigating than scoring with the ladies." His ducked his head back into the bush and snuck out, leaving Cody with a very vague instruction.


Meanwhile, somewhere up the volcano, but somehow underground…

"Bridgette! I mean, uh, Agent 009, what are you doing here?" Geoff, although safe from the mercenaries was quickly fumbling with his words.

"Rescuing you, apparently," she replied in such a general tone that Geoff couldn't make sure if she was mocking him or joking around with him.

"Thanks…for rescuing me, I mean," Geoff started again, "isn't it funny? I was the one that was supposed to rescue you, not that you're the type of person who needs rescuing, of course. Actually I was supposed to find out what Chris Maclean was up to really but still…I mean since you were in trouble I thought maybe I should help you…I mean not maybe help you, definitely help you. I'm not the kind to value a mission more than someone's life. I just…" He took a deep breath and decided to end his rambling before he embarrassed himself even more. "How did you know I was here?"

"Your badge kinda helped," Bridgette quickly gave him back his badge and explained everything as the two continued to walk along the dark, wet, rocky corridor. There had been an awkward silence afterwards, though Geoff quickly ended it when he started talking about Duncan, Cody and everything he's just seen.

"So this plot of Maclean has something to do with robots?" Bridgette asked, after hearing Geoff's story she was slightly impressed. Even she had not managed to come this far into solving Maclean's plan, then again, she thought, it could have just been plain luck.

"I think so, I'm going to have to check with Duncan and Cody to see what they found out." As if by sheer coincidence, Geoff's watch/ communicator started ringing, it was Duncan.

"Duncan? Is that you?"

"Geoff! Thank God I managed to get through this time. Where were you? I tried calling but all I got was static."

"Some secret underground tunnel system. I found Agent 009, or I should say she found me."

"That's great, but right now I have something important I need to tell you. You know the British Ambassador that was on our plane? Well, something happened to him, and he was being impersonated by a robot, until I shoved lemonade down his, I mean, its throat…"

"Of course, everything makes sense! The spa for political figures, Prof. Tchochkie's robotics plan, Maclean is replacing everyone with robots!"

"And the citrus from the lemonade must short-circuit the robots!' Bridgette added excitedly, she quickly grabbed Geoff's hand to talk to Duncan more directly, oblivious to the fact that the sudden contact made Geoff's cheeks turn slightly red, "Duncan, does anyone know that we know about this?"

"That's the bad part, Hatchet and Eddy are on my tail, I 'm currently hiding in a utility closet, and I have no idea how much longer I can hold out." Suddenly, they heard the door creak in the background, followed by a few yells from Duncan, some anonymous men and finally static.

"Duncan, Duncan? Dang it, we've lost him, I'm going to try reaching Cody." Geoff fiddled with his watch a bit and after a few anxious moments finally connected with Cody.

"Hello? You've reached the Codmeister" asked Cody, acting as if his watch was a telephone and anyone could phone him.

"Cody, this is Geoff, Agent 009's with me right now…"

"Right on dude!"

"Yes that's great but now I've lost Duncan, I think he's been captured."

"I'll try to look for him by hacking into the security system here," Cody suggested in a worried tone, "I'm in the control center right now, but these security codes are murder. But I'll try my best. "He shut off his watch, leaving Bridgette and Geoff alone again. Another awkward silence soon followed.

"Well, we better get going, Maclean's obviously looking for us now and we have to try and find out what he's up to," Bridgette said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," Geoff said, and after thinking for a few moments started talking again, "Listen, Bridgette, I know we haven't been really close during our time at the Academy, but I've always admired your dedication..." This was it he thought, his big chance for a big kiss before the big fight. Nothing stood between him and his dream girl (except for mind numbing fear of rejection 

or getting his ass-kicked.) "Anyways, after all this time," he took a big breath, "I think I lov-" He was cut short however when suddenly out of nowhere, he felt something crash against his head, and just before blacking out, he heard Bridgette say weakly and in an annoyed tone:

"Not again..."


"Geoff, Geoff, wake up! Geoff, come on, don't quit on me now!" An angelic voice kept ringing through Geoff's head while he started waking up again, his vision getting a little less blurry a little at a time.

"Ugh, where am I?" Suddenly he realized that the voice belonged to Bridgette, and she was currently tied up in a chair right beside him. He too was tied to a chair, "Bridge, you alright?"

"I'm fine, I've been in these situations before unfortunately."

"What were we hit with?"

"Ah the fire extinguisher, a classic, but it still works!" The two agents followed the sound of the voice, eyes trailing to a sky box that was located at the top of the wall facing them. Chris Maclean, in all his villainy glory, was sitting in a throne-like chair (of course) grinning evilly (of course) and petting a beaver that was lying on his lap (need I say of course again?) Hatchet and Eddy stood beside him on both sides, while Heather, who was now sporting a bandaged head and an arm sling stood further on one side.
"So," he said through a microphone connected to a loudspeaker outside the sky box, "Did you actually think you could escape my clutches?"

