Author has written 37 stories for Bones, Smallville, Arrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Timeless. I've been writing stories for many years and have studied writing. I try to treat fan fiction like a writing exercise where I explore such things as story and character development. Writing is hard work, but it's also something I very much enjoy, and I hope the stories I've come up with here can entertain you. I don't watch a lot of TV, but I'm a huge fan of Bones on Fox. I studied forensics for about two years at university and even took a trip to the Anthropology Research Center at UT Knoxville (otherwise known as the Body Farm.) Alas, I decided police work was not for me but still enjoy the subject. I like comic books and adaptations, so many of my stories revolve around ships from shows like Arrow, Smallville and Agents of SHIELD (though I actually quit AoS at the end of Season 2 due to the fact that they have disturbing messages about what it means to be a victim and how one overcomes the effects of abuse, and these messages played out through multiple characters' storylines.) My new favorite show is Timeless and I ship Lucy/Wyatt all the way. Updates to ongoing stories might be infrequent at times due to my schedule. I've been teaching English overseas for a few years, but I am back in the U.S. for the time being. I'm working on WIPs this summer. You can follow me on Twitter and Tumblr (poetgirl925.) I also post stories at AO3. In the past I have posted at Livejournal in the Chlollie forum, but I'm not active there anymore. I'm in the process of moving those stories to AO3. I try to answer all messages and reviews, so please feel free to contact me if you have questions about any of my stories. I've had a lot of support from my readers, something I truly appreciate as it's a great motivator. Happy reading! |