A/N: hey y'all. I'm doing everything I can to avoid my HW. (stupid exams) I won Ali and Ed nothing else. anyways I had fun writing this hope you like it.
"Just go to Ed's flat and try to figure out what he wants in a woman." Said Mrs. Lovett drying the dishes as Sweeney stood on the opposite side of the sink.
"I think I know the answer to that Mrs. Lovett."
"And what is it then?"
"Well he probably wants what every man wants in a woman; kind, gentle, sweet."
"That's very sentimental of you Mr. Todd."
"I'm not finished." He said raising a finger "where was I, oh yes sweet, beautiful, and a nice curvy-" he was cut off when Mrs. Lovett playfully hit him in the face with a dish rag "What was that for?" he said blinking the dirty water out of his eyes
"You know bloody well what it was for." She said annoyed and amused by what he had said "I just want to know what he wants in a woman that would be different than what most other men want."
"So you want me to bond with him?"
"If you wouldn't mind."
"Which I do; but I'll do it anyways."
"Thank you Mr. T, what's got you so interested in this anyways?"
"Because just like you, I tried to get the two together when we were children."
"And what a great job you did." She said sarcastically
"Don't get too cocky Mrs. Lovett; your plan hasn't worked either."
"Not yet." She said with a sly smile "Now go on and bond with the man."
"Fine." He said and made his way off to Ed's
Mrs. Lovett had continued to clean the kitchen when Ali and Toby made their way back into the shop. Mrs. Lovett was in the parlor when they came back, and she knew when they came back, not by the small tingle of the bell but from Ali. She and Toby stood in the parlor's doorway un-noticed when Ali declared their presence "WE'RE HOOOOOOO-OOOOOOME!" she yelled making Mrs. Lovett jump in her seat and Toby cover his ears.
"I can see." Said Mrs. Lovett walking over to Ali "So how is London?"
"Just as boring and gray as when I left; I love it. So where is everyone?"
"Sweeney went to talk to Ed, who went back to his flat to protect his whisky."
"Too late." Said Ali smiling as she reached into her sack and pulled out a bottle half-filled with whisky. "Swiped it last night for safe keeping."
"It's half full."
"We were thirsty."
"Go return it."
"Party pooper." Ali mumbled
"Do you want the law to put you back in the stocks?"
"Okay I'm going I'm going." And with that she left for Ed's
"So you got to meet Ali, do you like her?" asked Mrs. Lovett
"I like her; she's not very lady-like though." Said Toby
"Yes well, c'mon now, its market day and we need new supplies."
Sweeney had arrived at Ed's flat just a few minutes after Ed had himself. "Hi Ed, how are you doing?"
"Mind if I come in?"
"No not at all." He said letting Sweeney into his flat "So why are you here?"
"I just wanted to come and have a chat. Things have been so hectic with the wedding going on."
"Yes they have, and I would like to apologize for announcing it like that in the pie shop the other day."
"It's no problem, with Nellie, they would have found out one way or another."
"True, true, very true." He said as they both took a seat in their respective seats. "I'm happy for you and Nellie; I really am, it's just hard to get over someone when you love them." Sweeney looked at him. He wasn't sure what to say, sure he was marrying Mrs. Lovett but he still wasn't over Lucy.
"It's hard, but not impossible." Sweeney said flatly
Ed looked at Sweeney confused
"Nellie will be my second wife."
"I'm sorry to hear that; but you love Nellie don't you?" for a moment Sweeney was ready to tell Ed everything; about the wedding being a sham and playing matchmaker with him and Ali; but he decided against it.
"To get over someone you love." Said Sweeney "All you need to do is find someone gives you the same sense of happiness."
"Very wise words."
"Thanks; but what do you look for in a woman Ed?"
"Hmmm good question: kindness, beauty, people person, knows how to have a good time, and not afraid to speak their mind."
Oh boy Sweeney thought to himself; Ed had just described Ali and Nellie, but mostly Nellie.
"Hmmm good characteristics to find in a woman, and not hard to find either." Said Sweeney
The two men sat and continued to talk about the wedding and the perfect woman. As they continued to talk Ali made her way to the flat.
Ali walked through the first doors to the apartment only to be greeted by whispers, and stares from the other residents.
Ali knew they were talking about her living with Ed; did these people honestly think that just because you live with someone you're a couple? Okay so yeah most people, but Ali is not most people.
A knock was heard from the door. "Come in." said Ed from his seat and in came Ali "You knocked."
"So I did." She stated and looked at Sweeney "Nellie wanted me to return this." She said holding up the half bottle of whisky.
"It's half empty."
"Yeah well I was thirsty."
"I see." Said Sweeney
"Oh hey Sweeney didn't see you there "You don't mind if I call you Sweeney, I'm not big on formalities."
"As we can see." Mumbled Ed, Ali walked over so she was behind Ed
"I'm not deaf." She whispered into his ear and abruptly smacked him in the back of the head. "and I'm not afraid to speak my mind, el stupido."
"Did you just come back to insult me?"
"No, I came back because Nellie told me to." She said as she walked over to the couch and plopped herself down.
"Well," said Sweeney standing up "I'll be leaving you two now." And he made his way to the door
"But Sweeney I-"
"Have fun with Ali Ed." He announced loud enough for the entire floor to hear him and then briskly left the flat. Ed was standing frozen in the doorway and Ali was lying on the couch covering her eyes with her hand.
"Okay fiancée or not there is no way he cannot get on Nellie's nerves."
"Or mine." Ed said as he closed the door and made his way to the kitchen area
"You know I'm still surprised by the fact that you live alone." Said Ali sitting up on the couch
"I'm single, always have been; you know that." He said blankly
"Amazing how some people are just made for each other and then there are people like us who are bound to a life of solitude." She said as Ed rummaged through his cabinets. "What are you looking for Ed?"
"Drinks." He stated as he rummaged through the cabinets.
"Bring me some when you get it." She said still sitting on the couch
Ed got out a bottle of old whisky. "Had this bottle since I left London."
"Whoa that's pretty old."
"Is it bad if it's old?"
"Any whisky is good whisky." She said grabbing the glass Ed had poured for her. "Thanks."
"You're welcome."
"Its weird whisky is more than just a drink; for people like us." She said looking at Ed "It's like a companion, though we're alone we're alone, together. Does that make any sense?"
"No not really."
"Let me try that again; whisky is solitude, the deeper you get into it the harder it is to get out."
"Agreed." Said Ed raising his glass "To whisky."
Ali raised her glass to Ed's "To solitude."
And there they spent their solitude together.
A/N: not very happy with this chapter.
Did you know that every time you review a barber and a baker spend quality time together and actually start to bond?