"Actually yeah," Bridgette replied, as if it was the most obvious answer. Geoff meanwhile whistled, clearly impressed.

"Wow, your own sky box? That is neat! And is your chair made of actually red velvet?"

"So glad you noticed! Yeah it is, real soft material, and the wooden arm rest? Real mahogany."

"Nice..." Geoff said, completely obviously to Bridgette's eye roll.

"Yeah, just having good looks," he flashed his pearly whites, "don't cut it any more in the super villain world. You've got to have the stuff to back you up too."

"I hear that," Geoff said. Finally, Bridgette, though tied up, managed to jab him in the ribs, a silent demand to focus on the important topic right now and not about fancy furniture.

"Anyways, I guess you're going to tell me what you think my evil plans are?" Chris said, still stroking his lap beaver.

"Actually no. I mean you're going to tell us anyways so why waste time?" Geoff said, Bridgette nodding her head in agreement.

Chris, who had not anticipated that answer, merely cleared his throat and said, "well, then I guess I'll tell you right now. Behold! My evil plot! After being unceremoniously denied at my request to clean (and later secretly steal) the Crown Jewels, I swore revenge on those monarchs. And what better way to get revenge than to kidnap political figures, and replace them with robots. Robots, who will later at the UN gala tonight, destroy the head of their respective country and crown me as their king! Ha, take that society!" He paused, waiting to see everyone's reaction. Bridgette and Geoff were silent, Heather was busy filing her nails (which was admittedly hard since one arm was in a sling) and Hatchet and Eddy were playing Go Fish.

"What's the matter with you people! I just told you my evil scheme!" He shouted into the microphone.

"Well," Bridgette started, "The thing is, it's kinda unoriginal, I mean, replacing people with robots? Been there, done that."

"And the whole taking over the world and revenge thing? Dude, I thought you could come up with something better," Geoff added.

"You know for once I actually have to agree with them," Heather said, 'and it's not a pretty fool proof plan either. I mean robots? Seriously, what if they start to revolt and we lose control of them. Geeze"

"Oh come on, name one thing that ever showed robots turning on their creators," Chris said, desperately trying to save a little dignity.

"How about The Terminator movies?"

"Or I, Robot."


"Okay! I get it! Sheesh, give a guy a break will you! Okay, so maybe I stole the idea from this book I was reading but even so, you can't stop me...caused you'll be dead!" He started to laugh maniacally.

"So I guess you'll be throwing us into your tank of man-eating sharks huh?"

"No, why would I do that. You two are my arch nemeisises...nemeisi,...enemies, I have to get rid of you in an extravagant, classy way."

"You know what's classy? Letting us go." Bridgette said, hoping that Chris Maclean was a gullible as he was dumb.

"Um, let's see...NO!" Guess not.

"You might be able to get rid of us, but I'll have you know, there are two other highly trained agents here and they're gonna...Ow!" Geoff was jabbed again by Bridgette and he realized his mistake, "I mean, we're the only agents here, so now that we've been captured you can lower your security...I am so gonna get demoted if I make it outta here aren't I?"

"Oh, you mean these two highly trained agents that 'aren't here'?" He snapped his fingers robot replicas of the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Vice President of the USA came in, one carrying a bound Duncan, and one carrying a bound Cody.

"Oh, come on!" Geoff shouted, this day was just getting worse and worse as Cody and Duncan were thrown on the floor, rather roughly.

"Well, I'll love to say and chat but I have a UN gala to go to, I'm sure you would love to go but I'm pretty sure you'll be too busy getting torn to shreds but my woolly beavers. Heck of a lot of money needed to feed and groom them but they are definitely worth it!" The building started to rumble and the 'sky box' that Maclean and his henchmen (and women) were in came off, revealing that it was actually the box attached to a giant blimp.

"Okay, you have to admit that that was cool," Geoff said to Bridgette, the awesomeness of the blimp was instantly gone, when all four agents heard a low grumble coming from the other side of an opening caged door.

"Oh, crap," was all the four agents could say.


Sorry to leave you in this slight cliff hanger, but I was feeling a bit evil today (smirks). I'll try to update, but I am the self-declared worst updater of all time! It's a habit I'm trying to break though.

Also, if anyone would care, I also have an account on Deviantart, (I'm ASFREG over there) There's nothing on there that's not on here, but I will be updating my journal later tonight so if you want to see the Update Of My Life (which, seeing as unlike me you all have a social life, you won't) check over there tomorrow. Also it has some other TDI fanfictions, as well as fan art. TheUnspokenArtist has two accounts there (a banned one "TheUnspokenArtist" and a new one "Rainbowz-and-stuffz") and you should check out her artwork, (the Chibis are soo cute!).

So that's the end of that long author's note from the worst updater ever! Please leave a review, I live on them! (Also, all flames will be thrown at Heather) but that isn't an excuse to flame me!