Author has written 45 stories for Danny Phantom, Teen Titans, Scooby Doo, Animorphs, Supernatural, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Vampire Diaries, Avatar: Last Airbender, Gakuen Alice, Star Trek: 2009, Merlin, NCIS: Los Angeles, Doom, Avengers, Ironman, and Captain America. Eris here Go ahead and enjoy the stories I've posted! Don't forget to review and tell me how I did. Any comments and suggestions are always taken into consideration so as to improve my writing skills. Thanks! P.S. Any of my works here are all fan fictions only. Any characters you do not recognize are mine, as well as the plot, but characters and/or items and/or landmarks that you do recognize are obviously not mine. And please, don't steal my work. As of October 20, 2013, I was alerted to the fact that an author by the pen name 1-Marina-1 had taken two of my stories, posted them on her account, and claimed them as hers. The plagiarised stories have been taken down, but not without a struggle. The details below were previously posted on the Danny Phantom fandom, as I was hoping to catch 1-Marina-1's attention, as well as alert my fellow authors to her duplicitous activities. As of 11:40 PM on October 22, 2013, I have since taken down the post from the DP fandom, as I only wished to direct the readers' and Marina's attention to the matter. 1-Marina-1, as previously posted on the Danny Phantom fandom. First Page (October 20, 2013): A warning to my fellow authors: An author by the pen name of 1-Marina-1 has stolen two of my stories, And He Held Her As He Cried and Make Me. Some readers recognized Make Me, found And He Held Her As He Cried on 1-Marina-1's account as well, and reported the theft to me. Readers, flattering though it might be to know that someone finds a story good enough to steal and claim for one's self, we authors worked hard to express and convey the story we wanted to happen on the show, and to see someone else trying to pass our work as their own is insulting, disheartening and painful. 1-Marina-1, I ask that you please respect the effort I placed into writing my stories. Instead of copy-pasting my work and passing them off as your own, why don't you find inspiration in them and create your own stories? I'm giving you two days to take my stories off your account. ALL of your accounts. Because in two days' time, I will check every fanfiction site in existence and trust me when I say I will find every account you've made with your IP address. I am greatly disappointed in what you've done. Eris Second Page (October 21, 2013): Dear 1-Marina-1, It's been exactly 13 hours since you acknowledged my warnings, and yet you haven't taken my stories off your account. I and those watching out for your actions are left wondering why it's taking you so long to take them down, when you've made it quite clear you've seen my request. Also, please don't think your claim of "This is my only account" is cleverly convincing anyone that you're telling the truth. I have many friends who hack for a living-don't make me sic them on you. Look, part of me is flattered, okay? I love that you like my work so much that you do this, but a big part of me is getting angry too. Please understand, I can't let you keep my stories up on your account because they're MY stories. They're the culmination of hours' worth of work. And He Held Her As She Cried is particularly special to me. If you read the author's note at the bottom, you'll see that I was inspired to write it after I read Moving On by Fey Phantom. It moved me so much that I had to stop reading and start writing—I was so inspired. That's what I want you to do. I want you to take down my stories and be inspired to write, not to steal, when you read someone else's work. I hope you read this, not just because I'm telling you that you have twenty-three hours left to comply. I hope you read this because you don't deserve the backlash you're getting. That amount of negativity aimed in your direction will get rid of any inspiration you might just have. So, take my stories down. Go read more stories. And hopefully, you'll be inspired to write your own fanfiction, and you'll have made something that you can be proud of. Eris Guest review (Fixing Pepper, Chapter 3): "Sensing anti abortion in you. It's not a baby yet." See post/141178972912/this-is-pretty-much-a-love-letter-to-guest for my response on my tumblr blog erisdea for my response. Completed Stories Animorphs Avatar: The Last Airbender Danny Phantom Gakuen Alice Marvel Cinematic Universe: Merlin NCIS Los Angeles Percy Jackson and the Olympians Scooby Doo Star Trek: 2009 Supernatural Teen Titans Vampire Diaires |
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