New moon from Edwards POV

Disclaimer; all I owe is the list, none of the characters.

From Carlisle's POV, a list of things he's learned about the rest of the Cullens, including Bella.


Ok, there are some thing's I've learned in my time with my family. In fact, there are exactly twenty five things.

1) Don't get in between Alice and shopping.

2) Always, ALWAYS, always, let Emmett win.

3) Rosalie will be bitter. Deal With It.

4) Esme will never let you feel bad about yourself, no matter how much you want to.

5) I will never make sense to them when I talk 'doctor'.

6) Jasper will always expect the worse.

7) Alice will never expect the worse.

8) Edward is never going to let Bella have any fun.

9) Bella will never mind.

10) Edward will claim he doesn't want Bella near Jacob because he is a werewolf.

11) He is a good liar.

12) Sometimes, kicking Rosalie and Emmett out is a good thing for everyone.

13) Rosalie will always put her car first.

14) Emmett will have fun, no matter what the cost.

15) The guys, if we're being honest, have no power over the girls. Not even Bella.

16) Caius will always vote bloodshed.

17) Alice will sink to any level to get what she wants.

18) Never try to beat Alice at party-planning. When there is a party involved, she will always be fastest.

19) Bella will never be able to lie.

20) Esme will always worry.

21) There is no such thing as 'I don't have a time' in this house.

22) Emmett is a big kid.

23) Mike Newton will always bug Edward.

24) Edward will always cheat in fights.

25) So will Alice.

I am so sorry, I was really bored.